How do I quit?
So, how do I quit for good?

Some people try to "cut back" for a while and some can do that. I tried it several times and within a few days I was back up to the same level of smoking. The truth is, for most of us, it is best to quit "cold turkey", that is, just put them down and walk away from them. There are aids available to help you through it. Use them! They really help.

Nicotine has got ahold of you now and it isn't going to let go without a fight. The most common withdrawl symptoms include food cravings, "the jitters or shakes", anxiety, short temper and insomnia. These are short-lived but can be intense. Usually the first few days (3-5) are the worst. After that, the physical symptoms begin to disappear. As I mentioned earlier, there are aids available to help minimize them.

First, remember that the available aids to quitting are not the complete answer. You still have to WANT to quit. Once the nicotine is gone from your body, the physical addiction is broken!!!! There may be times later when you want to smoke. That craving is TOTALLY mental, so just change the subject in your mind. This is a complete lifestyle change and it will probably mean making other changes, at least temporarily. That said, here are some hints:


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