Fish Diseases and Treatment
Fungus - Cottony white tufts on any body surface. Can result from extreme stress conditions. Fighting, poor water quality, or damage from parasites are possible causes.

Treatment - Wardley Rx Fungus Control.

Fin Rot - Fin surface looks dull white, shredded or partially missing. Can result from overcrowding, fighting, external parasites and poor water conditions.

Treatment - Wardley Rx Prmethyasul

Ick - Raised white spots about the size of a grain of salt on body and fins. Results from attack by parasites.

Treatment - Wardley Rx Ick Control, Wardley Rx Fungus Control.

Bacterial Problem - Red spots on body surface. Results from unusual stress conditions such as fighting and heavy parasite infestation.

Treatment - Wardley Rx Promethyasul.

Anchor Worms and Fish Lice - Both anchorworms and fish lice are parasitic crustaceans.  Anchor worms look like threads waving from the body. Fish lice look like small brown flattened bodies attached to the fish.

Treatment - Wardley Rx Parasite Control.

Gill Flukes - Lack of appetite, lingering near water surface, red discoloration of gills, body surface may take on light gray color.  Gill flukes are external parasites. Stressed fish are most susceptible to infestation.

Treatment - Wardley Rx Promethyasul.

Mouth Fungus - White cottony growth on mouth, sometimes extending toward gill area.  Results from unusual stress such as poor water quality, overcrowding or mouth abrasions.

Treatment - Wardley Rx Promethyasul.

Neon Tetra Disease - Loss of color around lateral line, erratic swimming, loss of weight.  Results from infestation by sporozoan parasites.

Treatment - No effective treatment known. Suspect fish should be removed immediately.

Disease information from:
Wardley Fin Facts Aquarium Handbook.