
She lives in America, loves to teach, and cherishes her family
Married on Christmas Day, 1998...
He is her fantasy.                 And her reality.                  Eden of heart.
Her firstborn daughter is a luscious rainstorm in a tiny body,
And a superb hugger.
The newest little one, is growing stronger every day.
Two sisters: bliss amidst turbulence.

The Russian literature studies are a passion; of intellect, of spirit...
The study of the Russian twentieth century entails
enough heartache and triumph for three lifetimes...or many more.
May you, too, oh lovers of Ideas, of Thought, of Mankind,
May you also find the meat which you so ardently seek, which you yearn for.
Oh Seekers of Truth-
May you be guided by the wisdom of God, and by compassion
May you fall upon hard times, and may you struggle
May you fear-

And may you seek not peace, nor comfort, but understanding.

She bids you, "fare well".

Projects and Papers

The Russian Reading Room- located on the largest literary website, The Jolly Roger, this forum is for discussions on 19th and 20th century Russian writers. The main website is a great source for discussions of literature, history, philosophy, politics, American history, and the Western Canon.

"Song of the GULAG" - Short paper I wrote on Alexander Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. Spring 2001.

"In Critique of Optimism" - A paper I wrote for my summer class on American Realism. In it I discuss two short stories from that period.. Summer 2001.

Four semesters of German are soon to become
one great Deutschseit.
Bertholt Brecht, Wolfgang Borchert, Heinrich Böll, Franz Kafka and more...
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