Books That May Interest You.....
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"A Bright Red Scream" by Marilee Strong
- Strong writes of how the person affected by self harm as well as those close to them can begin the healing process.  She has a good insight into Self injury and is known for her aware winning and groundbreaking article on Self injury back in 1993.

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"Women Living With Self-Injury" by Jane Wegscheider Hyman
this book offers compassion as well as encouragement for recovery, by making available the emotional experiences of sufferers in their own words.  It is an important book for those who self injure as well as their families and possibly mental health professionals
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"The Scarred Soul" by Tracey Alderman
- Alderman helps the self injurer to explore the reasons for their self abuse and its impact on their lives and how to break the habit, either through psychotheraphy or on their own.
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"Life After Self Harm" by Ulrike Schmidt and Kate Davidson
- A Guide To the Future, is written for those who have deliberately harmed themselves. Developed through a major project, the contents of this manual have been shaped by many users and expert professionals.  The book is illustrated with multiple case histories.
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Self Injury Links
Below are a number of links to Self injury websties or topics connected to self injury in some way.  I hope you find them of some positive benefit.
Samaritans -  Helpline for those in distress

Suicide and Crisis Centre - International

SIARI - A brilliant resource website for articles relating to self injury

NSHN - National Self Harm Network, UK based

BPD Recovery - Self Help for Self Harm

Trichotillomania - Help Page

Scar Information Service - Information on how to care for your scars

First Aid Advice - From a comprehensive SI website

Secret Shame - Comprehensive Self Injury Website

Self Injury - A struggle

Self Injury - Information and Resources

The zero - Self injury Resources

Mind - Mental Health Web Page

Cyberinfo - self injury links page