"The Watch"
A Novel by Stalker the Assassin

The duty rosters were posted on board the Abyss. Crew members crowded around to see who was going to die tonight. Three nights in a row the watchers had taken an arrow in their throats. There was a gasp of surprise from the crew. A commodore had been chosen. Why would the Admiral want to put a Commodore on a watch that had taken three lives already. Stalker the Assassin came onto the deck and silently stalked over to the post. Reading quietly, he then did an about face and walked toward the castle.

In the mess hall there were hundreds of Corsairs talking about one thing; the deaths. Stalker grabbed a loaf of bread and walked over to the table. Talking to a close acquaintance of his, Spike the Marl, he told of how he was planning to capture this rogue killer."Good luck to ya', matey."

After gathering some hay, he headed for his private cabin over in the Abyss and started taking his clothes off. He stuffed the hay into his clothes and tied the clothes together with a cord. Wrapping his cloak around the neck, he hid the crude replica under his cot.

When night fell and it was time to start the watch, he took the dummy and fixed it in the position for the watch. He then hid in a position where he could still contain a constant lookout and watch the dummy at the same time. Three hours into the watch he saw the dummy's chest get penetrated by an arrow. Taking a quick peek he saw the guilty beast and got a glimpse of his face. Convos! A Commodore who had been asking all high-ranking officers to take up his position as dock-master so he could travel the open seas. He was trying to scare the officers off the ship so he could take up one of their positions. Stalker spent the rest of the night in his cabin.

The next morning he asked the watcher on the isle if Convos was in last night. "Hmm, Convos, hmm, O yes, he left around two-and-a-half hours past nightfall. He then returned about forty minutes later." Stalker then went to the source of the problem. Convos.

He went to the killer's cabin and started up a conversation.

"So, Convos, get a good sleep last night?",Stalker asked innocently.

"Uh, yeah, why?",he replied.

"Oh, just wonderin'. Ya' know, there was an attempt on my life last night. Fortunately, I hid and watched and saw something happen. You know what that was?" "No",he bluntly said.

"Well, I saw you, with a longbow and quiver of arrows strapped around your back."

At this point, Convos pushed Stalker and ran for the door. Quickly regaining his balance, Stalker ran after Convos, drawing his poison dagger as he went. Rapidly closing the distance, Stalker stopped, took quick aim, and hurled his dagger. The hard flung dagger took Convos in the back. Retrieving his dagger, he walked to Admiral Khessta's room.

"Your plan worked Admiral. I got the killer. It was Convos."

"Very good Stalker. I had a feeling an assassin could catch an assassin."

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