sarachan_it got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.comsarachan_it got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.comsarachan_it got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.comsarachan_it got their NeoPet at


Michiru is in the pool, listening to a conch shell. She’s flying above a blue oceans, the waves crashing on an unseen shore, with seagulls flying overhead. She then hears a voice: “That’s not fair: why did you have to go to a world of your own?”. Michiru looks up in her dream, then opens her eyes… Haruka is there, looking down at her. She sighs, and tells her she’s had a dream. She asks Haruka if she could feel it to; “Of course. Today will find the Talismans”.
Later that day, Eudial phones Haruka’s home, saying that she’s found out who the owners of the Talismans are. But not to fears, she hasn’t told her superior their identities yet. The answering machine stops as Haruka watches on in mild interest. Eudial phones back, and, when the answering machine does pick up, yelling: “How am I supposed to finish a message in that short of a time?!”. Haruka keeps watching, while Eudial’s voice calms down. “Doesn’t matter” her voice says, “Anyways, if you want to be there when the Talismans are discovered, come to Marina Cathedral. I’ll fax you the map. Ja ne. “ Eudial hangs up, and a (very simple) map comes through the fax machine. Michiru picks up, surprising Haruka: “It’s probably true what she said, it coincides with our dreams”.
Haruka scowls and looks her hand. “No matter what the cost… I will find the Talismans. My hands are dirty all ready…”
Haruka is surprised as Michiru reached out and hold her hand in her own.
“Don’t worry, Haruka… I’ve always loved your hands…”.
“Michiru?” <bgsound src=htom.mid loop=infinite>