Annular confinement beam - When trying to beam the deuterium from the planet, Seven tell Nozawa to narrow the annular confinement beam to .47 terrahertz. (Demon)

Astrometric lab - Seven was ordered to shut down Astrometrics but she said she still needed to use the sensors to scan for new fuel sources. (Demon)

Blue alert - Voyager goes to blue alert when they land on the planet. (Demon)

Cargo Bay - Janeway tells Tuvok to assemble the crew in Cargo Bay 1. (Demon)

Class Y - The planet where Seven finds the deuterium is a Class Y planet; Starfleet also calls it Demon class; according to Tuvok there is no environment less hospitable to human life than a Class Y. (Demon)

Deck 1 - Tuvok shuts down life support on all decks except Decks 1 and 5. (Demon)

Deck 5 - Tuvok shuts down life support on all decks except Decks 1 and 5. (Demon)

Deck 14 - As Voyager begins to sink, Deck 14 and 15 are submerged in the metallic compound. (Demon)

Deck 15 - As Voyager begins to sink, Deck 14 and 15 are submerged in the metallic compound. (Demon)

Demon class - Demon class is another name for Class Y planets. (Demon)

Deuterium - Voyager is low on deuterium; Seven finds a planet with dense pockets of deuterium about .4 light years from Voyager's position; the crew tries unsuccessful to beam the deuterium from beneath the planet's surface; the pools of liquid that Paris and Kim find on the surface contain liquefied deuterium; Kim says that there is enough deuterium on the planet to get Voyager to the Alpha quadrant and back again; Kim already collected 20 kilos which is enough to get Voyager's main systems back online. (Demon)

Diochromates - Janeway and Torres find diochromates in the sample from the planet. (Demon)

DNA - The silver blood reads the DNA of whatever it comes in contact with and recreates it; Janeway gives the silver blood samples of the crew's DNA so that it can duplicate the crew. (Demon)

Electromagnetic force - Tuvok tells Janeway that Voyager is being restrained by an electromagnetic force. (Demon)

Environmental suits - Kim suggests using environmental suits to go down to the planet; Tuvok says that it wouldn't be long before the suit would corrode; the environmental seals on Paris and Kim's suits are compromised; the backup systems in the suits kept Paris and Kim's vital functions going. (Demon)

Force field - The Doctor erects a level 7 force field around the biobeds in Sickbay and fills it with atmospheric gases from the planet. (Demon)

Geophysics - Janeway and Kim go to Geophysics to see if they can synthesize a substitute fuel. (Demon)

Hydrogen sulfate - Janeway and Torres find hydrogen sulfate in the sample from the planet. (Demon)

Jurex - Neelix wants to take his books of the selected works of Jurex with him to his new quarters; according to Neelix, Jurex was the greatest writer in the Talaxian canon; Neelix never goes to sleep without reading at least one of his parables. (Demon)

Kelvin - The planet where Seven finds the deuterium has a temperature in excess of 500 Kelvins. (Demon)

Klingon opera - Since the Doctor is making it hard for them to sleep, Neelix says he knows some classics of Klingon opera he can sing. (Demon)

Nadion burst - Janeway tells Tuvok to use a nadion burst from the phaser emitters to try to weaken the electromagnetic properties of the fluid. (Demon)

Nozawa - Male transporter operator; Nozawa and Seven attempt to beam deuterium from beneath the planet's surface; Nozawa was treated in sickbay after the attempt failed. (Demon)

Sickbay - Neelix and three other crew members want to sleep in Sickbay. (Demon)

Silver blood - The duplicate Kim called the fluid from the planet, silver blood; Janeway and Torres discover that this fluid has mimetic properties when it duplicates Torres' finger; the silver blood is alive but has never been conscious or sentient until it came in contact with Paris and Kim; Janeway gives the silver blood samples of the crew's DNA so that it can duplicate the crew. (Demon)

Talaxian - According to Neelix, Jurex was the greatest writer in the Talaxian canon. (Demon)

Talaxian rondos - Since the Doctor is making it hard for them to sleep, Neelix suggests that he teach everyone some Talaxian rondos. (Demon)

Thermionic radiation - The planet where Seven finds the deuterium has a toxic atmosphere filled with thermionic radiation.. (Demon)

Transporter - After the failed attempt to beam deuterium from beneath the planet's surface, the transporter is offline and it will take days to get it back online. (Demon)

USS Voyager - Voyager goes into gray mode since it is low on deuterium; Janeway decides to land the ship on the planet; Tuvok says that Voyager won't be able to get off the surface anytime soon since the landing caused a lot of damage; when a large pool of metallic compound forms beneath Voyager, the ship begins sinking; As Voyager begins to sink, Deck 14 and 15 are submerged in the metallic compound. (Demon)

Vulcan funeral dirge - Since the Doctor is making it hard for them to sleep, Neelix says that he know a Vulcan funeral dirge they can sing. (Demon)