Apple - Quinn jostled the tree which caused the apple to fall on Sir Isaac Newton's head. (Deathwish)

Asylum - After Voyager inadvertantly releases Quinn from his prison inside the comet, he requests asylum aboard Voyager; Janeway holds a hearing according to Starfleet procedures; she decides to grant him asylum when she finds it impossible to support immortality forced on an individual by the State. (Deathwish)

Borg - Q "introduced" the Borg to the races of the Alpha Quadrant. (Deathwish)

Christmas tree - When Quinn is trying to hide from Q, he makes Voyager an ornament on a Christmas tree. (Deathwish)

Civil War - Riker's ancestor, Colonel Thaddeus Riker was wounded at Pine Mountain during the Civil War and Quinn carried him to safety. (Deathwish)

Comet - The sensors detect a comet with a highly erratic path and magnetodynamic forces acting upon it; when Torres tries to beam a sample of the comet aboard, Quinn is beamed aboard instead; Quinn was being held captive by the Q Continuum inside the comet. (Deathwish)

Cosmos - When Quinn is trying to hide from Q, he takes Voyager back to the forming of the cosmos. (Deathwish)

Earth - Q says that the Continuum will return Voyager to Earth if Janeway rules in their favor. (Deathwish)

Double effect principle - This principle dates back to the Bolian middle ages; this principle says that an action that has the principle effect of relieving suffering may be ethically justified though the same action has the secondary effect of causing death; Janeway says that this would be the only think that would make her decide in Quinn's favor. (Deathwish)

Earth - Q says that the continuum will return Voyager to Earth if Janeway rules in their favor. (Deathwish)

Enterprise - Janeway says that every Starfleet captain has been briefed about Q ever since his appeaarances on the Enterprise. (Deathwish)

Ginsberg, Maury (Maury Ginsberg) - Q brings Ginsberg to Voyager as proof that Quinn has touched and affected many lives; Quinn gave Ginsberg a ride to Woodstock where Ginsberg was a spotlight operator that was instrumental in making the concert happen; Quinn also introduced him to his future wife; he became a successful orthodontist and settled in Scarsdale with his 4 kids. (Deathwish)

Gorokian midwife toad - Q asks Quinn if he would like to spend eternity as a Gorokian midwife toad. (Deathwish)

Kylerian goat's milk - Q suggests that Janeway try this when she is unable to sleep. (Deathwish)

Newton, Sir Isaac ( Peter Dennis) - Q brings Newton to Voyager as proof that Quinn has touched and affected many lives; Quinn jostled the tree which caused the apple to fall on Newton's head causing a new era in human science to be born; Newton would have died in debtor's prison if not for Quinn. (Deathwish)

Nogatch hemlock - Q gives Quinn this fatal poison so that he can commit suicide. (Deathwish)

Old Iron Boots - This is Colonel Thaddeus Riker's nickname. (Deathwish)

Pine Mountain - Colonel Thaddeus Riker was wounded at Pine Mountain during the Civil War and Quinn carried him to safety. (Deathwish)

Protons - When Quinn is trying to hide from Q, he reduces Voyager down to subatomic size where it is attacked by protons. (Deathwish)

Q (John de Lancie) - Janeway says that every Starfleet captain has been briefed about Q ever since his appearances on the Enterprise; Q "introduced" the Borg to the races of the Alpha Quadrant; Q tries to convince Janeway not to grant Quinn asylum; Q was once accused of being mentally unstable and disciplined for inappropriate behavior but his record has been expunged; he gives Quinn Nogatch hemlock so that Quinn may commit suicide. (Deathwish)

Q2 - SEE: Quinn

Q Continuum - Q says that Quinn is a threat to the Q Continuum; his death will cause an interruption to the Continuum and change the very nature of Q; the Continuum will return Voyager to Earth if Janeway rules in their favor. (Deathwish)

Quinn (Gerrit Graham) - He is a Q; when Torres tries to beam a sample of the comet aboard, Quinn is beamed aboard instead; Quinn was being held captive by the Q Continuum inside the comet; Quinn wants the Continuum to grant him mortality so that he may commit suicide; Quinn was known in the continuum as one of its greatest philosophers; he impacted the lives of Sir Isacc Newton, Marty Ginsberg and Colonel Thaddeus Riker; Quinn has not had contact with anyone for the last 3 centuries; Q says that Quinn created the misunderstanding that ignited the 100 year war between the Romulans and the Vulcans; after Janeway grants him asylum aboard Voyager, Quinn kills himself by ingesting Nogatch hemlock that Q gave him. (Deathwish)

Replicator - The replicators will not produce poisons. (Deathwish)

Riker, Thaddeus - Colonel Thaddeus Riker was an ancestor of Commander William Riker; his nickname was "Old Iron Boots"; he was in command of the 102nd New York during Sherman's march on Atlanta ; Q shows a picture taken of him in 1864; he was wounded at Pine Mountain during the Civil War and Quinn carried him to safety. (Deathwish)

Riker, William (Jonathon Frakes) - Male Commander in Starfleet; Q brings Riker to Voyager as proof that Quinn has touched and affected many lives; Riker's ancestor, Colonel Thaddeus Riker was wounded at Pine Mountain during the Civil War and Quinn carried him to safety; without Quinn, Riker never would have been born and the Borg would have assimilated the Federation. (Deathwish)

Road - When Janeway, Tuvok, Q and Quinn go to the Q Continuum, they appear on a lonely desert road; Q2 says that the road is a manifestation of the Continuum that falls within their level of comprehension; it takes the Q to the rest of the universe and then leads them back again in an endless circle. (Deathwish)

Stellar Cartography - This is one of the places that Janeway considers assigning Quinn although she says that he could shut down Stellar Cartography with all the knowledge he'd bring to the job. (Deathwish)

Suicide - Quinn wants the Continuum to grant him mortality so that he may commit suicide; Tuvok says that in many culutres suicide is acceptable and cannot be used as evidence of mental illness; Quinn kills himself by ingesting Nogatch hemlock that Q gave him. (Deathwish)

USS Voyager - When Quinn is trying to hide from Q, he makes Voyager an ornament on a Christmas tree. (Deathwish)

Vulcans - Vulcans who reach a certain infirmity with age do practice ritual suicide. (Deathwish)

Welsh rabbit - Quinn makes Welsh rabbit for Janeway like her grandfather used to make. (Deathwish)

Woodstock - Woodstock was the name of a rock concert; Quinn gave Maury Ginsberg a ride to Woodstock where Ginsberg was instrumental in making the concert happen. (Deathwish)