LadyFrogs Poetry Page One 


I believe that children are the most important assets, which our world has to offer. We must strive to give them every opportunity possible to learn and grow in a healthy environment. We must protect the future of our world and all that it has to offer: plants, animals and the human race.

This page is dedicated to the good in all of us.
May we all achieve our goals without hurting others.






"B" is for the brightness you bring to all my days.
"I" is for the innocence in all the games we play.
"G" is for the goodness you make me feel inside.

"S" is for the smiles I see upon your face.
"I" is for the importance in all the things you say.
"S" is for the sympathy that takes my hurts away.
"T" is for the times that you spend with me.
"E" is for the effort you put out for me each day.
"R" is for the reasons I love you like I do.




God damn life forever,
Or let them live in peace.
Let murderers run wild,
And infants lay deceased.
The sun shall never shine for them.
Love they've never felt nor seen.
Darkness is their shadow,
Light only a dream.



I sit here by the fire,
As the flames rise red and orange.
The wind blows swift and strong.
The chilly and damp.
Yet the snow does not fall,
And the sun breaks through the clouds,
The dew upon the grass,
The bright greens, yellows and reds,
For it is autumn and the leaves will soon fall,
And the rains will grow steady and strong.
And then will come winter,
For autumn is gone.




Though the miles are many,
And the letters are few,
I could never forget a friend like you.
No matter how often,
Or how long it may be,
You will always be here,
In my memory.





Flowers sprout from the ground, singing a sweet song of the coming of spring.
The frosty ground glows in the sunlight, the grass crisp under foot.
The fresh clean air after the rainfall stops, sweetly scented by the early daffodil blooms,
The smell of herbs, freshly crushed under foot, drift through the air,
Bringing thoughts of spring's warm smells mixed among the frosty dew.





When you find someone that you know you love, you should never turn away.
You should instead turn to them and let them know how you feel.
When you find someone that you trust, never misjudge them.
Never lose faith in them and never break that trust.
When you find someone that really loves you, never take them for granted.
You should turn to them and tell them how you feel.
When you find someone, who you want to spend your life with, let them know.
Never keep anything inside, never hide your feelings.
When you find someone who is easy to talk to, tell them your troubles.
Always tell them what you are thinking, tell them how you feel.
When you find someone loves you let them know what is in your heart.
Always tell them that you love them, let them know that you are real.
When I find someone, I hope they are as beautiful as you.
When I found someone, that someone was you.
Now I am telling you how I feel.




Kitten sittin' on the ground,
Kitten sittin' play around.
Kitten sittin' on my knee,
Kitten sittin' playfully.
Kitten sittin' in my tree,
Kitten sittin' play with me.
Kitten sittin' on my bed,
Kitten sittin' lay down your head.
Kitten sittin' sleepily,
Kitten sittin' sleep with me.




Lost and lonely,
With nowhere to go,
Nowhere to hide.
Lost and lonely,
With no one to turn to,
No one to hold.
Lost and lonely,
With no one to care,
No one to love.
Lost and lonely,
With nowhere to go,
Nowhere to hide.



My nights were dark and full of clouds,
And then I met you.
From that night on my nights have bloomed,
With stars so bright and clear.
My days with you could never be better.
When I see your eyes they shine blue,
And sparkle with stars that dance forever.
Your smile that is so bright,
I see you clearly everyday in my mind,
And in my thoughts you stay.
When I am holding you and you are holding me,
I wish that I could stay in your arms always.
When at night I am alone, I wish that I could be with you,
Holding you instead of my teddy bear.




Our children are our future,
We must treat them carefully
We cannot keep on hurting them,
So disrespectfully.
We want them to grow,
To run our country.
While we take their education,
And their dignity.
We have put a price on their futures,
While we strive to fill our greed.
Our leaders fill their pockets,
While they kill our children's dreams.




The flower is a sign,
Which stands for many different things.
It stands for love and friendship.
The care you have inside,
For a friend near or far.
The flower is also gratitude.
The thanks you have within,
To give to all of those who care.
Who help through thick and thin.




The sun does not shine,
The rain does not fall,
The trees do not grow,
The flowers do not bloom,
The water does not flow,
The grass is not green,
The sky is not blue,
This is the price,
For the things we do.




The things that we say to each other,
Sometimes they hurt so deep.
The things that we do to each other,
Maybe sometimes we forget to think about others,
How they may feel and how it may hurt them.
Sometimes we want them to be the way that we are,
We forget to think about who they are.
We expect them to forget who they are,
And to forget how they feel inside,
So that we can have them the way that we want them.
We make promises that we do not intend to keep,
No matter how much hurt it may cause.
We try to build trust on broken promises,
And instead we build broken hearts.





I need someone who does not tire.
I need someone who will always be beside me.
I need someone who tells me that they love me.
I need someone who is willing to hold me.
I need someone who will always care for me.
I need someone who will never forget me.
I need you who to me are so special.
I love you who to me are so kind.
I care for you who to me will always be gentle.
I need you who are to me so caring.
I trust you who are to me so honest.
I love you though in many ways imperfect.
I love you who are the only one for me.




If not on my behalf,
Then on behalf of a breaking heart.
Please try to see where our paths lead,
And then let us try to lead them.
As the water drifts away from the shore,
So may you from me and me from you,
Drift so carelessly away.
Maybe if you give me your hand,
And I give you my hand,
We can hang onto one another,
And never drift away.
Maybe if I listen to you and you to me,
We might understand each other and ourselves,
And we might see what is right and wrong.
Maybe if we took one more chance,
We may not get hurt this time.
So if not on my behalf,
Then on behalf of a breaking heart.





Cuddle close my puppy,
Cuddle close to me.
Sit on my lap,
And I will love you back,
Because you are so soft and warm to me.




His arms so strong reach to and fro.
Her hair so gently drifts in the wind.
In the moonlight they danced so soft.
Mr. Plum and Miss Peach so elegantly blow.




Sometimes I sit here and wonder what I feel,
I am happy and yet I am not.
I am angry and yet I am not.
I am lost and yet have nowhere to go.
For here I sit safe at home.
My heart kept hidden safe from all harm.
Locked inside a shell all thoughts of hope.
Hidden from a lonely world.
All hope for a friendship.
Lost is the key forever in a shell.
Hidden in a sea of vanity.
Lost till someone breaks through the surface.
Till someone breaks through and opens the door,
And finds what they may inside.




Over the hills and through the woods,
I saw the wild buck running.
Come follow me, I heard.
Before I could think my feet had left the ground.
To follow the buck so smoothly gliding.
Up, up, up, then down again.
The buck was so fast that I could not keep with him.
I came to rest below a hill,
Hoping to see him once more still.
Up so high and running free.
Then down and down he came,
The instant I heard that wicked bang.
He would not get up again.
So cold and peaceful did he lay,
As the hunters came and carried him away.




I build up my castle and kingdom,
Just to watch it fall and crumble to the ground,
Over and over until it slowly grows to nothing.
To have me build it up again.
As the world cruel and with out care,
Tears it down again with words carelessly aimed.
Hitting in a harsh unjust way.
Till tangled in pain and hope.
Till my castle, kingdom and I are torn,
Fall, crumble and die alone.
My castle,
My kingdom,
And I,
Fall, crumble and die.




The earth is warmed by the sun,
Like a new born baby warmed by its' mother.
The plants and animals are nurtured,
By the earth and sky together.
With the earth and sun working together hand in hand.
All living things upon our world shall survive,
And live and thrive.
We too must work together to keep our earth alive.
To live and grow and thrive.






If all the living creatures of our world could speak,
What would they have to say to you and me.
The fish, can they still breathe,
with all the oil and garbage we dump in the sea?
The birds, can they fly,
with all the smoke and smog we blow into the sky?
The animals, can they roam around,
with all the toxins we bury in the ground?
If they could speak to you and to me,
what would they say of the places they need,
what would they say of the places they live and feed?




My father is a man of many strengths,
There was the strength of his hands that worked day and night,
The strength that kept us fed.
The strength of his heart that helped him to love us each the same.
The strength that kept us warm.
The strength of his spirit that kept him going when times were tough.
The strength that kept us clothed.
The strength of his pride that could not be bought,
The strength that made us strong.
The strength of his compassion that helped him to love us when we'd done wrong,
The strength that taught us forgiveness.
The strength of his love is my fathers' greatest strength of all,
It is the strength that makes us, who we are,
The strength that cannot be forgot replaced or bought.
My father is a man of many strengths,
The strengths that help us to love him each and every day.




Why do people debate the death of a baby not born?
Why are we not outraged by the beating of those born?
Infants are left in the streets by their mothers,
Where they will surely slowly die.
And some are not so lucky,
Babies are beaten and broken,
And others burned and bruised.
Yet we protest those who have been spared such pain.
We even protest the beating of our animals.
I do not see us protesting the beating of our babies.





Little birdie in the sky,
He flew by to just say hi,
Chipper chipper cheap, chipper chipper cheap,
Little baby go to sleep.
Little birdie in my tree,
He flew by to sing to me,
Chipper chipper cheap, chipper chipper cheap,
Little baby go to sleep.
Little birdie in the bath,
He came by to splish and splash,
Chipper chipper cheap, chipper chipper cheap,
Little baby go to sleep.
Little birdie on the ground,
He came by to hop around,
Chipper chipper cheap, chipper chipper cheap,
Little baby go to sleep.





Every time I have a problem, I come running to you.
I would pray that you could hear me,
And pray that you could help me,
And I would always find the answer.
Now it is time your little girl,
Found the answers on her own.
I hope you understand that it is time,
For me to let go.
I have been hanging on to long,
And it is time that I see that you are gone.
I know that you are always there in spirit,
And I know that you have already done your time.
It would be selfish for me to hold you here.
Do not worry about me,
I can learn to make it on my own.
I love you mama and I always will.
I know that I have the strength inside,
And now it is time for me to say good-bye.





I wish to spend the rest of my life with you.
I want to tell you how much I love you.
I want to hold you and have you near each day.
I wish that I could stay beside you each and every night.
I wish that I could lay beside you with no worries.
And never leave your side.
For that is where I belong for the rest of my life.




Though silent and still thy body lay,
Thy brain is wide-awake staring at your same four walls.
With such intelligence and such grace.
Yet you smile and laugh as though it where no burden.
Showing no pain in your face
Only beauty and grace do we see.



Family is something to be cherished.
It is the only place where we have a special bond.
Brothers and sisters to share.
Mothers and fathers to care.
Aunts and uncles and grand parents too.
There is nothing so special for me and for you.
It is the only place for a love that is true.
And I am happy to make my family with you.
Forever to share that love so true.








Climbing to a mountaintop to see eternity,
It seems to me that it would be,
So silly a thing to believe,
But Father Time and Eternity came to sit beside me.
His beard so white came long down by his feet to rest.
His staff reached up to the clouds.
His wife, of course, came with him now,
And if you had not heard, he married to eternity.
So if ever you wish to see eternity,
Climb up to a mountaintop and there they will be,
Father Time and Eternity.





With all of the hurt we caused each other and all of the tears that fell,
Our friendship never could survive.
With so much deliberate heart break and so much thought out pain,
There is no relationship that could sustain.
We were both so afraid of getting hurt,
That we had never learned to love.
With all that it took to become friends, it hurt too much to let it end.
And the trust that I had given you,
When broken, I could not give my trust again.
If we could have told each other what was in our hearts,
Our friendship may have never been torn apart.
The thing that hurt me the most was when I needed you,
And you never came.
It was then that I knew that our friendship would never be the same.
Then I knew you would never walk beside me again.




I have a place here in my heart,
A special place for you.
And I know that when we are together,
All our dreams will same day come true.
And the things that make me happy,
Are the things that only you can do.
You have shown me that together,
There is nothing we can not do.
And as we go through life together,
I know this always will be true.
For I will give my life and love to only you.





Speak, speak you say.
Tell me how you feel.
Let me know what you are thinking.
I speak but you do not listen.
I tell but do not hear.
I let you know but you do not understand.
Speak, speak you say.
Talk to me.
Tell me why you are crying.
I speak but you do not listen.
I talk to you.
I tell you why but you cannot see.
Are you even hearing me?
Speak, speak you say.
I speak but you do not listen.





See my garden how it grows,
It takes a lot to keep it there.
It takes much tender loving care.
Treat it right and you will see,
It grows so green so tenderly.
In fact you know it could not grow,
With out me always there to give tender loving care.
The love that flows from in my spout,
flows with-in I pour it out.
My garden then just takes it in and uses it with-in.
I do not turn my back you see my garden it needs me.
And that is how I wish you would be,
Tending gardens here with me.




What is the meaning of life when life just dies?
Love is taken in vain and hate created by false love.
What is the meaning of life when we destroy ourselves?
We hurt each other and feel no guilt or shame.
Why can't we live in peace?
Why can't we live for ourselves and our brothers?
Show our love truthfully and help one another.
Help one another to become our best.
To help us all to become one hole.





No matter the miles between us,
I remember you always and hear your voice each day
I will keep you close to me,
In my heart and in my mind.
I keep you in my memory,
Until you return and forever.




My love for you is so strong, I know that it will never end.
My belief in you is so great, that I will always trust you.
And it is with this that I give to you,
My love and my life for all eternity.
For that is how long we will be together, loving each other.



When it seems all colors have faded,
And all the fields have dried.
When it seems all flowers have gone.
There is always a rose, which shines and brightens all your days.
I have my rose he brightens all my days.
Whether he is near or far away.
For here in my heart he stays
He has his rose I brighten all his days.
Whether I am near or far away.
When it seems all flowers have gone away.






If I could be an oak tree,
Then I should be strong at heart.
I would then stand tall,
With my arms stretched to the heavens.
Showing gloriously my strength and my dignity.
My power so great, yet meek to your touch.
I show no mercy, yet I am tendered by your love.
With your loving touch all of these are weakened,
All of my strength, my dignity, all of my power.
With this I ask, do not leave behind my heart.
Do not leave behind the most important part.








My mother is so wonderful,
Yes she is so good to me.
My mother is so giving,
Unselfish is her name.
My mother is the best you know,
For she would even take you in.
She would take you in and feed you.
She would make sure that you were full.
My mother is so wonderful,
Yes, she is the best you know.







Though the trials are hard and many,
We are all strong.
Your beliefs and my morals,
Are they so different that we cannot see eye to eye?
Why then do we call our selves brothers?
Is it our fate to fight one another?
Or is there something left to salvage of our wars?
Why then should we continue?
Why not stop?
When will we be happy from our fabricated wars?
Then let us stop and find another way.




The sun has set.
The moon shall rise.
The stars will sparkle, and light up the skies.
The moon shall set.
The stars they fade.
The sun shall rise, to bring on the day.




It's Christmas time and family is all around,
Little bits of memories are hung upon a tree.
Up on that tree I hang a bell,
And every time that bell rings,
I hope that mama gets her wings.
Then I hang a bell for grandpa,
Because he deserves wings to.
And I hope that all their wishes had come true.





Some they lead and some they follow,
Each follower or lead has a stepping stone.
A stepping stone is tread upon and neglected,
Covered with dirt and aged with time.
Uncovered then tread upon again.
I am a stepping stone, which has been passed over,
Stepped upon many times waiting for someone,
Follower or leader to pick me up,
To protect me from neglect and shelter me from harm.
For words are the dirt,
That only a hand loving and caring can clear away.





Mistakes are all the things that should have been said,
Yet never were,
All of the things that should have been shared,
Yet never were.
The things that hold people together,
That never could connect.
The things that should have been done.
"I love you " gone unsaid.
The truth gone untold.
The feelings never shared.
Broken hearts and other hurts.
These are mistakes.
Mistakes not meant for making.
As hearts are not meant for breaking.




Just because the tears have not fallen,
Does not mean I am not hurting.
Deep inside I cried time and time again.
Just because I do not let you touch me,
Does not mean that I do not love you.
Deep inside I loved you time and time again.
Just because I do not touch my lips to yours,
Does not mean that I will not kiss you,
Deep inside I have kissed you time and time again.
Just because I do not always hold you
Does not mean that I will not hold you,
Deep inside I hold you forever,
In my heart and in my mind.






You can follow a dream,
From midnight to morn'.
You can take your dreams to their peaks.
You can build up a base then tear it down again.
So follow your dreams from midnight to morn'.
Take your dreams to their peaks.
Build up a base to hold your dreams,
But do not tear it down,
Or you will regret it in the end.






I am all of those who sit beside you,
I am that person by himself.
I am that person, who has been hurt,
I am the person who is scared.
I am that person, who goes unnoticed,
I am the person never seen.
I am all of those who need someone,
All of those seen and unseen.
All of those locked in shells,
All of those breaking free.
All of those who need love,
All of those who go not cared for,
All of those who go unwanted,
I am you and me and all of those we see.



What is a friend that does not call?
Who are they when they let you fall?
Who are they who say they care?
Yet you find nothing there.
Is it true or are they using you?
Set you up to watch you fall.
Keeping you behind a wall.
To set you up, to let you fall.
Yet who are they who hold you up,
Never to be noticed.
Who are those who really care,
But don't know how to say it.
Who are those who break through that wall?
This is a true friend.
Someone who is there when you need them.



Sometimes I think that maybe,
I have forgotten myself.
I spent so much time helping others,
People that I would never see again,
That I think that I have forgotten myself.
I have deserted my dreams for what?
I work till I am so tired that I don't have time to cry.
I store up all my feelings,
Until I must explode,
Relieving all my pressures,
As a volcano when it flows.
I haven't time for pain,
I haven't time for hurt,
I've only the burning inside me,
Of a volcanoes fiery flames.





What are you hiding behind that smile?
Is it a tear or are you really happy?
What are you hiding behind those eyes,
Is it a person full of fear?
Is your mind really clear?
Or is it cluttered in confusion?
Are you really cheery?
Do you really feel good inside?
Or are you lonesome and hurting?
No one knows you, because you don't talk.
Hiding yourself, not giving others a chance,
Not giving yourself a chance.
Are you really happy?
Behind that laugh do I hear a cry?





Who is so important if you do not care?
Are you the only important person?
Do you not care about friends?
Do you not love or hope?
Is your heart so cold?
Is all love forgotten and gone away?
Is," I Love you," so hard to say?
Has loneliness come to stay?
I tell you that I love you but you just turn away.
I wish you would show me your gentle side,
The warmth in your heart, that no one can see.
The warmth inside, that touches me.





When someone is there when you need them,
You take for granted that they always will be.
Then comes the day they leave you,
And you feel as though you're lost.
Lost in feelings and thoughts.
That no matter how good or bad depends on you.
Hide your feelings and they will make you hurt.
Run from your feelings and they will make you sad.
Longing for that someone that you once had.
Leaving you lonely and sad,
Learning to stand on your own.






Dreams are like rivers flowing softly,
Till meeting the oceans' terror.
A whisper of an important part of life.
A frightening form of fear.
A dream is a story hidden deep with-in your soul.
A simple fairy tail of life, the dramas and the joys.
A dream can be comforting or confusing.
Dreams shower you with hope and lead you to success.
Dreams let your imagination run wild.
They can make you believe you are some where,
That you wish you could be.
Every one needs the comfort and hope that they only get from themselves.
Everyone needs a dream.





Your teacher called and said,
You're late.
You say you had an important date.
That could not wait.
It was the principals' fault,
Or so you say.
Which caused this terrible delay.
What! What is this I say!
In the office all day.
What terrible, terrible things I say.
Couldn't you stay out of trouble,
Just one day?





A moth is not beautiful enough, to be a butterfly.
To be a flower, a weed is not delicate enough.
A mop is not stiff enough, to be a broom.
A rag is to small, to be a towel.
A chair to small, to be a couch.
To be a pot, a pan is too small.
To be a tree, a shrub is to short.
To be a sun, the moon is not hot enough.
As people will never be good enough, to be perfect.





For all of those who go unseen,
And all of those who go unloved.
For all of those who wait for someone,
I hope that they shall flourish,
And in turn be envied by all,
For their beauty, peace and happiness.





Being lonely hurts only when you want it to.
Being lonely is missing someone that you once had.
But that someone is no longer there.
Have you ever found someone, who you really loved?
Then turned around and they were gone.
So, what is lonely?
I say lonely is a feeling that comes and goes,
Yet it never really leaves, for it comes back,
Again and again from time to time to make you sad again.




Trust is something worth much more,
Than many things you see.
Not having trust in somebody,
Cannot be fun to me.
For they cannot have trust in me.
Trust is a way to show that you care.
When you break that trust with someone,
You cannot love and you cannot care.







Hidden deep down in my heart,
The feelings to which no one's shared.
Locked inside a person scared.
Lost the key to let them out.
Lost is time forever gone.
Lost the secrets forever there.
All where a person's scared.
All where a person seeks shelter.
A tear,
A smile,
Then wait a while.
Till tumbled on is the key.
A key that's seen only by those,
Who really care and really see.




It seems when feelings linger in the air,
Waiting to be grasped and felt,
When dreams become nightmares,
Hope is as good as gone.
Your heart may race and skip a beat,
But still you stay locked inside a shell,
Where you've locked yourself so well.
Hidden deep a sorrow filled heart.
Waiting for freedom never to come.
Is it so important to fight and pretend?
Where is love when you need it?
Where is comfort when you're scared?
Where is understanding when you're confused?
Where is trust when you need silence?
Where is truth when you need knowledge?
Where are they when you need them most?
Have they all gone, along with hope?




Hate is a dragon, which burns deep within my soul.
The gift that you have given me,
The warmth that you taught me,
Was not that of love but of hate.
A hate that grows even stronger with the knowledge of your lies.
Till I throw down my shield,
And face you with my knowledge of the truth.
I will expose to the world, who you really are.
Your lies cannot protect you.
You cannot wish me gone.
Your cold heart cannot save you,
From the dragon burning deep within my soul.






A warm summers day planting away,
Birds singing in a soft breeze,
My flowers blooming and dotted with dew,
My child's sweet smile,
A soft reassuring hug from my husband,
A touch on my cheek,
A soft whisper in my ear,
A gentle breeze blowing through the trees,
The soft song of crickets on a warm summer night,
A leaf drifting slowly to the ground,
A nap in my garden when no one's around,
"Mommy I love you" is a sweet, sweet sound,
There is nothing warmer in this world to be found,
With warmth in your heart and peace in your mind.
All beings on earth are gently entwined,
We are not so different for we all can be kind,
There would not be wars if we were not so blind,
With pencil and paper I write my thoughts down,
To share hope with my friends and all those around,
When you have all of this peace will be found.
So here in my home I will grow my own peace,
And it will spread like a plague from my own little town,
And a world that is caring will sprout all around.





I miss my little girl with piggy tales and little curls.
In lacey dresses and bows in her hair.
That sweet little smile that hadn't a care.
I look at my daughter and think it's not fair.
I see a young lady, my little girl is not there.
I miss my little girl with piggy tails and little curls
In lacey dresses and bows in her hair.
I look at my daughter and think it's not fair.
She's wearing make-up and doing her hair.
I miss my little girl with piggy tails and little curls.
In lacey dresses and bows in her hair.
I look in her bedroom and she is not there.
She's off at college and working somewhere.
I miss my little girl with piggy tails and little curls.
In lacey dresses and bows in her hair.
I look at her daughter and I see her there.
She has that sweet little smile that hasn't a care.





You are my angel sent from heaven.
You are the light that shines in the darkest corners of my heart.
Your love keeps me warm through the coldest nights.
Your strength lifts me up and leads me through the darkest days.
You are the vessel that carries my heart.
You are the key that unlocks my soul.
You are the one that makes me whole.
You gave me everything that makes my life full.
I am thankful for everyday that I have you to hold.
You are my angel you are my soul.




White crystal blanket covers the ground
As the flakes fall from the sky.
The blanket tuck in the world for its' long winters nap
Till the warm sun comes out to kiss the world awake
With a gentle touch of spring
White crystal blanket, give way to covers of blossoms in spring.





Freezing winds blow, sending clouds sailing across the sky,
Cold winter winds swirling snowflakes gently by.
Though cold winds and frosty flakes nip at me,
I look at the drifts so soft covering the harsh ground.
I see icy jewels dressing the once naked trees.
And with the sight of winters beauty,
I feel cold winter winds blowing warm through me.





I was so empty for so long
Full of fear and hate
I didn't know how to love
I didn't want to try
I lost so many people
I had forgotten how to cry
I learned to hold back all my words of anger
And how to hide my pain
You took away my family and took away my name
You took away my voice and took away my choice
I fought to keep my memories and fought away your shame
I'm giving back your fear and shame and giving back your name
I'm taking back my right to choice
And I choose to voice my pain
You can keep your anger and you can keep your shame
I will not hold back my words of anger
And I will not take your blame
If you want to start to point your finger
You had better think again
This time you will not win
My life is not your game





I have tried to be what you wanted
But it doesn't matter what I do.
Most of the time you don't even know that I'm here.
When I talk you don't listen.
You treat me as though nothing I say has any meaning.
I have a lot to say if you would listen.
But you wouldn't know because you don't hear me.
I am not a trophy for you to take out when you want
I have a brain with thoughts
I have feelings
I wish that you would open you eyes and see me for who I am.
I do not control what I think or what I feel.
This is who I am
They are gifts and should not feel like burdens.
I am your wife not your possession.





Like a shower from heaven,
Raindrops fall down from the clouds,
Washing away the dust
Leaving a bright clean world behind.




The sunrise comes and I find myself alone,
An empty heart and empty home.
Still when darkness comes and you are near
I feel as though you are not here.
I need to be held in your arms
Or just sit beside you.
Instead you send me away
And I am empty.




I watch the trees outside blowing in the wind
Though it is winter I see visions of spring
Small buds adorn branches once completely bare.
Take a deep breath and smell spring in the air.
Tender young sprouts have begun emerging from the ground.
Though it is winter signs of spring can be found.
Open your eyes and if you look you will see,
There are already glimpses of spring.
Open your ears and hear the birds sing.




Soft wet trickles Flowing,
Descending over the curves,
Filling every soft crevasse with swirling pools.
Flowing like a glistening stream through hills and valleys,
Down the mountainside the waterfall flows.
Full of beauty and out of control.
Soft wet trickles flow.





Baby you touch me in a special way
Your love is like a tidal wave
All that I will ever need is found in you
The sun the stars and the moon
You give me the power that carries me through
You are my strength you are my light
You are the vision that keeps my dreams in sight
You are my sun my stars my moon
You light my nights and warm my days
Baby you touch me in a special way
Your love is greater than my universe
Stronger than my mind
Every time you go away I'm so empty inside
It tears me apart
When you come home again
Your love is like a tidal wave
Filling me again at the end of the day
My baby you touch me in a special way
You are my tidal wave.




I wait each day to see your bright smile
Shining like the sun
Warming up my day.
I wait each day to kiss your lips
Softer than angels wings
Lifting up my heart.
I wait each day to hear your voice
Sweeter then a song
Singing through my mind.
I wait to feel your soft touch
Hotter than a flame
Burning through my soul.
I wait for you.





The words I put on paper come from deep with in my soul
I write only that which is in my heart
My mind does not lead my fingers it is my heart that tells them where to go
Sending them dancing across the keyboard or gliding over paper on pen
Written purely with emotion each letter knows its way
Bringing to life my hurts my hopes my plans
The very soul of who I am where I come from and where I stand
And I leave each word wherever it may land
As my heart guides my hands telling a story of who I am





Tears fall from my eyes
Like raindrops falling from the sky
I miss the way you used to hold me
No matter how tired you where
I need some one I can talk to
I need some one who can listen
I need you to understand me
And to support me
I need you to believe in me
I need to have some things kept private
I am waiting for you to understand
And while I wait I am lonely
And at night tears fall from my eyes


Copyright©Sara J. Crago