Inu-Yasha ATG #1
Tee hee! Your ears are still fun to play with!
Hi!! I got the first ATG working!! Yay!! Please send me your comments on it and don't forget to sign my guestbook on the mainpage!
See 'ya!
Sailor Fusion
Inu-Yasha: Hey! Whatr'e we doing here?!
Kagome: Good question...who are you?*points at Sailor Fuion*
Sailor Fuision: I'm Sailor Fuison.
Sango: Your'e Sailor who?
Sailor Fuision: I'm Sailor Fusion, and I'm here to interview you.
Miroku: You can interview us, but can I ask you a question first?
Sailor Fusion: No, you peverted monk.*whacks Miroku in head with wand*WHACK!
Inu-Yasha: At least you have
some sense.
Sesshomaru: Inu-Yasha?! I didn't know you liked Mary-Kay make-up.
Sailor Fusion: Um...actually there is no Mary-Kay party, heh heh...
Inu-Yasha: You can't keep
me here! I'm leaving!!
Sailor Fusion: Nobody is going any where!*welds door shut*
Sesshomaru: Now I'm gonna miss my Ladies' book club meeting.
Sailor Fusion: You should stay, 'ya know. I just renovated the place.
Sango: I do like it, red and black are my favorite colors.
Sesshomaru: I'm more of  a pastel purple.
Sailor Fuison: Okay...well sit down and we can get started. The first question is for Inu-Yasha; Inu-Yasha, you are sooo totally cool, why do you let everyone, especially Sesshomaru, diss you? I mean he is kind of an um....
Inu-Yasha: Flaming drag queen.
Sailor Fusion: Well yeah, but I didn't want to offend anyone.
Inu-Yasha: Your'e way past that. I don't let him "diss" me as you say.
Kagome: Only I can diss him!
Inu-Yasha: What d'ya mean?! I don't let you diss me. Your'e nothing but a pathedic human and usless as it is.
Kagome: *now very very angry*OSUWARI!!
Inu-Yasha: Hmph!*Crashes to ground*
Sailor Fusion: Well-oh how about that! Were out of time!
Inu-Yasha: So can you take this door down now?
Sailor Fusion: Well um...we'll see you next time!!
Inu-Yasha: There's gonna be another one?!
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