The Literary Journal of the Silliman University Creative Writing Program
Submissions to Sands & Coral

Silliman students are earnestly invited to submit their literary works—poetry, short fiction, short short fiction, essays and non-fiction narratives, or drama—for publication. Faculty, alumni, staff, and past writing fellows of the SU Creative Writing Program and the National Summer Writers Workshop may also contribute. The editorial board may also invite other established writers to contribute.

Contributions should be addressed to
Sands & Coral, c/o Department of English and Literature, College of Arts and Sciences, Silliman University, Dumaguete City, 6200 Negros Oriental, Philippines.

Inquiries about submission and subscription may also be coursed through (035) 225-7392 or (035) 422-6002 loc. 350; or through the department’s email address: english (at) su (dot) edu (dot) ph. You can also email the publication staff of Sands & Coral at sandsandcoral (at) yahoo (dot) com.

You can email your submission to the email addresses above as an attached word processing file; a cover letter in the body of the email—usually a short bio and list of previous publications—should accompany your work. Electronic manuscript files should be laid out in traditional manuscript format, i.e., with one (1) inch margins, in Times New Roman, Book Antiqua, or Garamond typeface, at 11-font size. Files in Microsoft Word (MS Word) are especially welcome, but should be submitted as an RTF attachment. Please do not submit text-only files. Please do not send stories as text or HTML files pasted into the body of an email. Do not send stories with embedded illustrations.

Mailed manuscripts will be returned only if stamped and addressed envelopes are provided. Materials accepted for publication must be submitted on disk. All care will be taken, but no responsibility will be assumed if manuscript is lost. Scholarly articles will be refereed and must be submitted in triplicate copy.

As much as possible, we ask for First Serial Rights—all rights return to you on publication.

Sometimes, a
Sand & Coral issue revolves around a certain theme. For example, Sands & Coral released a special 1997 issue entitled “Voices in the Wilderness,” focusing on the issue of ‘writers in their environment,’ which was sponsored by the Silliman University Center of Excellence in Coastal Resources Management and the United States Agency for International Development. Obviously, submissions for thematic issues do need to meet the deadline for that particular issue. Submissions held over from previous issues will not be considered for the specialized issue (unless they fit its parameters), but they will be retained for the next regular issue.