Welcome to the Script Archives

This is the section where I will archive my play scripts. I took a
playwriting class my Freshman year of college, and these scripts are
all from that class. Unfortunately, I have not written any scripts
since then, but I really found my fiction-niche in plays. I love the
focus on dialogue and character with no need for the long descriptive
passages that kill novels for me. So, yeah. I don't think they're
very polished, but that was not the point of the class. And I am
pleased in general with how they turned out. We were, by the way,
not allowed to try comedies, as he deemed them too hard.

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Flight to Dallas -2/10/05
This was the first thing that we wrote in the class. The assignment
was simply to create characters who had a conflict, then let them
argue it out. So the point was pretty much to try to think of an
interesting premise, then write an argument. I think it turned
out alright, I mean: it wasn't supposed to be anything too complex.
The teacher really liked my premise and said that he might use it
for an improv exercise in his Acting classes.

Making a Life -3/01/05
This was the second assignment. It was simply to write a short scene,
again involving an argument, but this time to flesh out the characters
in outside writing and try to create more of a plot to it. So I'm not
sure how well that shows. This is probably my least favorite of the
scripts. Whatever.

Say Goodbye to Uncle Jim -4/26/05
Our third script-assignment was to write a scene involving the
characters from our ultimate One-Act, but not involving the plot of
that story. The point was rather to spend some time getting used to
the characters' voices and developing their backstory. This is probably
my favorite script from the class. I think that it probably actually
turned out better than the One-Act. The story is pretty loosely based
on the sale of my grandparents' lakehouse up north (where we always
went on vacation) upon their divorce. The circumstances and such are
completely fictional though. The class' feedback on this one was that
the ending is a little weak. I would agree.

When we had a class-showcase scene-night, this was the piece that
I chose to have the directing/acting students put on. It turned out
okay, entirely based on the actors' chemistry, because the "director"
that I got was not that good at all. Granted, it was her first ever.

Cutting the Line -5/09/05
This was our last script assignment. It was the culmination of the
class: to write a One-Act play about whatever we wanted. The only thing
that wasn't allowed was a comedy. I think that this turned out alright.
it is surprisingly hard to write a long script that stays on track. I
think it can get a little over-dramatic at times, and again the ending
could use some punch, but what can you do. This script went through a
/whole/ lot of titles. The one I stuck with is aight, I guess.

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All Work Copyright © 2005 by Luke Hansen