Author's Corner

Pavel Vasilyev (1910-1937) - Poet, former seaman and Siberian gold miner, perished in Stalinist purges. Works reflected an artist's problems in overcoming old traditions and adjusting to new society.*

Artem Vesely (1899-1939) - Prose writer, disciple of Pilnyak, disappeared in the Stalinist purges. Has been quietly rehabilitaed through the reissue of selected writings.*

Miximilian Voloshin (1895-1925) - Symbolist poet who openly opposed the revolution but remained in the Soviet Union, living in seclusion in Crimea as a "spiritual emigre".*

Vozesensky -poet under Krushchev. Spoke out against the sytem during the "thaw" period after Stalin died and Khrushchev took power.

* (This information was found in a publisher's note,following Solzhenitsyn's "Letter to the Congress of Soviet Writers", nestled in a copy of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Bantam Books.)

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