I tend to grab a pencil and some paper now and again to pass the time... at least for the last 3 years or so, and only now I've become good at drawing! Well, not that good, but still, better than before!

Here are a few of my creations, click on them for full size view. If you'd like to see more,
click here (it links to my archive).

Copyright by Didi Cardoso. You may not reproduce these in any way without written permission from the author.

Os trabalhos contidos neste site são protegidos por direitos de autor reservado, e não podem ser utilizados, distribuidos, reproduzidos ou editados de alguma maneira sem autorização do autor.
Visitor #
Angel, for my mom
Deliria, EQ friend's character
Nudity warning!! Click at your own risk!
My EQ cleric
Tunare, my EQ deity
An elf girl

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in Portuguese
Curriculum Vitae
Photo Album
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