"Spearlady Gorse"
A Poem by Panzerslash

Spearlady Gorse,
Lord of the Mountion,
No Remorse for vermin.
Vermin slay,
Without a care,
Not knowing one day,
They would DARE,
To challange the Lady of the Mountion!
The last mistake they would ever make!
Hares and the Badger met one day,
Apon the sunny shore,
With the biggist band of vermin,
That the badger had ever saw.
That didn't stop her,
From picking up her spear,
And giving the vermin 'Wot For'.
Now the Mountion is in peace,
Ruled by an old lord stonepaw.
The fighting hares have gone now,
Peace makes Warriors restless
The Old Warriors reman,
Not good for fighting.
But whats this?
More Vermin than the Battle of the Gorse!
Who will save us now?

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