The The BBG & TTB in Dominican Republic


Narrator: At the Uranium’s house Miss Amber and Prof Uranium are about to announce something to the BBG and TTB.



Miss Amber: Hello girls, hello boys….we, Prof Uranium and I want to announce something.

Bruiser:  Yeah? What is it then?

Prof Uranium:  You know that last time we went to Alaska, so we decided to go this time to a Tropical Island.


Beatrice: Wish Guaranteed.

Bellosom: What?

Beatrice: Don’t you remember?

Bellosom: Remember what?

Beatrice: You said once…in Alaska that you wanted to be on a tropical island.

Bellosom: OHH yeah I remember…!!

Bibbles: Can I take my PS2 over there?

Beatrice: Hey bring your XBOX too I like to play xbox!!

Bibbles: No prob then I’ll take my PS2 and my XBOX.

Bash: BEFORE WE DO SOMETHING. In tropical Island can u play soccer?

Blaster: OF COURSE!!!!!

Bash: ok ….just wanted to make sure of it.

Beatrice: So what’s the name of the island?

Miss Amber: Dominican Republic

Beatrice: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC??  I’ve read about it  they say that Dominican Republic  have the most beautiful beaches of the Caribbean!!!!

Bellosom: Really???

Beatrice: Yup


Bellosom: FOR W-H-A-T???

Blaster: To Surf!!!!!! What did you think?

Bellosom: No nothing…..

Bruiser: When are we leaving?

Prof Uranium: The day after tomorrow.

Bibbles: So today we are going to pack of bags?

Blaster: yup




Blaster: PHEW!!! I finished my bag….

Bruiser: me 2

Bash: me 3

Beatrice: I have not finished yet!

Bellosom & Bibbles: Us neither!!!!!

Bruiser: I don’t know why you girls take soo much time to pack things !!!!

You only need to put…clothes in it!!

Bibbles: yeah but we are GIRLS we need a lot of stuffs…that boys don’t use!!

Bash: SorrY!!

Beatrice: Well after I finish my bag I’ll start studying.

Bibbles: Y?

Beatrice: I’m studying about the history of Dominican Republic, because we are going there…and I want to know what I’m seeing^_^

Blaster: well that’s true..but I don’t think somebody from there is going to ask you the  history of the place so don’t worry studying..

Beatrice: If you say soooo

Bellosom: OHH ‘IF BLASTER SAYS SO??????????


Beatrice & Blaster: DO-NOT-BOTHER-!!

Bellosom: I’m just asking…






Blaster: WOHHOOO…..its 7:30 a.m. We are almost going to take the PLAIN!!!!

Bruiser: men…I want to get to the plain…I just HOPE any villain is waiting us there…there’s always a villain were we are…don’t you see??

Beatrice: Yeah your right it always happens.

Bellosom: well I don’t have any problem to kicks somebody’s but to Alaska.

Bruiser: yeah me neither.










On the plain…

Bash: How long is the trip?

Beatrice: you wont believe me but that’s the only thing I didn’t figure it about.. well what I know is that from Miami to Dominican Republic like 2 hours or so..

Bash: ohh ok then..

Beatrice: no prob ^_^






Bibbles: …I’m not even out of the airport and I can feel that hot sun…^_^

Beatrice: Yeah this feels so nice……

Bellosom: So were are we going right know?

Miss Amber: well, the pretty beaches are 3 hours from here …so we are going to the Hotel on a bus that will pic uf up tomorrow…so its better if we stay in a motel…in the city of Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo.

Beatrice: Ohhh ok…so to which Beach are we going tomorrow?

Prof Uranium: We have two choices…Punta Cana or Bavaro. You decide.

Beatrice: what do you think guys?

Bibbles: I want to go to Punta Cana

Bellosom: Bavaro is cool too!!

Blaster: well I don’t really care to which beach we go I only know I want to SURF, SURF, SURF!

Bash: me too I want to play soccer

Bruiser: Lets go to Punta cana!!!

Beatrice, Bellosom, Bibbles, Blaster, and Bash: OK

Beatrice: MOM…we already decided…we want to go to Puntacana

Miss Amber: ok then …we are going to take the bus to Puntacana.




Bibbles: Mom can I get out my XBOX and PS2 from my bag for us to play in the night?

Prof Uranium: ok but you need to go to bed early because tomorrow we are leaving early. Ok?


TTB: OK Prof Uranium

Bibbles: ok who wants to play PS2?

Blaster: Me

Bibbles: ok then you and me on PS2

Beatrice: Then who wants to play XBOX?

Bruiser: Me I like the tapes of Xbox

BASH: want to play something?

Bellosom: Like what?

Bash: Dunno…You like PS1? I bought it once…but I never use it

Bellosom: Y?

Bash: Maybe because its ps1 and not ps2

Bellosom: there’s nothing wrong with ps1 I want to play ps1!!!

Bash: Which tape?

Bellosom: If I can kick butts on real life….then I want a tape of fighting.

Bash: Ok I have 2 Dead or alive 3 or Mortal Kombat.

Bellosom: well I know how to play MK already fo I want to play dead or alive…plz

Bash: OK







Bellosom: Is so warm here…that’s why I like Tropical Island.

Blaster: well it’s 12:30pm lets go to the lobby to check in, and go to our assigned room to leave our things.

Bash: and then to the buffet to eat!!

Prof Uranium: Ok





Bibbles: ahhhhhh…..this room is very comfortable..

Beatrice: Yup I hope the boys got the room like this one too.

Bibbles: OK…know I’m going to put my PS2 and my XBOX on top of this table.

Bellosom: we should get dressed to go to the beach and eat some stuff.




Blaster: cool…if we are going to be on a HOT island at least the room is very fresh.

Bash: stop talking around and lets go to pick up MOM, Proff Uranium and the BBG u want??? IM HUNGRY

Bruiser: OK bro….your not going to die if you wait 2more seconds.



Narrator: Suddenly bash hears a person in the distance laughing….

’me catch you…..let me tear you……let me rip you……HAHAHA’’’


Bash: HEY GUYS did u hear that?

Bruiser: what?? I didn’t hear anything.

Blaster: Bash…bro… y r you the only one that hears stuff and see things??

Bash: I don’t know…..But I’m not kidding I heard a strange voice…in my head….

Blaster: That’s really strange…we should tell the bbg about this..


Beatrice, Bellosom, and Bibbles are walking in the hallway…

Bibbles get distracted and she didn’t noticed that Beatrice and Bellosom went to the right and she turned left…then she hears the same voice that bash heard…….


‘’me catch you…..let me tear you……let me rip you……ahahahah’’








Beatrice: Bellosom where is Bibbles?

Bellosom: I though she was behind us…

Beatrice: Lets find her…

Bellosom: BIBBLES?????

Beatrice: BIBBLES????

Bellosom: where did she go??

Bibbles: Beatrice??? Is that you?

She saw a person in the dark…..and she approached

Then the person, like in act of magic disappeared.

Beatrice: BIBBLES….thanks god…where were you?

Bellosom: yeah…where?

Bibbles: I don’t know girls but there is something strange here in this hotel.

Beatrice: what, why?

Bibbles: you probably will think that I’m crazy but I can swear that I heard a voice…at the distance…it continue saying:


’me catch you…..let me tear you……let me rip you……’’



Bellosom: WHAT?              Are you SURE?

Bibbles: 100% sure…also I saw a person in a corner and I asked if that were one of you and then it disappeared.

Beatrice: WHAT??? I think we should get moving…






Beatrice: GUYS thanks god…

The bbg and ttb at the same time: You wont believe what happened to us.


 Blaster: It happened to you too?

Beatrice: No…… Bibbles.

Bellosom: She heard a voice that said

’me catch you…..let me tear you……let me rip you……’’



Bibbles: yeah??? Thx god I was not the only one who was getting nuts.


Beatrice: I wonder what was it???


Bruiser: lets go and eat some stuff I’m starving, we will think about that later.

Blaster: Its true, besides proff uranium and mom are probably waiting for us on the buffet.





Beatrice: hmm Blaster...what do you think it was what happened to Bibbles and Bash?

Blaster: I have no idea…Dark angel? It can’t be, Loveness I don’t know y she it’s not her…Hmmm well the one that is left is Mirage.

Bellosom: Maybe it’s him.

Beatrice: It can’t be, Bibbles said she saw somebody but It was all dark...and then it disappeared you know that Mirage don’t do that kind of stuffs.

Bruiser: yeah it’s true.


Bibbles: I think it is a new villain…

One that we have never see it before.


Beatrice: yeah it can be that too.

Bash: I finished, lets go and play soccer…who wants??

Bellosom: me, I finished already too.



Narrator: Bash makes a mistake and kicked the ball very hard and it went very far…


Bellosom: I’ll get it.


Narrator: The ball went too far from what Bellosom thought it was in a dark lil cave…


Bellosom: here it is..


Strange voice:

’me catch you…..let me tear you……let me rip you……’’


Bellosom: Who are you? Why are you bothering us? From were you came?


Strange voice: ‘’I come from your most deep thoughts……my identity you will need to figure it out…..tell everyone because you will not leave this island NEVER hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha’’


Bellosom: OHH please that’s so old be a little bit more original..

Well were are you then wanna fight or your scared I kick your butt?


Narrator: the strange voice enter Bellosom’s mind and dominate her..

Bellosom was no more being herself…..


Bash: thanks god Bellosom I almost thought you staid there for your whole life…

Bellosom: shut up stupid coward…

Bash: what?

Bellosom: what you heard...retarded…


Narrator: Bash goes next to Blaster..

Bash: Blaster, Bellosom is a little strange now

Blaster: what do you mean?

Bash: look <he takes him next to Bellosom>



Blaster: sup?

Bellosom: nothing that matters to you

Blaster: what’s happening to you?

Bellosom: you’re so childish ‘’what’s happening to you’’ I’m not stupid..

Beatrice: what’s happening?

Bellosom: LOOK another stupid from the Idiot Band

Beatrice: ?

Bibbles: She’s not Bellosom….

Bruiser: If she is not the real Bellosom then who is it then?

Beatrice: I don’t have any idea.

Blaster: Let’s go and search for the REAL Bellosom

Bash: Where she looked for the ball.

Bibbles: Yeah


Narrator: They went to the cave……

Inside the cave…


Beatrice: here it’s quite dark don’t you think?

Bibbles: yeah it’s true

Blaster: Well, you and Bibbles that way, me and Beatrice this way……

Bibbles: oooooooo………… and B-E-A-T-R-I-C-E? hahahahahahahah *lol*^ok


Beatrice: sooo…how we will look for Bellosom??

Blaster: I don’t know…How you want, honey.

Beatrice: H-O-N-E-Y???

Blaster: NO, NO SORRY I…..I….<he went RED…blushing a lot^_^>

I…I was thinking of…of HONEY <he lied> I love the honey…


Beatrice: well ok………


The Strange voice:  ‘’ha…ha…ha I still don’t know what are you looking here because your real enema is not here…… ha…ha...ha…’’


Blaster: who is it¿?


‘’ ha…ha run…run and try to save the boy..’’


Beatrice: what boy?


‘’ that’s for me to know and you to figure it out’’




Beatrice: yes?

Bibbles: bash, he…..he…

Blaster: he??

Bibbles: he told me I was the stupidest & ugliest person he had ever saw in his life‼ and then he flew away


Blaster: I can’t believe it‼


Beatrice: HURRY‼ let’s go probably he is with Bellosom both of them are acting kind of WEIRDO today.




Narrator: When they arrived nobody was there..


Beatrice: hello? <She and blaster had arrived first than Bibbles>


The Strange voice:  ’ha...ha… both of you are mine  ha..ha..ha…I almost have the collection only miss 2’’



Bibbles: guys?? Hello? Where are you??


Narrator:  Bibbles sees bruiser lying down hurt…

 Bibbles: BRUISER WHAT HAPPENED?? ?? ‼‼‼‼


Bruiser: Bellosom, Bash, Blaster, and Beatrice are our enemies now.


Bibbles: what do you mean??



Narrator: Suddenly they appeared‼


Bibbles: Hi you guys‼


<Beatrice asks Bellosom>Beatrice:  Let’s kill her or make her suffer first??


Bellosom:  Let’s make her suffer…..


Bibbles: WHAT?? ‼

Narrator: All of them attacked Bibbles with all their strength


Bruiser:  Bibbles?? Are you ok?? I’m too hurt I can’t help you..


Bibbles: I’M hurt too they are very strong


Blaster: of course we are strong the difference is that you are fagile and inoffensive


Narrator:  When Bibbles heard those words her patience BLEW UP

She was full of anger.




Narrator: she fought with all her strength and abilities but they were 4 and she was 1…..


Bibbles: Beatrice, Bellosom….don’t you remember me?? I’m your sister…


Bellosom:  I don’t have a sister…

Bibbles:  yes you do‼ ME‼ …….Blaster??? You???  Bash??? We play soccer together you don’t remember me either??


Bash:  I don’t like soccer.


Blaster: I don’t know you…


<they were still fighting all with all their powers>



When we were on Alaska? When Blaster hit himself with a ball and thought he was Beatrice’s Boyfriend? When proff Uranium had to work and we didn’t have company?....Please remember me ……

 <She was now feeling bad….>


Narrator: All of them stared at them confused thinking…THEY WERE GETTING BACK THEIR MEMORIES…


Beatrice:  BiBbLeS‼ my SIS how could I forget you ?????‼‼‼  <she was crying of happiness that she got her memory back>




Bellosom: oOoOo MY gosh ‼‼ what happened to me ? Bibbles…..BRUISER????????????<Kind OF worried>




Blaster:  we need to take him to the infirmary.

Beatrice:  But what happened with the one who did that to us????



The strange voice:  you will be mine I swear I’ll get you……be aware…because I will get all….ALL of you……




Bellosom: right now we need to worry of Bruiser‼ He is hurt‼


Bash thought: ha ha time for revenge….<and he said>Bash:  BELLOSOM???? AND WHY ARE YOU SOOOOOO WORRIED???


<Beatrice & Bibbles Giggled>


Bellosom:  BASH‼ DON’T BOTHER‼











Beatrice:  well we have  a WHOLE week to solfe this mysterious problem….

Blaster:  yup


Bellosom:  let’s have fun first‼

Bash: yeah‼











This WILL continue………