"See! The horde is coming!"
A Poem by Blackmoon Redclaw

Rats with fur, white, black, grey,
They may arrive here the next day,
See! The horde is nearing,
Ferrets, cutlasses, spears, pikes,
They are not far away,
See! The horde is nearing,
Weasels, vicious killers,
Closer and closer they come,
See! The horde is nearing,
Stoats, swords, lances, bows,
Eating distance like scones,
See! The horde is nearing,
Foxes, cunning, stealthy, hungry,
Almost upon us they are,
See! The horde is coming!
Lock all your belongings up tight,
Let us all take flight,
Soon the horde will be upon us,
And no mercy shall they have.
See! The horde is coming!

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