"Assassin's Chronicles: Part Two"
A Trilogy by Stalker the Assassin

Ten seasons after Stalker started his weapons training, he met with two Long Patrol hares. Using his custom battle ax, he took up a fighter's stance. The first, older hare charged with his pike. Stalker, at the last moment, sidestepped and tripped the hare. Before the hare could rise, Stalker brought his axe head on the hares unprotected back. The second, younger hare, did an about face and ran. Stalker took out his knife and threw it sharply. He never missed.

Back at the dwelling, which he shared with a older Marlfox, named Bladrun, Stalker told of his encounter with the two hares." One was an experienced fighter, though not experienced enough. The second was nothing more than a scared rookie." "Stalker", said Bladrun, changing the subject abruptly," I think it is time we attacked Salamandastron. I know we're just two Marlfoxes. But we must avenge our families! We will creep in by night, take out any sentries with stealth. Once inside, we take out any hare you see as quickly as you can. Tomorrow we will leave at dawn. From then on, no fires. That's it. Now, get some sleep." With that, he went to sleep.

Two weeks later, they had spotted Salamandastron, with no hares in sight. Trodding carefully, they found a spot to sleep for the night. Late that night, Stalker awoke to see a hare creeping toward Bladrun. Fortunately, the hare's back was toward him. Silently grabbing his long bow, he notched an arrow and drew back."Ssssssthunk" The hare fell with a scream,"Aaaaahhhhhhhh", and died. Bladrun was up at his feet immediately. Stalker quickly put a claw to his mouth, beckoning silence. Whispering quietly, he said," There may be more of them." They scouted the area, but found no more hares."He must be a scout or something", said Bladrun in a normal voice. "Well",he said, gazing toward the rising sun ," we might as well start out toward the big rock. We should make it there at nightfall." At night they reached the foot of the mountain. "Look, there" said Bladrun, pointing toward a little window, "We should try and get in through there."

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