"The Island Sampetra"
1st Place in the September Writing Contest by Jenner

The waves crash against the side of a dark and foreboding mountain that appears to rise up from the swell of the sea. It seems that the sound of voices are carried from a far distance along the backs of each crashing wave. When concentrated on with the keenest of ears, the voices are recognized as dwelling from the very rock of the mountain-island. These voices sing blustery sea chanties and tales of war and scavenging on high-seas adventures. Boats that would appear threatening and evil out on the open waters are dwarfed by the awesome loom of a grand castle pearched on the very precipice of the island's brow. Wind wips around the rock, buffing it to a fine sheen washed smooth by centuries of salt water. This is the dwelling of the mighty Ublaz! His eyes reflect the very churning waters at his feet. His temper is as unpredictable as the skies. His battle hoard of vermin strike terror in the very hearts of all creatures, be they land folk or sea farers. His fortress is undefeatable. Its very name demands the attention of all: SAMPETRA!

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