What's so special about retards?

Why do retarded people deserve "special" treatment? I don't see how they're anymore special than the rest of us. Why is everyone afraid to pick on them. Are you telling me that they're better than me?

I can assure you that I am better than any retard you can name. I am:

So why should they recieve special treatment? I think I should be treated better because, well, I am better. They do nothing to earn the privileges and rights that normal people don't have. If anything, we should get special privileges. They get special parking spaces, and are allowed to yell as loud as they want in public places such as restaurants. Restaurants are the worst because upon seeing them, you lose your appetite immediately.

In schools, the special-ed wing is next to real classes so that they can yell and run around, distracting normal people. Special-ed will now be known as "institution for the brainless." That's what it should be called. If someone is intolerable, they should go to an institution, not be forced into the normal world so that normal people have to go out of their normal ways, stop whatever normal thing their doing, a descend to retard status to help out some thirty-year-old who doesn't know how to open a door. My dog is probably smarter than most of these "people" (and I call them people for lack of a better word, because technically, they are not considered "people". Regular people have 46 chromosomes, "people" with Down's Syndrome have 47, which technically makes them non-human).

No one should stand for this.

My theory is that all retards are faking it. I think they've figured out by now that by acting retarded, they will recieve attention their whole lives while people give them whatever they want.

How to solve this problem? Scalp them. You can start right now. Just run your mouse over the picture below to scalp this retard.

Run your mouse over the image.

See, it's easy!

There's nothing special about retards.

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Updated: 6/5/06.

© 2006 Scalping People