Where The Road Leads

Author: Sam

Story: Leather-bound: 5 of ?

Series: n/a

Setting: Bag End as related in The Red Book of Westmarch.

Song Note: Pilgrim by Enya. I skipped off the repeating ending, as it really was just the same two lines over and over again.

Feedback: Yes, please? Especially constructive. samwise_baggins@yahoo.co.uk

Webpage: http://www.oocities.org/samwise_baggins/index.html

Arriving in Bag End, Bilbo let out a slight chuckle, flipping his pretty ring and pocketing it. He pulled out a pack and thrust it, open, on the hall table. Haste seemed to be the most pressing factor; he needed to be away before anyone from the party figured out what had happened and followed him up to his hole. He wanted to be away, on the road to Rivendell.

Naturally, he was considered quite odd for a Hobbit. Leaving the Shire was odd enough, but going to live with Elves just to write a book was down right cracked in the head. Bilbo had his reason, though. He'd lived far longer than a Hobbit had a right to. He still looked fairly young and spry, in fact. But on the inside, the aged Hobbit, eleventy-one years old, felt drawn and worn. As he's put it, Bilbo felt like butter scraped over too much bread. He needed to find a place to relax, to enjoy his life once more, to figure himself out.

Rivendell, among the ageless Elves, seemed the perfect place to go.

As Bilbo started collecting his things, last minute packing for the journey to come, he rounded a corner to unexpectedly find Gandalf. It was a bit of a start, but his racing heart calmed quickly as Hobbit and Wizard argued softly over the wisdom of using the magic ring for a practical joke. Finally, Bilbo conceded that Gandalf was right, it had been foolish to play with the ring.

With a soft sigh, Bilbo slipped his red leather-bound book into the satchel, followed by his long-stemmed pipe. A sudden wash of worry came over him and he glanced at his long time friend as he hurried past. "Keep an eye on Frodo for me?"

The Wizard nodded, a gentle smile of understanding settling to his aged features. "Two eyes, as often as I may." He turned slowly, watching the Hobbit packing for his journey. The decision had been made, and long delayed, to move to Rivendell and dwell among the Elves. Gandalf was relieved to see Bilbo finally taking that step.

"I'm leaving everything to him," Bilbo was saying, drawing the old man's mind back to the conversation at hand. "Bag End, everything. Everything's in order."

"And does this include the ring?" Gandalf watched the smaller being carefully, trying to judge his mood. When Bilbo told him the ring was in an envelope on the mantle, he turned, despite knowing that he wouldn't find the piece of jewelry. He had assumed correctly; no envelope sat on the mantle.

Bilbo realized this at the same time, sounding rather surprised, hesitant. "No..." His voice held a dazed quality. "It's right here in my pocket." With a little laugh, he slid the thick gold band from the pocket of his waistcoat and smiled, caressing a finger tenderly over the cold metal. "Imagine that..." The Hobbit's mind was drifting with the perceived security he'd found with his ring, years of comfort it'd seemed to bring. Could he... should he really let that go?

With increasing unease, Gandalf listened as Bilbo debated why he should keep the ring. Becoming frightened for his long term friend, the Wizard turned and informed the Hobbit that he felt he'd had the ring quite long enough. The old Hobbit got defensive and accusatory.

Decided, Gandalf used a simple illusory spell to make himself appear larger, aiding this hallucination with groaning ceiling beams and odd lighting. He successfully terrified his friend and a submission Bilbo hurried forward, wrapping his arms around Gandalf, shaking and whimpering. Gandalf hugged him back gently.

He smiled ruefully at the smaller being, encouraging, as he determined that he would leave the ring to Frodo along with everything else. With a sigh, Gandalf watched Bilbo hurry to get into his coat and pack, grabbing a walking stick and heading for the door. He opened it and took a step, but Gandalf halted him with firm, quiet words.

"The ring is still in your pocket."

"Oh yes... right." Bilbo gave a hesitant laugh, more nervous than amused, and turned towards Gandalf. With a shaking hand, he took the ring out, stared at it intently for a long moment, then slowly flipped his hand. The ring hit the tile floor with a heavy thud, far heavier than it should have.

A sigh and a definite nod and the Hobbit seemed to let something go. He turned towards the door then paused, turning back to the Wizard. "I've thought up an ending for my book. 'And he lived happily ever after, to the end of his days'." He gave a wavery smile to his friend, who smiled back.

"And I'm sure you will." Gandalf and Bilbo shared a hug. The Hobbit was off, singing a catchy little walking tune as he made his slow way towards Rivendell and his destiny. Gandalf sighed, watching. Very softly Gandalf started singing his own words to an unheard tune, watching as Bilbo Baggins disappeared into the distance.

Pilgrim, how you journey on the road you chose to find out why the winds die and where the stories go. All days come from one day that way you must know, you cannot change what's over but only where you go. One way leads to diamonds, one way leads to gold, another leads you only to everything you're told. In your heart you wonder which of these is true; the road that leads to nowhere, the road that leads to you. Will you find the answer in all you say and do? Will you find the answer in you? Each heart is a pilgrim, each one wants to know the reason why the winds die and where the stories go. Pilgrim, in your journey you may travel far, for pilgrim it's a long way to find out who you are...

He turned and walked back into Bag End to deal with the ring and await the heir.

To Be Continued in Chapter Six: Saying Goodbye

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