Title: The Lost Chapters


Author: Krystal


Disclaimer: Not mine. So please don’t sue. Only the story and the made up characters belong to me. 


Feedback: Please I live for it.


Notes: Sixth season of BTVS/ third season of Ats. This story has major character death, torture, blood play, female/male/female slash, female/female slash, and plenty of sex and foul language. What more could you possibly ask for. 


Summary: Several weeks after Buffy’s return from the dead and she’s still out of it. Her friends are all worried about her ‘all slay and no play’ attitude and don’t know what to do about it. Dawn enlists the help of Angel in order to help bring her sister back. But what Dawn doesn’t know is that an sinister presence is after Angel and wants to revert him to his evil self. So when Buffy arrives in L.A., she’s in for a big surprise. But will Buffy end her relationship with Angel at the end of a stake, or will she give in to his dark side and rule as his eternal queen?


Characters and Pairings: Buffy/Angel(us), Xander/Anya, Willow/Tara, Spike/Drusilla, Anya/Spike/Dru, Cordy/Gunn/Fred, maybe more, Ensemble


Rating: R; NC-17

Chapter 1


“He’s getting away!” Anya shouted as the newly sired vampire Professor John Murphy slipped past her.  Buffy took off after him, running at full out Slayer speed. Why am I wasting my time with this?  Buffy thought as she chased the vampire.  I was happy where I was.  I was… She sprang from her feet and kicked John in the back of the head…  at peace…  He stood up just as Buffy clipped him and plunged her new Mr. Pointy into his chest…  in Heaven.  She finished her thought.

           “Buffy are you alright?” Willow asked as the scoobies reached her side.

           “I’m good!” She chirped as she put on her fake happy smile.  I’m getting way to good at this lying stuff.  She thought.  How can I ever really be alright? Life is hell and I’m in hell.  I know Willow and the others thought they were doing the right thing by bringing me back, but I don’t think so.  No one can even understand me now except Angel and maybe Spike, but I don’t really want to think about Spike right now.  I wish Angel was here.  I miss him so, so much.  And with that thought completed Buffy broke down and started to cry.


Angel sat down on the couch in the hotel where he, Cordy, Gunn, Wesley, and Fred had stationed their investigation headquarters.  It had been awhile since Angel had spoken to Buffy and, although he hated to admit it, he missed her terribly.  Angel had always been protective of Buffy, even thought she is The Slayer, but now that she’s back from the dead he feels like he should be watching her every move.

           “Angel, what’s your deal?” Cordelia asked. “Fred has been standing here for at least five minutes, trying to get your attention!” Cordelia put her hands on her hips and waited for Angel’s response.

           “Sorry Fred. What’s up?” Angel noticed a worried look on everyone face. “What’s wrong?”

           “Well, Wesley came across several police reports. It seems that someone or… something has been killing people at random.” Fred answered.

           “So why can’t the police handle this?”

           “I think they’re out of their league.” Gunn spoke up. “The bodies were each found missing a vital organ: Eyes, heart, intestines, and even a brain.  And get this, the bodies were all found sucked completely dry of blood.”

           “We have to check this out.” Angel looked over at Wesley and asked. “What’s our next move?”

           “Well, I suggest we visit the scene of the crimes.  Why don’t we split up.  Angel, take the one where a young lady was found missing her heart on the South side.  Cordy and Gunn, take the guy who lost his brain up on the North side of town.  Fred, you’re with me and we’ll take the two kids who were missing their intestines on the West side of town.”  Wesley looked around at everyone.  “Be careful and we’ll meet back here in two hours.”


Drusilla walked around the crime scene on the south side, where the dead human was missing a heart.  The stars told her that Angel would be here any minute, so she placed her special toy down for him to find.  It would finally bring her family back together.


Willow, Anya, Xander, and Giles sat in the Magic Box talking about Buffy, while Dawn listened from the back room.  “She’s at home right now crying her heart out.” Willow spoke clearly and forward. “I’m out of ideas to get her back to her old self.”

           “I think we’re going about this all wrong.” Giles spoke. “Buffy’s just come back from the dead.  She’s disoriented.  She just needs some time.”

           “Time why would she need time?” Anya asked.

           “Ahn.” Xander tried to calm her down.

           “No. I don’t understand what time is suppose to accomplish. She’s in pain now and we must help her now!”

           “She’s right you know.” The scoobies turn to see Spike enter the room. “Buffy is in pain, but there’s not much any of you could do. You don’t even know where she was, so how are you going to help her?”

           “Well, we think she was in some kind of a hell dimension.” Giles answered.

           “What like you know where she was Spike!” Xander was beginning to get upset.

           “Bloody hell wasn’t some hell dimension mate. I know where The Slayer was.”

           “How?” Willow asked.

           “She told me. She said she was happy where she was, until the little witch there ripped her from it.” He hissed pointing at Willow.  “Heaven! She was in bloody Heaven.” And with that Spike walked out of the shop.


Dawn walked out of the Magic Box through the back door, heading home. Her face was streaked with tears. “Buffy…”


Angel walked around the crime scene. There was nothing out of the ordinary that he saw. Just the usual: Blood, police tape, and a funky smell. Right when Angel was about to leave he saw something. He bent down and picked up some kind of medallion. “Better take this to Wesley.”


           “Gunn, there’s nothing here. We’ve been walking around this place for forever. Let’s just go.”

           “Yeah, I think you’re right Cordy. We’re not going to find anything.”


“Well, it looks as though everything is in order here.” Wesley commented to Fred.

           “Perhaps the police already confiscated what we were looking for.” She answered.

           “Perhaps. Let’s hope someone else had better luck with this than us. Let’s get back.”

           “Oh, Okay.”


Dawn walked into her home. She knew that Buffy was here, but what was she suppose to say to her? “Buffy… Buffy are you alright?” No answer. “Buffy I know you’re here!”

           “I’m fine Dawn.” She heard Buffy yell down the stairs. Her voice hoarse from crying. “Hey Dawny, there’s food in the oven if you’re hungry.” ‘I’m going to need some serious help.’ Dawn thought.


Angel walked through the door of his headquarters. “Guess I beat everyone back.” He said as he sat down at the front desk and began to lose himself in thought about Buffy, when the phone rang. “Hello…Oh, hey Dawn.  What’s up? Woo slow down. Buffy what…What kind of trouble? Well, I’m a bit busy here. I just can’t come to Sunnydale right now. Seriously… Yeah, ok I’ll wait.”


Dawn put down the phone and called upstairs. “Buffy, phone!”

                 “I’m so not in the mood right now Dawn.”

                 “It’s Angel!” With that Buffy came flying down the stairs.

                 “You’re in so much trouble.” Buffy picked up the phone. “Hello Angel…Not too good. Everything’s just so crazy now…Uh huh. Right now…Oh. I guess…Sure. Yes, I love you too Angel. Okay. Bye.” Buffy put down the phone. She had the most real smile on her face Dawn had seen since she’d been back.

                 “So Buffy, what did Angel say?”

                 “He wants me to come to L.A.”


Chapter 2


                 Who was that on the phone Angel?” Wesley asked as he and Fred walked into the hotel. They had just made it back from the crime scene that they were to look over.

                 “Dawn and Buffy.” Angel answered flatly.

                 “Dawn and Buffy what?” Cordy asked as her and Gunn walked through the doors.

                 “That’s who Angel was talking to on the phone.” Fred answered.

                 “What’s going down in Sunnydale now?” Gunn asked, getting ready for some bad news.

                 “Nothings going on. Dawn just needed to speak to me about something.”

                 “But I thought you were talking to both Dawn and…” But before Wesley could finish Lorne came walking down the stairs with Angel’s son, Connor, in his hands.

                 “Connor, how’s my little boy doing? How’s daddy’s little boy?” The rest of the group watched on as Angel took his son from Lorne and began a little father son bonding.

      Finally Cordelia spoke up and asked, “Um Angel, have you…you know, talked to Buffy? Let her know that you have a son now? Because that could put a strain on you guy’s relationship.”

                 “No, I haven’t. I mean what am I suppose to say. Oh hey Buffy you look great and by the way I have a son now. Darla and I slept together and well…his name’s Connor.”

                 “Yeah, I don’t see that going over well at all.” Gunn answered.


                 “Who wants you to go to L.A.?” Xander asked as the scoobies walked inside Buffy’s house.

                “Duh, she’s going to L.A. to see Angel and possible have sex with him.” Anya spoke up. Buffy couldn’t help but smile at the thought of actually being with Angel again.

           “Anya’s right.  I’m going to L.A. to see Angel.”

           “Buffy, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” Willow spoke up.

           “Yeah, suppose you and Dead-boy get physical again.  Then we’re all goners.” Xander threw in.  His obvious jealousy and hatred for Angel showing through.

           “Is there some kind of big evil that’s about to arise in L.A. Buffy?” Giles asked.

           “Not that I’m aware of, no.” She answered.

           “Then why are you going?” Giles asked obvious frustration and annoyance showing on his face.

           “Because Angel can’t come here?” Dawn suggested.

           “No, because I have to!” Buffy was starting to get upset.

           “Why is it that you will drop everything for him?” Xander asked Buffy.

           “Probably because she loves him.  I think it’s really romantic.  To love someone so much that you always put them first.” Anya added.

           “It is kind of…romantic.” Tara spoke for the first time.


           “This is most interesting.” Wesley said while he held the medallion.

           “What is it?” Cordy asked.

           “It appears to be a medallion of some sort.”

           “What does it do?” Gunn asked.

           “I’m not sure.”

           “It’s awfully pretty.” Fred added.

           “Angel, you said that it was just lying about when you found it?” Wesley looked towards the vampire for confirmation.

           “That’s right.  Now that I think about it, it looks strangely familiar.  Let me look at that again.” Wesley reached out his hand for Angel to take the medallion, but before Angel could take it he heard the love of his life, or un-life, call his name.

           “Angel?  Angel, where are you?” Buffy called.

           “I’m here love.” Angel answered coming out the office.

           “I miss you so much Angel, it hurts inside.”

           “I never should have left you Buffy.  If I would have been there you never would have had to sacrifice yourself.  I’ve failed you.” Angel looked and sounded as though he was going to cry.

           “No!  Don’t you dare blame yourself!  You could never EVER fail me.” Buffy stood her ground. “I know why you left Angel.  And I’m not talking about the reasons you gave me.  It was because I had to be The Slayer myself.  You wanted me to be able to take care of myself without always depending on you.  And you were right.  Since you left I spent my time hiding behind my slaying, and I’m better because of it.  I’ve never felt so strong and independent in my slaying.  I’m beyond good Angel, I’m great.  And I want to thank you for having the strength to walk away, but it’s time for you to come back to me.  I need you Angel.”

           “Buffy I…”

           “Don’t answer me yet.” She told him as she placed a finger over his mouth.  “So, what were you working on?” She said changing the subject.

           “I found this strange medallion at a crime scene I was investigating.  Wesley’s examining it right now.”

           “Medallion? Can I see?”

           “Sure. Come on.” Angel said as he walked Buffy into the office, joining the others.


           “Do you have an answer yet?” Buffy asked Angel, looking him in the eyes while they sat in the garden.

           “I…Buffy we can’t…” He started, pulling his eyes away from hers and looking towards the ground.

           “Angel, look at me.” He looks up at her. “We can’t what? Make love. I don’t care. I still don’t care about that. If it’s such a big deal then we will find a spell or something. Now I’m going to ask you again; come back to me Angel.” A single tear streamed down Buffy’s face.

Angel reached up and wiped the tear off her face. “I love you Buffy. Anything you want I will do, so yes love, if you’ll have me, I would very much like to come back to you.” Buffy smiled as more tears ran down her face.  Angel kissed all of them away and promised her, “We’ll never be a part anymore. I’ll never let you go.”

           “No matter what Angel, we’ll be together. Forever.” She added.


Downstairs the medallion began to glow from it’s resting place on Wesley’s desk.  Cordelia, Gunn, Fred, and Wesley were all to busy to notice it.


           “It has begun.” Drusilla chirped from her hiding place outside the office window. “Soon my family of four will become five.  First daddy, then my new sister, then my beloved, and last my grandmummy.”


           “Together forever.” Angelus promised. ‘I’m back Buff, my lover, for good and you will rule as my eternal dark queen.’ Thinking of Drusilla Angelus thought, ‘My dear child, I knew I recognized your handy work. You always know how to bring the family back together.’

           “I love you Angel.” Buffy told him.

           “And I love you.” He said. “Hey, I have something to show you. Follow me.”

           “To the end of the world.” Buffy added.


           “It’s taking Angel and Buffy a while to come back.” Cordelia was starting to get worried.

           “I think I just heard them leave about 10 minutes ago.” Gunn answered.

           “That they did.” Wesley added.


           “What’s this?” Buffy asked ‘Angel’ as they stopped outside an apartment.

           “I keep it just in case. Come on in.” He said as he opened the door and walked in with Buffy right behind him.

           “It’s real pretty Angel. It looks a lot like your old apartment in Sunnydale.”

           “Buffy, I was going to wait until you fully recovered from your incident to tell you this…”

           “Tell me what?”

           “The happiness clause to my curse is no more.”

           “Really!!” She almost jumped out of her skin, she was so excited.

           “Really.” He confirmed.

           “Angel do you know what this means? We can really be together.”

           “Nothing would make me happier.”  ‘Should I make love to her before she knows who I am? If I did, I might have to spend all eternity hearing about it. Aww hell!! That’s just a risk I might have to take.’  Angelus thought. “What would you do if I turned into Angelus again? Would you still want me?”

           “I…I love you Angel. Angelus is a part of you and I understand that now. I don’t really know what I’d do, but I know I want to spend my life with you.”

           “I love you.” Angelus announced as he began to unbutton Buffy’s blouse.  She instantly responded by tugging Angel’s shirt over his head. ‘Why do I keep telling her this? Is it so I won’t blow my cover, or is it something else entirely. I know I want Buff, but ‘love’. I’ve never loved anything besides myself. Yes, that’s it! Infatuation. I’m infatuated with Buff. She draws me in like no other before her has managed to do. And with the added bonus of her being The Slayer; her power will be unparalleled. Never has there been a Slayer turned Vamp until now. Her demon will wield a power never seen before.’ “Buffy…” Angelus started as he changed to vamp mode. His yellow eyes stared down at her with passion, “this is what I am. Do you still want me?”

           “More than ever.” She kissed his vampire features, not caring how it made him look. “Bite me Angel.” She demanded.


           “Bite me. Claim me as yours again.” Angelus looked into Buffy’s eyes and seeing that she really meant what she said, he leaned down to the right side of her neck, where his mark already lay, and bit down. Buffy cried out in pure ecstasy as Angelus sucked her blood out slowly and carefully. Not taking much at all, he gently pulled his fangs out of her neck, licking the blood of her neck that escaped. “Angel? I want to be yours forever.”


Buffy automatically took a step back and uncomfortably looked up into Angel’s eyes. “Angelus?” She asked nervously.

           “That’s right.” He answered. “I’m back.”

           “How long?”

           “Since, ‘Together forever’.”

           “Why didn’t you kill me?”

           “Because you are mine and you will rule beside me. I guess I’m like the soul when it comes to you. I just can’t be without you.”

           “What happened? Was it me?” She sounded as if she was going to cry.

           “Nope, Buff. It was a spell.” He answered as he brushed a piece of her hair from her face.

           “What do you want?” She shivered as he touched her face. His touch still felt so good to her. No matter Angel or Angelus, she wanted him. And she’d have him.

           “To take you up on your offer.  That no matter what we’ll be together forever.”

           “Is that what you want?” Buffy asked. She was really tired of fighting him. She knew if she let him, Angelus would take care of her and protect her.

           “If you’ll have me lover. Of course you don’t have much say in the matter anyway.” Buffy answered him by unbuckling his belt then unzipping his pants.  No need to go through the long process of breaking her…she’s already over the edge.

           “I’ll have you. Lover.” She said as they made their way to the bed.  Buffy knew that what she was about to do was wrong, but she really didn’t care. Ever since she was ripped out of Heaven she found that she didn’t care that she didn’t care about anything. The one thing that mattered right now was being with Angel and if Angelus was the closes she was going to get, then so be it. She hadn’t asked to be ripped out of the only two places she had known true peace; Angel’s willing arms and Heaven. Willow and the others just expected her to come back and be the same old cheerful Buffy, but the truth is she was never that Buffy after Angel went bad and she had to send him to Hell. And cheerful optimistic Buffy died again when Angel decided to leave her and Sunnydale behind. Now that she’s back from the dead, things changed again because now she felt no emotions. At least before she could feel things, mostly pain and sadness, but now nothing. Her so called friends knew nothing of life and death and now Buffy would be forced to teach them all. The hard way.

           Angelus wanted Buffy so bad he was tempted to just rip all her clothes of and fuck her brains out right then and there, but he wanted to saver this moment. This moment of Buffy’s complete willingness to give in to the dark side of the demon that she loves. After tonight the world; humans and demons alike; will bow down to the most powerful force ever. Let it be known that I, Angelus, sired from Darla who was sired from the blood of The Master, Nest himself; will rule the world with my mate and childe Buffy The former Vampire Slayer, along with my childe Drusilla, her childe and mate Spike, and my soon to be revived sire. The world has never and will never see a force even remotely resembling this one again. They will bow down before me, for I will be their king and Buff shall be my Queen. Once again The Order of Aurelis shall be number one.

           Angelus kissed Buffy roughly as he slowly unbuttoned her blouse. Desperately needing to be as close to Angel as possible, Buffy broke their kiss long enough to tug his shirt over his head and resume her attack of his mouth. Once their clothes were scattered everywhere Angelus stepped back from Buffy to observe her nakedness. Buffy’s chest was heaving up and down from her continued panting, which made her breast rise and fall. “You are so beautiful Buff.” He told her as goose bumps popped up all over her body from his husky voice. “Who do you belong to Buff?” he asked her as he leaned against the wall.

           “You. I belong to you.” She told him as she rubbed her legs together trying to find some relief to the throbbing between her legs.

           “And who am I?”


           “That’s right. Angelus. Not Angel. And definitely not soldier boy Riley, or that punk Parker, who I will be paying a visit to in the near future for not only TOUCHING what is MINE, but for treating you like anything less than a supreme being to him. YOU, are far better than any demon and even greater so than any human. You are a Goddess of Light in it’s entirety, but soon you will become and even more powerful Goddess of Darkness and Destruction.” He slowly walked over to Buffy and gently pushed her on the bed. “ME. You. Belong. To. ME. You are MINE.” He growled through clenched teeth as he knelt between her legs. “And I take good care of what’s mine. Do you want me to take real good care of you?” Buffy could only nod her head and hold back a scream as he licked her clit. “Tell me Buff. Tell me how you want me to take care of you.”

           “God yes! I want…I need you to taste me. To suck and lick me. I need you to make love to me. Then to fuck me. Hard. Then claim me so I never want another.”

           Angelus sucked and licked at her clit, causing all kinds of pleasure to surge through Buffy. He quickly inserted one finger then another into her hot, wet, and pulsating pussy as he repeatedly licked and sucked at her most intimate core, making sure to get into every fold and crevis. “Come on and cum for me baby.” He coaxed her as he slid a third finger inside her and moved his free hand to her left breast so he could squeeze and tug on her hard and perky nipple.

           “God Angelus! Yes! Please…yes!” She screamed as she came from the most intense orgasm she had ever had. Riley did this for me once before, when my mom had been released from the hospital, but it felt nothing like this. I got the feeling he didn’t really know what he was doing, but Angelus most definitely knows how to please a woman. It’s as if my body knows it’s mate and every sensation with him is increased a thousand times more. God, I hope he always does this for me. Though I doubt he will. I’m not sure if my pleasure is just as important to him as his own, but I certainly hope it is. Angelus licked and sucked down all of her feminine juices while he stroked her stomach, coaxing her back down from her peak.

“That’s right baby. There’s plenty more of that waiting all for you.” He told her as he slowly climbed his way up her body, kissing her so she could taste herself on him. “You know I can smell them on you. Do you want me to take that smell away?” She nods her head yes for him and waits for him to finish. “Good.” He straddled her making sure the tip of his very erect cock touched the outside of her moist heat. Taking much pleasure in her growing arousal and frustration from his teasing of her. “How about punishment. They’re going to get theirs, but what about you? Should you be punished Buff?” She swallowed a lump in her throat and tried to speak, but couldn’t. Angelus could smell the fear pouring off of her in intoxicating waves and gave her his trademark smirk. He desperately needed to be inside her and quick. “I can smell your fear too, lover. It’s delightful.” He leaned in close to her ear and told her, “Don’t worry. If I decide to punish you it won’t be this time and I promise you’ll like it. The pain and pleasure of it.” Then he impaled her with his cock and slowly took her. She silently screamed from the feel of him rocking back and forth, filling her completely like no other could. “This is for you Buffy. You wanted me to make love to you, so this is completely for you. Next, I’m going to fuck your head into the wall and that will be for me, but I’m pretty sure you’re going to like it too.” He told her with a smirk on his face. 


           “Willow and the others are also worried about Buffy. It seems that ever since she came back from the dead, she hasn’t been feeling any emotions except sadness. They tried to keep her from coming to Angel, but as we can see, they were unsuccessful.” Cordelia  said after she hung up the phone with Willow.

           “Buffy may be distraught, but Angel would never take advantage of her.” Wesley said.

           “What do we do now? We don’t have a case so do we just wait for Angel to get back.” Fred asked.

           “We probably should stay behind. Just in case.” Gunn added.

           “That might be best.” Wesley finished.


           “Ready Buff?” Angelus asked.

           “I’m ready.” She answered as Angelus vamped out and bit down on her neck.  This is what he has wanted from her for so long.  He would finally have her for all eternity.  Her blood was rich, thick, and strengthening.  As he sucked the life out of her, Buffy cried out, whether in agony or in ecstasy was hard to tell.  Angelus remembered the taste of Buffy when he fed off of her a few years back.  Her blood was the only cure able to save him from a vampire poison. And like the loyal little Slayer that she is, she couldn’t let her precious Angel die. ‘Willing to kill Faith for him too. I always knew she’d make an excellent queen to me. And once I finish with her she will become the most powerful force *ever*. And completely under my control.’ He smirked to himself.

           As he sucked harder and faster, he felt the strength of The Slayer flow through him and for one minute he was Angel again.  Looking down he saw Buffy’s half lifeless body fall to the ground. “Buffy, oh God Buffy!” He cried.

           “Angel?” Buffy looked up into Angel’s tearful eyes.  She had a slight smile on her face. “I want to be with you forever. I love you.” And then Angel was Angelus again, but instead of finishing her off he reached over to his coffee table and picked up a small knife.  Angelus sliced his wrist and held it out to Buffy.  He wanted her to do it herself.  To see if that’s what she really wanted.

           Buffy looked into Angelus’ eyes, knowing and seeing that Angel was hid some where deep inside.  With little hesitation she sat up, surprisingly quick, and began to suck. When it was over Buffy was laid out on the floor and Angelus picked her up cradling her in his arms, while he walked to the bedroom and waited.  Waited for his dark queen to join him in eternity.


           “Well done daddy.” Drusilla congratulated Angelus from the doorway.

           “Come on in my black princess.” Angelus answered, still not taking his eyes off of Buffy.

           “She’ll wake soon.” Dru giggled as she made her way across the room.

           “And so it begins.” He smirked.

           “Do we get Spike next daddy?”

           “Indeed. And it will be better than before.”

           “I have a sister now. She can braid my hair.”

           “Excellent job Dru. I can always count on you princess.” Dru just laughed.


           “I’m hungry.” Buffy moaned as she opened her eyes and stretched her arms.

           “Buff, how do you feel lover.” Angelus asked as him and Dru brought over some food.

           “*Powerful!* Like my Slayer strength on top of my now Vamp strength.”

           “We brought dinner sister.” Drusilla chirped.

           “Your choice: the boy or the girl?” Angelus offered.

           “Take the girl. She smell like a delicacy.” Dru said smiling.

           “Delicacy?” Buffy asked.

           “A virgin.” Angelus answered.

           “Well, in that case I’ll have both. The boy first. I’ll save the best for last.”

           “Excellent choice Buff.” Angelus smirked.

           “You can keep the girl alive and drain her until you tire of her.” Dru added.

           “Thanks for the suggestion Dru, but I’ll just kill her. I have special plans for my friends though.” Buffy, already in game face, bit down into the boy and sucked the life out of him. “Umm.” She said licking her lips. “Your turn dear.” Buffy laughed while looking at the girl. “They’ll all have horrible deaths.” She added as she finished the girl off.

           “Buff, before we go I need to teach you some things you need to know.” Angelus said while he explained to Buffy how to change in and out of vamp mode, how to control the blood lust, and the rules of the house. Mainly how he is in charge of everyone that stays under his roof.