Antimatter container - Voyager ejects an antimatter container and then detonates it with a photon torpedo in order to disable the Vidiian ships and beam the antiviral serum on board. (Resolutions)

Antiviral serum - Pel says that her people have developed an antiviral serum to combat the virus that Janeway and Chakotay have; she agrees to rendevous with Voyager to give them the serum. (Resolutions)

Backpacking - Janeway says that her parents took them on backpacking trips because they wanted them to be aware of their pioneer roots; she hated the trips. (Resolutions)

Bathtub - Janeway wishes they had a bathtub on the planet since that is her favorite way of relaxing; Chakotay constructs a bathtub for her. (Resolutions)

Battle drills - Tuvok orders a series of battle drills after they make arrangements to rendevous with the Vidiians. (Resolutions)

Benaren - Kes says that if it wasn't for her father, she would never have questioned her people's beliefs or left the city; her father died when she had just turned 1; Kes doesn't miss him as much since she started working with Tuvok. (Resolutions)

Biomolecular evolution - Janeway decides that she will try to learn more about the biomolecular evolution of the planet's ecosystem in hopes that it will lead her to a cure for the virus. (Resolutions)

Boat - Chakotay shows Janeway his plans for building a boat so that they can explore the river. (Resolutions)

DNA sequencer - This is one of the things transported down to the planet so that Janeway can continue researching to find a cure for the virus. (Resolutions)

Gardening - Janeway plants Talaxian tomatoes in a garden; Janeway's parents insisted she learn basic gardening skills; she hated gardening as much as backpacking. (Resolutions)

Glucose - Janeway tries a new glucose bait to try to catch the insect that bit them. (Resolutions)

Headboards - Chakotay makes headboards for their beds after he notices that Janeway sometimes sits up in bed to read and wants her to have a comfortable headrest. (Resolutions)

Hogan - Hogan and Swinn approach Kim in the Mess hall to tell Kim they agree with him that Voyager should ask the Vidiians for help. (Resolutions)

Insect - Janeway and Chakotay have contracted a vrius from an insect bite; Janeway tries to catch one of the insects in a trap so that she can analyze its protein co-factors in hopes that it will lead to a cure. (Resolutions)

Log cabin - Chakotay says that he's built a few log cabins when he was growing up since his father thought that it was important that he learn how. (Resolutions)

Modular shelter - Voyager beams this constructable shelter down to the surface for Janeway and Chakotay; it is beige on one side and gray on the other. (Resolutions)

New Earth - Janeway and Chakotay name the planet they're stranded on New Earth. (Resolutions)

Osteogenic stimulator - The Doctor tells Kes to use an osteogenic stimulator to set the broken arm of an injured crew member. (Resolutions)

Pel, Denara - Kim tells Tuvok that one of the big bargaining chips Voyager has with the Vidiians is that the Doctor treated Denara Pel and she might be willing to help them; she tells Tuvok that a burrowing insect carries the disease and that her people developed an antiviral agent years ago. (Resolutions)

Petri dishes - This is one of the things transported down to the planet so that Janeway can continue researching to find a cure for the virus. (Resolutions)

Plasma storm - Some type of plasma storm damages most of Janeway's research equipment; their tricorders don't detect the storm coming. (Resolutions)

Prefire chamber - After they return to Voyager, one of the things she asked Chakotay to check on is to see if they have solved the problem with the prefire chamber temperature. (Resolutions)

Primate - Janeway is scared by a primate when she is taking a bath; Chakotay says they detected primate lifesigns on the planet, but hadn't seen any until then. (Resolutions)

Protein anaylyer - This is one of the things transported down to the planet so that Janeway can continue researching to find a cure for the virus. (Resolutions)

Protein co-factors - Janeway decides to get a specimin of the insect that bit them and analyze its protein co-factors to try to figure out what in the environment is keeping them from being sick and then replicate it. (Resolutions)

Quantum mechanics - As a kid Janeway prefered studying quantum mechanics to gardening. (Resolutions)

Shuttlecraft - Voyager leaves a Type 9 shuttlecraft on the planet with Janeway and Chakotay in case it's possible someday that they can leave that planet. (Resolutions)

Sonic shower - Chakotay tells Janeway that she can learn to love the sonic shower since they don't have a bathtub on the planet. (Resolutions)

Stasis - Janeway and Chakotay are in stasis chambers for 17 days on the planet while the Doctor tries to find a cure for the virus they have contracted from an insect bite. (Resolutions)

Swinn (Bahni Turpin) - ) Hogan and Swinn approach Kim in the Mess hall to tell Kim they agree with him that Voyager should ask the Vidiians for help. (Resolutions)

Talaxian tomatoes - Janeway plants Talaxian tomatoes in a garden and says they will have vine ripened tomatoes in a couple months unless the planet has the equivalent of tomato bugs. (Resolutions)

Type 9 shuttlecraft - Voyager leaves a Type 9 shuttlecraft on the planet with Janeway and Chakotay in case it's possible someday that they can leave the planet; it has a top speed of warp 4. (Resolutions)

USS Voyager - Janeway turns over command of Voyager to Tuvok when she and Chakotay get infected with a virus and are unable to leave the planet. (Resolutions)

Vidiians - Janeway tells Tuvok not to contact the Vidiians even though they may be able to help with a cure to the virus; 6 weeks after they leave Janeway and Chakotay on the planet, Voyager discovers a Vidiian convoy on long range scanners but Tuvok chooses not to contact them; Kes persuades him to reconsider and Voyager contacts Denara Pel and arranges to rendevous with the Vidiians to get the antiviral serum that will cure the virus; 3 Vidiian ships attack Voyager, but Voyager manages to disable the Vidiian ships by ejecting an antimatter container and detonating it with a photon torpedo. (Resolutions)

Virus - Janeway and Chakotay have contracted a vrius from an insect bite; something in the planet's environment shields them from the effects of the virus; Denara Pel says that her people have developed an antiviral serum to cure the virus; Voyager obtains the serum and returns to the planet to get Janeway and Chakotay. (Resolutions)

Yellow dwarf system - The planet where Janeway and Chakotay were infected by the insect bite is the third planet in a yellow dwarf system; the system is located about 70 light years away from where Tuvok makes contact with the Vidiians. (Resolutions)