The First Church of Bowling
Welcome! You are not here by accident, but by a higher design. From the Hand of the Master Bowler, your course down the Alley of Life may have curved and you may have thought you were headed for the Gutter, but you are destined to strike the Head Pin of Life, my friend! You don't believe me? I was once like you are...drifting aimlessly...trying to roll my own strikes and not even picking up the spares! It was not until I became the Ball in the Master Bowler's Hand that I began to see the purpose of it all.

The 10 Pins Of Life

Meet the Master Bowler

Be The Ball

Picking Up The Spares

Up From The Gutter

Crossing The Foul Line

Facing The Ball Return

The 7 - 10 Split

Work on Your Approach

One Frame At A Time

The Reset Button

Bowling A 300

The Metrics Of Bowling

Games To Play

Glossary Of Terms

Frequently Asked Questions

Now I live every day knowing the firm grip of the Master's Fingers in the holes of the ball of my soul. I roll fearlessly toward the looming Pins of life's challenges and, as the Pins part before me, I thank the expert aim of the Master.
Bowlers since
Humbly brought to you by Saint Gutterball, an 11 lb. ball cradled in the firm but gentle Master's Hand...