The Fertility Clinic at Kaiser Santa Clara is a specialty clinic; therefore, you will need to be seen by your OB/GYN provider prior to being seen in the Fertility clinic. Your OB/GYN will be able to make you an appointment in the Fertility clinic by using an electronic referral system called Econsult. The provider will then be able to print information about the MD you will be seeing in the Fertility clinic as well as directions to the clinic if you need them. You will also be given history forms that need to be completed by you and your partner. It is important that you bring these completed forms to your first appointment in the Fertility clinic. We ask that both you and your partner (if applicable) attend this first appointment with the doctor.

Not all fertility services are covered under every health plan membership. Your employer is the one who determines what services will be covered under your plan at Kaiser Permanente. You will need to talk with your employer's Health Plan Coordinator concerning coverage issues for fertility treatments.

Many patients have a 50% or even 100% co-pay for fertility services. When you come for your first consultation you will receive a packet explaining all billing information.

We ask that you have a scheduled appointment for all of your routine visits. Maria Toste staffs our appointment desk. Our appointment line is 408-851-9400 and is open from 7:30am to 4:30pm to schedule routine appointments (closed 12:30-1:30pm). You may also leave a nonurgent message on this recorder (if Maria is not available) and one of the fertility staff members will call you back.

If you have any questions or need an urgent appointment, please call the Infertility advice line at 408-851-9400 and speak with one of our Advice Nurses(Rosa Lanto RN, Tina Cheng RN).

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