collected phone numbers by: Lor_3nZo
These text's are only representing information based on an educational and curious bases. I do not take responsibilty for the actions you might take with this public information. Please respect the owner of any subscriber line listed in these informations and dial with care. You are now viewing at

Also, these informations are widthdrawled from the internet/irc/other undeclared sources. If this information is copyrighted in your name please let me know as soon as possible so i can remove/destroy any contents.

Black Widows Phreaking Forum

C0 phone #

Some new numbers

926 scan-i'm doing all 9999 thousand numbers-

927 scan-scattered scan-


Informative FTP's

International Dial in Operator

Local Area Signaling Service

Deactivate your Subscriber Line

Updated PP list
Payphone & other #'s-most payphones are tapped in the 805 NPA-

800-927-xxxx scan-choppy scan-