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Herbert Schulz
the blitz kids
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Herbert Schulz, one of Europe's leading contemporary fashion photographers prior to his recent move to New York City, Herbert Schulz actually became a photographer by accident while working as an interior designer of old farmhouses in Majorca, Sapain, Schulz began photographing each job as it was completed.  "As you can inagine" he laughs,  "it didn't take very long to become the best photographer in majorca.  " Travel pictures that he took later go him a job on  Germany's Stern magazine shooting Germany tourists holiday houses.
A later move to Holland's Avenue magazine brought him in contact with the fashion world there. When assignments on other European fashion magazines followed, Shulz moved on to London to gain access to
Europe's top model and make-up artists. There he became involved in the rock fashion movement of the early '80s.
