Whew! California
© 2000 Jeremy Mendonca

Collaborative essay, part 4 of 6 writings.
Other writings:
1-3, 5 Jan Koschinsky, Nina Wilhelmina, Art Thomson, Lew Casey
6 Martin Vernon

What's a weekend huh if you can't lounge around in your bathrobe? Weekend and the sea are....Yippeee!! I don't feel cute but I gotta get my butt there to the sea.

I gotta run; the dog she ain't gonna leave me alone.....I said sorry girl you stay home. It's hot in here. The car won't go and costs me alot too.....

Oh yea people like "sardines" at the beach. We Americans all go to the beach all summer, guess we think the same.

My pal Julio got his girl there. You know, people kind of just bump to each other, strangers like them, then made it. Some at least. I just watched sometime. No appetite. This ain't my stuff. I'd rather think of one far away!

Water's good.....It's warm. I got there late 'cause of the dog and the fuckin' car.

This water goes everywhere huh. Good stuff to think. You know I worked/played the other night, got a song, you know, kinda just "bang" in my head, it's the sea song.

I read somewhere or maybe on TV, once the world's one piece. Weird, but that's cool. I mean now we're away from each other 'cause of this sea, but we're on one place long time ago.

But don't drink it! I guess once it's clean, I don't know now. Some people look like they been pissing on there.

The beach is full, but sometimes I feel alone....and I miss my son too. Like maybe I should be at the sea but not this one, I miss you alot. I'm kinda sick of these people here too. They just don't get it....I hate those surfers, like they own it or something.

It's good to feel, you're on the other beach too.....maybe. You know I cried in the water did it get to you?



© 1999 Jeremy Mendonca

it stinks
my head
I am
I'm jazzed


© 2000 Jeremy Mendonca

y baby doll
y u here
u think I'm a jerk
do u
I get tight
b'coz o'u
y u


© 1999 Jeremy Mendonca

face the musix


Big G I'm In Love
© 1999 Jeremy Mendonca
'tis 4u only

hey hey
big g hey
you cee me
i'm in love
g sux
g damn you man
get her jet
to friscow
