Dragons and Runners

Author: Sam

Story: A Weyrharper's Repertoire: 1 of 14

Series: Islinne Weyr

Rating: T: Some violence, much grief, but nothing a teen shouldn't be able to handle.

Summary: Cyrus composes a series of songs about Weyrlife, starting with candidacy and ending with, well, the end.

Setting: Generally Ista Weyr, and its surrounds, at the beginning of 10th Pass.

Spoiler: Only if you don't know about the dragon-bond, or dragonless, or anything else Pernese.

Category: Angst, Romance

Disclaimer: “Dragonriders of Pern (R)” is a registered trademark to Anne McCaffrey 1967(c). All the ensuing titles therein are also trademarks of Anne (and Todd McCaffrey) and The Worlds of Anne McCaffrey, Ltd. I am in no way connected with these people, and I do not claim ownership to these characters, lands, or names. I have borrowed them to share a story... and most likely not a story either would have written, had they had the time or no. I am making no money from this, and it is just for my entertainment and that of free entertainment to a select group of friends. Thank You.

Note: These are a series of Pern-based songs I wrote. Please enjoy them. They really do tell a story when read in order. Was previously longer, but I removed those which didn’t relate to C’rus.

Secondary Note: Cyrus dreams while working in the fields. Based on Eagles and Horses by John Denver.

Distribution: Please ask first?

Feedback: Yes, please? Especially constructive. samwise_baggins@yahoo.co.uk

Webpage: http://www.oocities.org/samwise_baggins/index.html

Runners, they frolic on rock or on sand
They swim in the rivers of life
And though they are grounded, they're happy on land
The runners still seem free from strife

A person is limited in what he can do
He still manages mir'cles of flesh
Like the runner who gallops whene'er he moves
Like the stallion who's strength's always fresh

I saw the shadow of dragons and runners
Crossing the sun, running hard 'gainst the breeze
Cantering faster and backwinging lightly
With dragons and runners my soul will be free

Dragons, they fly over water or earth
They know that their limits are few
They carry their riders through life and through death
Every day their lives start anew

A soul is an object imposs'ble to touch
It's ethereal, it's not ever seen
But the dragons who touch us and love us so much
They show us, from gold down to green

I saw the shadow of dragons and runners
Crossing the sun, running hard 'gainst the breeze
Cantering faster and backwinging lightly
With dragons and runners my soul will be free

A person is limited in what he can do
He still manages mir'cles of flesh
Like the runner who gallops whene'er he moves
Like the stallion who's strength's always fresh

A soul is an object imposs'ble to touch
It's ethereal, it's not ever seen
But the dragons who touch us and love us so much
They show us, from gold down to green

I saw the shadow of dragons and runners
Crossing the sun, running hard 'gainst the breeze
Cantering faster and backwinging lightly
With dragons and runners my soul will be free

To Be Continued in Chapter Two: Friends In High Reaches

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“Dragonriders of Pern (R)” is a registered trademark to Anne McCaffrey 1967(c). All the ensuing titles therein are also trademarks of Anne (and Todd McCaffrey) and The Worlds of Anne McCaffrey, Ltd.

We are in no way connected with these people, and we do not claim ownership to these characters, lands, or names. We have borrowed the world of Pern(R) to share stories and art... and most likely not stories or art any of them would have written or drawn, had they had the time or no. We are making no money from this, and it is just for our entertainment and that of free entertainment to those who wish to peruse this webpage. This is a non-commercial, free site for reading and viewing pleasure. Anything contained on this site may only be used/ downloaded for personal perusal, not commercial use. No member of this group or site is making any personal gain from the works here-in.

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