You Shouldn’t Talk to Strangers

Author: Sam

Story: The Never-ending Story: 17 of 33

Series: none

Setting: Autumn 1991: The Realm of Dungeons & Dragons

Characters & Ages: Eric- 23, Uni- 8 (unicorn) but 18 (human)

Feedback: Yes, please? Especially constructive.


The rolling hills stretched before them, blocked on the near horizon by a broken cliff of white stone. Green grass and purple heather were interspersed by dilapidated fieldstone walls seemingly placed at random along the uninhabited countryside. There weren’t even any large animals in view. It was a lonesome, beautiful land.

“This place reminds me of Northern England. We went there when I was eight. I never understood why anyone would build walls across the fields when there wasn’t anyone to keep out.” Eric had been babbling about his youth for quite some time. The Cavalier, however, showed no real signs of slowing down.

Since Uni didn’t know any of the places he was talking about, or the people he mentioned as servants, she just let the words wash over her. It sounded like he’d done quite a bit in his short life. Only a few years ago she’d have been rolling her eyes in annoyance; now, she was fascinated, even if everything he talked about was strange and mysterious to her. “Really, Airk?” Her English was still slow, after all these years, but it wasn’t broken anymore. The only time she sounded like her former unicorn self, in fact, was when she was overly excited or frightened or if she agreed to something. She also seemed to have trouble correctly pronouncing her companion’s name, but neither seemed bothered by that after all this time.

As Eric continued to babble about himself, Uni noticed a traveler approaching them. She reached out a slender white hand to touch her companion’s arm, drawing his attention from himself. The pretty redhead gestured towards the man. Eric frowned, unconsciously moving to walk between his friend and the stranger; he could sense the uneasiness in the girl.

Something about the unknown man sent a chill through the raven-haired man as well. He continued to frown at the traveler, especially when the man started to whistle a tuneless sound. When the other man came abreast of the couple, Eric felt a cramping low in his stomach. He unconsciously put one hand over his abdomen and the other on Uni’s arm.

Suddenly, the cramping got worse. With a gasp, Eric nearly doubled over. The whistling stopped and a very calm, very soothing voice sounded over the twenty-three-year-old. He winced and tilted his head up.

“I can help, Cavalier.”

Dread inexplicably swept over the young warrior. He gripped Uni’s arm harder and she let out a sound like a wounded horse. Loosening his fingers slightly, Eric couldn’t draw his eyes from the smiling stranger. There was something about the traveler… something that screamed at Eric’s baser instincts of self-preservation.

Oddly enough, there seemed to be nothing particularly threatening about the man. He was of average height dressed in the normal, well-worn clothes of an everyday traveler in the Realm. No weapon was apparent; he didn’t act dangerous or menacing. Just something about the stranger seemed… off… somehow… and Eric had long ago learned to trust Uni’s innate judgement of character; she’d never been wrong yet.

Again, that soothing voice enveloped them. “I can help.” The man smiled an attractive look that held comfort and friendliness. “Just say the words and I will help you.”

“Go… away…” The dark-haired young man stumbled away from the stranger with the pleasantly lulling attitude. He pulled Uni with him, trying to get control over the stomach pains. Nausea welled up and Eric hit his knees, dragging the former unicorn to the ground. It was at that moment that the habitual dizziness overcame him. He nearly passed out.

She let out a startled yelp, arms immediately encircling her friend. Looking up, the eighteen-year-old frowned softly, instinctively leaning away from the traveler. “I… I think we’ll be… all right.”

The stranger squatted, his smile gentling. “Such spirit. I can help. You are vulnerable; he is weak. Let me help you.”

“I’m not…” the word was not one she’d had reason to use before, but she gave a fair attempt, her voice hardening in her dislike, “vul… ner… bull… We’re fine. Airk?” The redhead turned back to her companion, feeling his cold, sweaty skin. He was extremely pale, paler than even she was. Maybe she should ask for this guy’s help, even though he gave her the creeps.

Eric couldn’t answer her. He was too busy trying to fight the nausea welling up, the intense swaying of everything around him. He wanted to close his eyes, put his head down, and simply fall unconscious. It would feel so much better. But something eerie about the stranger kept him from giving in. He had to stay alert, had to protect Uni… even if it meant just throwing up all over the guy to chase him away. Right about then, that sounded like a totally reasonable idea… one that actually started to become more appealing the more the guy offered his help.


A movement caught the Cavalier’s eye and he gulped down the sickness to tilt his head, groaning at the uncomfortable gesture. The stranger had stepped closer and put out a hand, though he still didn’t touch either of the Young Ones. Eric curled his lip in his best imitation of his father at an unpleasant board meeting. “Leave… us… alone…” The young man’s voice was a deep, threatening growl. He didn’t want the guy anywhere near Uni.

Surprised, the man frowned for the first time. He recovered his smile and in a cajoling tone he said, “Come now. Pride is well and good, Cavalier, but swallow it this once and let me help you. Just say the words and all will be as it should.”

Sudden and intense anger surged over the twenty-three-year-old. He pushed from the ground, gritting his teeth as the world swam before his eyes. He felt as if his entire body was swaying as well… and had to fight back a sudden heaving. Raising his head, his knuckles white where he painfully gripped Uni’s shoulder, Eric stared the man straight in the eyes. “I said go away!” He pushed from the eighteen-year-old, sending her stumbling backwards, lunging towards the traveler.

The man hissed, smile and convivial attitude falling away as quickly as Eric’s temper had boiled over. He backed up, out of reach, and hissed again. Then a change overcame the stranger. His clothes looked older, more threadbare; his hair grew matted and long; his face grew sallow. In fact, all in all, the man seemed to wither, growing more haggard… more… decayed. When he opened his mouth in a third hiss, he revealed sharp, stained teeth and a foul odor.

Uni gagged, turning away and burying her face in the crook of her elbow. She shivered uncontrollably and felt a sudden dread seize her. The… stranger… reminded her of the beings in the Tower of the Celestial Knights. That same helpless fear overcame her and all the young woman could do was rely on her companion to protect her.

Up went Eric’s shield as he jumped between Uni and the traveler. The Cavalier stumbled as he moved, but forced himself to stay on his feet. He pushed towards the stranger, not caring at the moment just what kind of undead creature it was… just as long as it went away. He was so familiar with his friend that he could sense the subtle change in her emotions; this thing had suddenly terrified the intrepid former unicorn.

“Go away!” Oh, that was brilliant, Montgomery. What’s your encore? It had been a stupid remark, but the best Eric could think of in the heat of the moment. “Uni, stay behind me.” He pushed again, the shield’s magical force flaring up and slamming against the stranger. An unusual whine filled the air accompanied by an increasingly foul stench. Eric nearly retched a third time. Great. This is becoming a habit. Maybe letting go would get rid of the creep? His sarcastic thought helped the Cavalier to gain control, if only just a little bit.

The creature howled in anger and clawed at Eric’s shield. The magic force continued to flare, oddly whining every time the foul being touched it. Colored energy swirled over the air between the two enemies, marking the invisible force that protected those whom the Cavalier tried to defend. Eric gave another mighty heave, stumbling once again as his head swam and his stomach lurched. Without warning a bright flash of intense yellow-green light erupted from the shield.

Eric squeezed his eyes shut, turning his head instinctively from the brilliance. Uni screamed and threw herself onto the ground, arms protectively covering her head. An unearthly wailing filled the countryside as a foul wind crashed over them, trying to force the trio into the ground. It was only with years of practice that Eric was able to utilize the full strength of his body, wielding the shield without being overcome by this rare display of increased power.

An unholy wail shuddered through the Young Ones… then all was still.

Wanting to curl up and try to regain his greatly flagging strength, Eric knew he couldn’t let his pain and fatigue get the better of him. He had to protect Uni. Once they’d won, he could let her baby him back to full health… or what passed for it those days. Gritting his teeth, steeling for another assault, the Cavalier looked up, a snarl of defiance on his tired face.

“What…?” Eric slowly looked around, almost unable to believe his eyes. It took a couple of blinks and another scan of their surroundings to verify what he’d first thought he saw.

Lush fields and stone walls were gone. In its place was a barren, rocky wasteland. Not even a blade of grass or an insect was visible. How could such a drastic change have occurred in so short a time? Had the explosion truly been that vast? And had his shield managed to protect Uni and himself from such a destructive force? … And where had his shield gotten the kind of energy to cause that final, all-encompassing surge of power?

Fear washed over him as he recalled that Uni had been behind him. Whirling, nearly falling face first into the dirt due to dizziness, Eric looked for his companion, hoping that she, too, had come through relatively unharmed. When he saw her, her paleness scared him and he pushed back his vertigo to crawl over to the former unicorn. “Uni?” his voice was hoarse with worry.

As he reached for her, a muffled “Is it over, Airk?” came from the ground and he did a double take.

“Uh…” Eric looked around, covering his mouth with one lean, tanned hand. “Uh… yeah. That thing’s gone now.” After a brief pause, he couldn’t help adding, “so’s England.” The sigh he let out bespoke just how much he longed to be home, even if he’d stopped complaining so much in the last couple of years.

Uni slowly uncurled and sat up, looking around at the wasteland with a worried frown, “Are we lost?” Glancing up at Eric, her frown deepened. “What’s wrong, Airk?” Maroon eyes widened with a sudden worry, “Oh! Are you hurt?” She reached for the twenty-three-year-old.

“Me?” Eric was stunned, starting to run his hands carefully over his companion to check for injuries. “You’re pale as a… uh… sheet.” He had changed his wording in light of their recent otherworldly encounter.

Shaking her head, Uni pulled away, a flush suffusing her delicate, almost elfish features. “I’m always pale, Airk… its my… natural… skin tone.” She batted at his hands as he reached for her again. “Stop it, your hands… tickle.”

Eric stopped. Frowning, the man stood and started checking himself over. He could still feel the leftover tingle from the energy surge. Idly he wondered if that was what Uni meant, then pushed the inane thought aside. The Cavalier reached down a hand to pull the former Unicorn to her feet, ignoring her odd glance and the fact that she shook out her hand after he let go again. He gestured to the cliff ahead. “Well, if you’re fine, then let’s get going. I sure don’t want to be out here when night falls.” With a calculated look and a brief smile, he teased, “I’m not a horse to sleep in a field, you know.”

His joke was answered with a snort and a light slap on the arm.



“Yeah, kid?”

Uni’s laughter rang out, a rather braying kind of noise at odds with her delicate appearance. After all those years, however, Eric had finally gotten used to it and the happy sound made him smile. So, Uni had also been remembering their first days alone together. It made him feel good to be so… close with his friend.

“Why did he call you… Cavalier?”

Eric frowned softly in confusion. Where did that question fit into the good old days? “Who? Dungeon Master?”

She shook her head, long red hair swaying, reminiscent of when she had a long mane instead of human hair. “No, that…” a shudder wracked her body at the recent unpleasant memory, “stranger.”

The raven-haired man’s frown deepened. She certainly hadn’t been lost in remember when if she was still on about that bozo freak. “Uh… cause I am a Cavalier?” Trying to lighten the atmosphere again, Eric shot her a mischievous look. “I thought you were past the stupid question stage, Uni.”

Shooting him a dirty look, Uni shook her head again. “No… you’re the stupid one… Airk.” He gave her a fierce look as she continued. “I mean… there’s so many different… kinds of… fighters. Many of them even wear… the same kind of armor… and carry shields. So, how’d he know just what… type… of fighter you are?”

Unanswered, the question hung in the air between them for several long minutes, stretching Uni’s limited patience. Suddenly, Eric broke the stillness with a low chuckle. “Don’t we make a pretty pair, both paranoid and delusional.”

“I’m not the… paranoid… delusional… one, Airk,” but Uni was smiling in response, appreciating the way he used his sarcastic humor to try to alleviate the building tension.

Eric slowly spoke again, however, and the tension came streaming back, “Uni… think that guy is part of the army of evil Dungeon Master mentioned a few years ago?”

Silently, the former unicorn thought it over, maroon eyes filled with worried confusion. “Maybe…” a shudder wracked her slim body as she recalled the change the stranger had gone through, the claws and the stench… “Definitely… He really wanted you to… ask for help.”

“Yeah, he did.” The twenty-three-year old looked towards the horizon, pondering what fate they were heading for, seeing the distant cliff-side looming ever closer.

Silence fell between the companions only to be broken a moment later by Uni’s soft voice.

“Airk? I don’t… trust… that guy.” She glanced at the man then back at the road ahead. With her excellent eyesight the eighteen-year-old could see a door in the cliff ahead. They’d probably go in there for the night. “He’ll be back.”

The man nodded slowly, his frown returned full force. “Yeah…” A bit of silence passed once more before Eric softly said, “Uni? I don’t like him either.”

With that, the pair walked on in an uneasy quiet, the distant future coming inexorably closer with each step… each minute… that went by.

Special Note: Thank you Crolynx for your review of Chapter 16 on 09-23-2004. As you may have heard by now, I am often ill, and with a rough year in 2006, my writing has gone completely non-existent. I know I don’t allow anonymous reviews, but that is because I prefer to be able to write back to someone if their comments are particularly helpful or to answer questions or address “problems”. Plus, I’ll get the occasional review that says something like “What a stupid ending to a good story. Stupid fat Hobbit can keep nasty fishes. Gollum… Gollum.” And if there is no name attached, how can I report him/her for flaming rather than being constructive? I don’t mind complaints, as long as they are respectful (like your’s) or helpful (like others I’ve had). Thank you, especially, for taking the time to write a review, as it does mean a lot to me. I really appreciate your and your thoughts.

To Be Continued in Chapter Eighteen: --- when written

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