Wonder where all this came from? you've come to the right place.


Are you lost? Been around the site and still can't figure out what some page is about? Or do you just want to be prepared before you look through the site? Here for you is a Site Guide that will give you a basic description of what each page is about.


I got the drawing used in the header from Bunny as a gift for christmas this year, and asked her if I could use it for my layout.


Silently Dreaming. Dreaming of what you ask? nothing in particular, this name came about when upon opening the site and not having a name for it besides IT I held a poll and asked for suggestions, and here Bunny comes with the name Silently Dreaming, so I added it to the possible choices in the poll and since it was the only one that got any votes, and since I liked it anyway, this site became Silently Dreaming.


I ask myself this question all the time too. Acctualy there is a purpose, some would say for the simple fact of being able to say that I have a web site, but no, if that were the case then I wouldn't have other sites now would I? No, the purpose of this site is a Personal Collective, as I have come to call it, I post my art work and other such items I create for you to view and use, along with some interesting things to do as well as linking together all my sites in one place. Right now I don't have many other sites, but that can always change.


My original web site was a Sailor Moon site titled EarthShine's Moon Mania that started out on About.com's web hosting however, they closed thier service and ESMM moved to Tripod. When Tripod lost 90% of the site files I moved to Geocites and have been here since. Not long after moving to Geocities I decided to open this site to move some of the more personal type pages to thier own site as I felt necessary. Since then Silently Dreaming has changed and grown into what it is now. I've opened and closed several sites and yet this one remains.


Shine is basically me. When I first got into the world of the internet, I chose for myself the screen name Sailor EarthShine and for a while it stayed that way everywhere I went, then slowly I got tired of typeing the full name and I shortened it to EarthShine and eventually that got shortened to Shine.


When I chose the screen name Sailor EarthShine I had no plans to acctually make a sailor character. It was on a whim one day when puzzling what type of drawing to request as a prize for winning a contest I thought why not and Sailor EarthShine was born. Now you can find EarthShine's story at The Sailor Squad.