Bana was due April 17th, 2003. However, Saleem had told friends and relatives that he felt Laith would arrive sooner than the due date particularly on April 12th. Call it lucky guess or father's instinct, Bana went into labor Saturday morning April 12th at 4:00am.
Laith was born at 4:26pm. 
Saleem video taped the delivery.
Laith was circumcised April 28th. Mom did not attend the operation. She missed the funny scene where Laith peed on the doctor. Doctor did not think it was funny!
Bana Nasser
Saleem Sawalha
Born on:
April 12th, 2003 at 4:26pm
Born at:
Washington Hospital, Fremont, CA
6.14 (2.7 Kilos)
19.75'' inches (49.50 CM)
Eye color:
Not Sure Yet
Hair color:
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Uncle Farid's Site
Karina's Site
Habis Family