Akoonah - The akoonah allows a person to go into a deep meditation. (Mortal Coil)

Alixia (Robin Stapler) - One of the item's in Neelix's medicine bundle is a necklace that belonged to his sister Alixia; Neelix sees Alixia on Voyager during his vision quest. (Mortal Coil)

A.M.U. - When they are about to transport the proto-matter onto the shuttle, Neelix says to set the transporter for 10,000 A.M.U.s. (Mortal Coil)

Beacon - Voyager sends a beacon into the nebula to try to track down the shuttle after they receive Chakotay's distress call. (Mortal Coil)

Borg - Seven says that the Borg are capable of reactivating drones as much as 73 hours after death; they have no fear of death; when a drone is damaged beyond repair, it is discarded but its memories continue to exist in the Collective consciousness; according to Seven, children assimilated by the Borg are placed in maturation chambers for 17 cycles. (Mortal Coil)

Cerebral cortex - Seven and the Doctor revive Neelix by using nanoprobes to reverse cellular necrosis while they stimulate his cerebral cortex with a neuroelectric iso-pulse. (Mortal Coil)

Coffee - Neelix gives Kim some of his firenut blend coffee when Kim is going to be up all night wokring on his monthly ops report. (Mortal Coil)

Compote - Neelix says that he has been aging fruit compote for weeks in preparation for the celebration of Prixin; Janeway asks him not to ferment the compote as long because last year she got light-headed. (Mortal Coil)

Cortical stimulator - Chakotay tells Paris to set the cortical stimulator to an autonomic bypass so they can get Neelix's vitals going but Paris says that it is too late. (Mortal Coil)

Dunes of Talmouth - Neelix and Alixia went on an expedition to the Dunes of Talmouth. (Mortal Coil)

Gan Sector - The Borg encountered a Kazon colony in the Gan sector, grid 6920. (Mortal Coil)

Great Forest - Neelix tells Naomi that he thinks about the Great Forest whenever he is afraid; Talaxians believe that they will all go to the Great Forest someday; Neelix says that it is a beautiful forest filled with sunlight and all the people who ever loved him are gathered there to watch over and protect him while he sleeps; Neelix begins to doubt his beliefs because he did not go to the Great Forest when he died; he was taught that he dies, his ancestors would be waiting for him by the Guiding Tree in the Great Forest. (Mortal Coil)

Guiding Tree - One of the items in Neelix's medicine bundle is a replica of the Guiding Tree; the Guiding Tree stands at the center of Talaxian afterlife deep inside the Great Forest; it is there to help Talaxians find their way when they first arrive. (Mortal Coil)

Hematological scan - The Doctor asks Seven to run a hematological scan on Neelix in order to regulate the dosage of nanoprobes for his next injection. (Mortal Coil)

Kazon - The Borg call the Kazon Species 329; the Borg encountered a Kazon colony in the Gan Sector, grid 6920; they didn't assimilate the Kazon since the Kazon's biological and technological distinctiveness was unremarkable and unworthy of assimilation. (Mortal Coil)

Ktarian - The Doctor says that the early stages of Ktarian development are astounding. (Mortal Coil)

Medicine bundle - Chakotay tells Neelix that his medicine bundle should contain things that define him; Neelix's medicine bundle contains his sister Alixia's necklace; a flower from Kes's garden and a replica of the Guiding Tree. (Mortal Coil)

Moolt nectar - Neelix has been aging moolt nectar for weeks in preparation for the celebration of Prixin. (Mortal Coil)

Nanoprobes - Seven and the Doctor revive Neelix by using nanoprobes to reverse cellular necrosis while they stimulate his cerebral cortex with a neuroelectric iso-pulse; they use 70 grams of nanoprobes from Seven's bloodstream; Seven says that the nanoprobes will compensate for any cellular degradation in Neelix's cerebral cortex; he has to be injected with nanoprobes on a daily basis until his damaged tissue can function independently. (Mortal Coil)

Naomi - SEE: Wildman, Naomi. (Mortal Coil)

Nebula - Voyager encounters a Class-1 nebula; they detect traces of proto-matter inside the nebula and send a shuttle into the nebula to try to collect a sample of it; Neelix tries to end his life by beaming himself into the nebula, but the bridge is able to block his transporter signal. (Mortal Coil)

Neuroelectric iso-pulse - Seven and the Doctor revive Neelix by using nanoprobes to reverse cellular necrosis while they stimulate his cerebral cortex with a neuroelectric iso-pulse; the iso-pulse is set for 1 second intervals. (Mortal Coil)

Phase variance - Torres finds a small phase variance in the transporter log that is responsible for igniting the proto-matter; she remodulates the transporter beam in order to compensate for this variance. (Mortal Coil)

Pizza - Paris wants Neelix to make pizza once a week; Paris says that it is simple to make since it's just made out of bread, tomatoes and cheese. (Mortal Coil)

Prixin - Prixin is the Talaxian celebration of family; Neelix is planning the Prixin celebration on Thursday night in the Mess Hall; he tells Seven that they celebrate it every year on Voyager; Tuvok commences the celebration with the traditional salutation. (Mortal Coil)

Proto-matter - Voyager encounters a nebula that contains traces of proto-matter; Janeway sends a shuttle into the nebula to collect a sample of the proto-matter; Neelix says that it is one of best energy sources in the quadrant and one of the most sought after commodities; the proto-matter sample that they collect destabilizes before they get it back to Voyager. (Mortal Coil)

Species 149 - The Borg assimilated the technology to reactivate dead drones from Species 149. (Mortal Coil)

Species 329 - The Borg call the Kazon Species 329. (Mortal Coil)

Talaxian - Neelix adds Talaxian spices to the food he has been serving Seven in order to broaden her palate; Prixin is the Talaxian celebration of family; the Talaxians believe that they will all go to the Great Forest someday; the Talaxians mourn their dead for a full week in a specific burial ceremony. (Mortal Coil)

Transporter - When they are about to transport the proto-matter onto the shuttle, Neelix says to set the transporter for 10,000 A.M.U.s; the transporter beam ignites the proto-matter. (Mortal Coil)

Vision quest - Neelix asks Chakotay to lead him on a vision quest; Chakotay says that the vision quest is not a quick fix and that it will take time to interpret the images; Neelix sees Alixia during his vision quest and she tells him that there is no Great Forest and that he created it out of his fear of death; Chakotay says that it is natural for the vision quest to reflect Neelix's fear of death and his doubt of his spiritual beliefs. (Mortal Coil)

Wildman - Wildman calls Neelix because Naomi is having trouble sleeping. (Mortal Coil)

Wildman, Naomi - Wildman calls Neelix when Naomi is having trouble getting to sleep; Neelix is Naomi's godfather; she was the first child born on Voyager; she is afraid to go to sleep so Neelix tells her to think of the Great Forest whenever she is afraid; Naomi has grown 5 centimeters since her last physical 3 weeks ago; she has had trouble sleeping and wants Neelix to tuck her in; Neelix reconsiders killing himself when Wildman tells him that Naomi needs him. (Mortal Coil)