Alfarian hair pasta - Neelix serves this dish in the Mess Hall; it is made from the follicles of the mature alfarian; the hair is harvested during shedding season in the early fall; it is very high in protein. (Parturition)

Baytart - Ensign on Voyager; he showed Neelix the basics of shuttle operations. (Parturition)

Clarinet - Kim ate Neelix's food for a week so that he could use his replicator rations to replicate a clarinet to practice on. (Parturition)

Cordrazine - Neelix suggests that they inject the baby lifeform with this stimulant when it appears to be dying. (Parturition)

Dermal osmotic sealant - The Doctor prepares a batch of this to help protect the away team from the high levels of trigemic vapors on the planet. (Parturition)

Embryonic life form - Paris and Neelix discover 3 embryonic life forms in the cave; one of them hatches; these life forms will have the ability to stand upright, have the skeletal system of a humanoid, be cold-blooded, have reptilian epidermis, and their brain will be significantly larger than most reptilian species. (Parturition)

EM disturbance - The disturbance in the atmosphere of the planet prevents the away team from beaming to the surface and interferes with the com links; every 30 hours or so an atmospheric window appears that Voyager will be able to beam someone through. (Parturition)

EMS pulse - Paris and Neelix send out this locator signal when they are about to crash on the surface of the planet. (Parturition)

Felaron rose petals - Neelix says that his life before Voyager was no bed of felaron rose petals. (Parturition)

Faux lime aftershave - Neelix says the lifeform's mother may not return if she smells Paris's faux lime aftershave. (Parturition)

Garnesite - Paris and Neelix fire their phasers at these rocks in order to get a little heat and light in the cave. (Parturition)

Hypospray - Paris uses the hypospray like an eyedropper to feed the baby lifeform the trigemic vapors in the air. (Parturition)

Leola root - Neelix says that if he were in his kitchen, he would fix the reptilian lifeform some leola root broth. (Parturition)

Moliere - Kim suggests that he and Paris go to the holodeck to enjoy a Moliere comedy in order to cheer Paris up. (Parturition)

Palliantyne peas - Neelix fixes this lightly spiced dish for Kes and himself. (Parturition)

Paris, Admiral - Paris tells Neelix that his father was teaching the class on survival strategies the year that he took the class. (Parturition)

Planet Hell - This is the nickname that Stellar Cartography gives the planet that is shrouded with vapors and has EM disturbances all over the atmosphere. (Parturition)

Potak cold fowl - Neelix decides to open his bottle of this to celebrate after he and Paris make it back to Voyager; it is made from the glandular secretions of an adult dung hill bird found on Potak 3; there are only 27 bottles in existence at this time. (Parturition)

Trigemic vapors - The planet has high levels of trigemic vapors, but will still support humanoid life; the Doctor says that vapors at these levels will cause severe humanoid skin irritation; he makes a batch of dermal osmotic sealant to alleviate this irritation. (Parturition)