AFIS        Airfeild flight infomation service

AIREP     Report for position and weather in flight

AMSL      Above mean sea level

APU          Auxiliary power unit

ASDA       Runway accelerated stop distance

ASI          Air speed indicator

ATC          Air traffic control

ATIS         Automatic terminal infomation service

BACKTRACK          Taxi back down the runway

CB`S         Cumulo nimbus (thunder cloulds)

CONFLICTING      Conflicting traffic , ect , possible collision course

FIR           Flight infomation region

GMC        Ground movement controler

GPU         Ground power unit

GREENS    Landing gear down and loked indicators

IAS            Indicated air speed

IAF            Instument flight rules

ILS             Instument landing system

LARS         Lower airspace radar survice

NAVCOM  Combined communication and navigation radio

ORBIT       Fly in circle

PAR         Precision approach radar

QFE         Barometric pressure at areodrome

RVR          Runway visual range

SAR          Search and rescue

SID           Standard instrument departure

SQUAWK                Swich transponder on

STOL        Short take-off and landing

TAF           Terminal area forcast

TAR           Terminal area radar

TMA          Terminal control area

VASI          Runway lights angled to give a visual glide slope

VFR           Visual flight rules

VOLMET    Continuous weather forcast

VSI             Vertical speed indicator

VTOL         Vertical take-off and landing 

WX            Weather