Oh, Tillek

Author: Sam

Story: Honor's Repertoire: 2 of 4

Series: Islinne Weyr

Note: In honor of the Dolphin Tillek. Based on Calypso by John Denver.

To swim through the waves of a crystal clear ocean...
To play and to ride on the crest of a storm...
To work with a partner exploring the coastline,
Searching for questions and answers unknown...
To be free of the land, live in the waters,
Racing to places no man's ever seen...

Oh, Tillek, the help you've provided,
The teachings you give us, the stories you share...
Oh, Tillek, I sing to your spirit:
The heart and the soul that have taught us to care.

For the dolphins you've aided and men you have partnered...
For all of the warnings and guidance you give...
For you who have had so many adventures,
Who show us: to live we must learn to be free...
To be true as the breeze, calm as the rainfall,
Strong as a mountain, and pure as the sea...

Oh, Tillek, the help you've provided,
The teachings you give us, the stories you share...
Oh, Tillek, I sing to your spirit:
The heart and the soul that have taught us to care.

Oh, Tillek, the help you've provided,
The teachings you give us, the stories you share...
Oh, Tillek, I sing to your spirit:
The heart and the soul that have taught us to care.

To Be Continued in Chapter Three: Dragons and Runners

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