Joan Rivers sucks ass.

Sometimes I wonder if anybody seriously likes Joan Rivers. For those of you blessed with ignorance of who she is, this should describe it well enough.

This bitch has been ruining the T.V. Guide Channel (as well as life in general) for years. Why hasn't anyone killed her yet? Who watches her red carpet bullshit? Who cares which celebrities are wearing what? Nobody gives a shit about fashion. It's just a compound word for "passion" and "fascism".

Consider why she is on the T.V. Guide Channel. There is a lot of research that goes into who watches what and how to advertise on certain shows. For example, T.V. game show "The Price is Right" advertises for old people because research shows that old people watch it. So think about it. They put Joan Rivers on the T.V. Guide channel, a station which by definition is for people who are looking for something else to watch. Therefore, when Joan River comes on T.V., people are looking for something else to watch. That has to tell you something.

That reminds me of how much the T.V. Guide Channel blows. It scrolls so slow that by the time it gets to a station you might watch, the show will already be over. The bottom portion of the screen gets smaller and smaller to the point where it can barely show two stations at a time, while the top half is either showing some gay guy selling some gay product, or Joan Rivers. The station would greatly improve if they got rid of the top half completely, fired Joan Rivers, and scrolled the damn T.V. guide faster than the multiplicative inverse of the speed of light (approximately 0.000000000149 mph).

Joan Rivers feels that she needs to criticize people's looks when she looks like shit. Her face looks like a baboon's ass. What is she now, 110 years old? Even if you give a shit about fashion, why would you want advice from her? She's old and senile, she can't remember the names of the world famous celebrities she interviews (most of whom I've never heard of), and her daughter is the biggest hack I've ever seen.

Joan Rivers makes the world miserable just by being alive. That stupid bitch! Time to scalp her.

Run your mouse over the image.

I wish people would pull their heads out of their asses and stop watching this shit. You know you're a loser when the highlight of your day is the red carpet show. I'll bet Joan Rivers' name is featured in hundreds of suicide letters because the vast majority of people would rather die and go to hell than share an existence with her. I hope she chokes.

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Updated: 9/17/06.

© 2006 Scalping People