Airponics bay - Suder believes that he can adapt the genetic engineering techniques he's developed for the orchids to help the vegetable garden in the airponics bay become more productive. (Basics, Part 1)

Alpha search pattern - The crew splits in to 4 teams and uses a standard alpha search pattern to see what resources are available to them on the planet. (Basics, Part 1)

Alpha team - Janeway leads this search party as the crew look for resources on the planet; Chakotay and Torres are part of her team. (Basics, Part 1)

Antimatter injector - The antimatter injector on Voyager freezes; Seska says that there should have been a warning such as a drop in the core temperature or a magnetic constrictor alarm before this happened. (Basics, Part 2)

ARA - Chakotay wants the Doctor to run this on Teirna; the Doctor says that an ARA won't help determine if Terina is telling the truth because an ARA depends on having a baseline comparison with a known response for a given species. (Basics, Part 1)

Archery Science - Tuvok taught archery science for several years at the Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts. (Basics, Part 2)

Askara - Cullah intends to take Seska's baby as his own and raise him as a Nistrim askara. (Basics, Part 1)

Backup power couplings - Paris tells the Doctor to disable the backup phaser power couplings when Paris and the Talaxians attack Voyager; this will cause an overload when Cullah tries to switch to the backups during the attack; Suder is able to do this before he is killed by the Kazon. (Basics, Part 2)

Beta team - Tuvok leads this search party as the crew look for resources on the planet. (Basics, Part 1)

Bones - Hogan finds some bones at the entrance to a cave; Neelix tells him to gather them up so they can be used as tools or weapons. (Basics, Part 2)

Bow and arrow - Tuvok fashioned a bow and arrow to use as a weapon; Chakotay mistakenly believes Tuvok made it for him but Tuvok informs Chakotay that he intends to use the weapon himself since he taught archery science for several years at the Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts. (Basics, Part 2)

Cardassian eschelon - The attack formation of the 8 Kazon vessel is a classic cardassian eschelon. (Basics, Part 1)

Cargo bay - After the Nistrim take over Voyager, they take all the Voyager crew to the cargo bay. (Basics, Part 1)

Cave - The crew makes camp in one of the caves that has an overhang to provide them with shelter and a breeze to keep the insects away; Hogan finds some bones at the mouth of a cave; he is killed by some creature as he starts to gather them up; some of the crew are trapped in the cave when they are chased by the planet's inhabitants who start a fire at the mouth of the cave; the crew finds a creature inside who kills one of them; Tuvok and Chakotay manage to collapse the cave before escaping so that the creature can not get out. (Basics, Part 2)

Ce Acatl - Ce Acatl was a great leader of Chakotay's tribe; he was a direct ancestor of Chakotay and Kolopak; Ce Acatl was given life without the consent of his mother; Kolopak tells Chakotay about Ce Acatl when Chakotay is uncertain as to whether he should accept Seska's child as his own. (Basics, Part 1)

Command codes - Chakotay convinces Teirna to give them the command codes for the Nistim defense net so that they can avoid Nistrim patrols; the code sequence is 491170 Cullah. (Basics, Part 1)

Comm badge - Cullah takes the comm badges of all the crew once they are on Hanon Four. (Basics, Part 1)

Conduits - Seska orders a deck-by-deck search of all the Jefferies tubes and conduits to try to discover if one of Voyager's crew is still on board. (Basics, Part 2)

Containment field generator - Torres says Voyager can't go to warp because the containment field generator has been damaged. (Basics, Part 1)

Cucumber - Torres and Kim find something like cucumbers about 2 hours from camp. (Basics, Part 2)

Cullah - Cullah intends to take Seska's baby as his own and raise him as a Nistrim askara. (Basics, Part 1) Cullah takes the baby with him when they abandon Voyager during the attack by Paris and the Talaxian ships. (Basics, Part 2)

Cullah zero one - Seska use this code to initiate a security lockout so that the computer will disregard all voice commands from Starfleet personnel. (Basics, Part 2)

Decathalon team - Torres was the fastest runner on the decathalon team before she quit the Academy. (Basics, Part 2)

Deck 8 - Teirna is restricted to quarters on Deck 8; he causes a massive discharge on that deck when he injects himself with something and explodes. (Basics, Part 1) Suder hides from the Kazon search parties between Decks 8 and 9. (Basics, Part 2)

Deck 9 - Suder hides from the Kazon search parties between Decks 8 and 9. (Basics, Part 1)

Decoy - Voyager uses echo displacement to generate decoy images of ships to distract the Kazon from attacking Voyager. (Basics, Part 1)

Deflector grid - Kim says that they can program the deflector grid to make it look like help is on the way if they are attacked by the Kazon. (Basics, Part 1)

Delta team - Neelix leads this search team as the crew looks for resources on the planet. (Basics, Part 1)

Driver coil assembly - Kim reports that the driver coil assembly has been destroyed and impulse engines are offline. (Basics, Part 1)

Earth - The planet that the crew are starnded on seems to be at a Pliocene stage of development which is comparable to Earth several million years ago. (Basics, Part 1)

Echo displacement - Voyager uses echo displacement to generate decoy images of 10 Talaxian ships to distract the Kazon from attacking Voyager. (Basics, Part 1)

Eggs - Torres and Kim find find eggs in a nest about 2 kilometers away. (Basics, Part 2)

Emergency medical holograph channel - Paris contacts the Doctor on this channel to tell him to disable the backup phaser power couplings when Paris and the Talaxians attack Voyager. (Basics, Part 2)

Emergency medical holograph recall - The Doctor sets this recall program when the Kazon enter sickbay so that he will be deactivated and then reactivated 12 hours later. (Basics, Part 1)

Emergency medical priority 1144 - The Doctor uses this to delete all signs of Suder's combadge from the system so that there is no record of his being on board. (Basics, Part 2)

Floriculture - Tuovk has an interest in floriculture; this interest has been passed on to Suder because of the mind meld. (Basics, Part 1)

Gamma team - Kim leads this search team as the crew looks for resources on the planet. (Basics, Part 1)

Gema Four colony - Teirna says that Cullah killed Seska and took the baby to the Gema Four colony to be raised as a servant; Teirna says that the Gema Four defense force will destroy them all. (Basics, Part 1)

Genetic engineering - Suder believes that he can adapt the genetic engineering techniques he's developed for the orchids to help the vegetable garden in the airponics bay more productive. (Basics, Part 1)

Guevara, Che- While he is trying to decide what to do, the Doctor wonders whether he should conjure up holograms of Nathan Hale and Che Guevara to help take back the ship. (Basics, Part 2)

Hair - Chakotay's father told him that using hair as kindling can help start a fire; they use rocks to cut off some of the crew member's hair so that they can start a fire. (Basics, Part 2)

Hale, Nathan - While he is trying to decide what to do, the Doctor wonders whether he should conjure up holograms of Nathan Hale and Che Guevara to help take back the ship. (Basics, Part 2)

Hanon Four - Cullah strands the Voyager crew on this planet; the planet is seismically active; it seems to be an M class planet at the pliocene stage of development; it is comparable to Earth several million years ago. (Basics, Part 1)

Hanon system - After the Nistrim take Voyager, they set a course for the Hanon system; Seska says that this will be the crew's new home. (Basics, Part 1)

Hogan (Simon Billig) - Hogan finds some bones at the entrance to a cave; he is killed by a creature that lives in the cave when he starts to gather the bones up; the crew find his uniform and use it to make a solar still in order to gather water. (Basics, Part 2)

Holographic emitters - The Doctor suggests installing holo-emitters along the hull with parabolic mirrors to enlarge the decoy images as they are reflected out in to space; the Doctor gets "beamed" into space when Torres activates the emitter. (Basics, Part 1)

Hybrid - Suder develops a hybrid orchid which he names the Tuvok orchid. (Basics, Part 1)

Improvoline - The Doctor wants to give Suder 5 cc's of improvoline to calm him down after he has had to kill a Kazon; Suder doesn't want it but tries to use the meditation exercises Tuvok taught him instead. (Basics, Part 2)

Internal scanner relay - Seska discovers that the internal scanner relays have been damaged when she tries to run a level one scan for intruders; she thinks someone sabotaged it. (Basics, Part 2)

Jeffries tube - Seska orders a deck-by-deck search of all the Jeffries tubes and conduits to try to discover if one of Voyager's crew is still on board. (Basics, Part 2)

Kazon - Teirna says that Kazon factions loyal to no one will attack Voyager if they attempt to get to the Gena Four Colony; small Kazon ships attack Voyager and seem to be concentrating their attacks on the secondary command processor on the starboard ventral of the ship. (Basics, Part 1)

Kazon patrol vessel - Paris is attacked by a Kazon patrol vessel as he attempts to repair the shuttle; he is able to destroy the Kazon vessel. (Basics, Part 2)

Kolopak (Henry Darrow) - Chakotay seeks the wisdom of his father to try to decide whether to accept Seska's baby as his own. (Basics, Part 1)

Leola root - Neelix brings Suder some leola root soup in his quarters. (Basics, Part 1)

Molecular variance residue - The molecular variance residue on Tierna's shuttle shows evidence of Kazon disrupter blasts. (Basics, Part 1)

Nebula - Paris hids in the nebula and waits for the Talaxian ships to lure Cullah there. (Basics, Part 2)

Nitrogen tetroxide - Nitrogen tetroxide fumes were in the cabin of Teirna's ship. (Basics, Part 1)

Nucleotide sequence - The Doctor tells Seska that human DNA has a significantly different neucleotide sequence than Cardassian or Kazon DNA; by looking at the baby's nucleotide sequence the Doctor is able to determine that the baby is not Chakotay's. (Basics, Part 2)

Parabolic mirrors - The Doctor suggests installing holo-emitters along the hull with parabolic mirrors to enlarge the decoy images as they are reflected out in to space. (Basics, Part 1)

Paxim - Commander of the Talaxian ships; Paris convince Paxim to help him retake Voyager; the Talaxian ships attack Cullah on Voyager and lure him toward the nebula where Paris is waiting. (Basics, Part 2)

Pliocene - The planet that the crew is stranded on seems to be at a Pliocene stage of development which is comparable to Earth several million years ago. (Basics, Part 1)

Polycythemia - This in an abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells; Teirna has this but the Doctor is unable to determine the cause. (Basics, Part 1)

Prema Two - The Talaxians from the mining colony on Prema Two are willing to come to Voyager's assistance if they run into trouble. (Basics, Part 1)

Primary power couplings - Paris tells the Doctor that he will take out the primary power couplings during the attack; Paris hides in the nebula and is able to disable the couplings before the Nistrim can detect him. (Basics, Part 2)

Pulmozine - The Doctor gives Teirna 40 mg of Pulmozine after he is beamed aboard Voyager from the damaged ship. (Basics, Part 1)

Secondary command processors - Voyager sustained damage to its secondary command processors; they are unable to repair them because each Kazon attack seems to concentrate on damaging this area; the processors become non-functional and will have to be rebuilt; Kim estimates that it will take 2 days if they are not attacked again; Janeway is unable to initiate the self-destruct sequence due to the damage to the secondary command processors. (Basics, Part 1)

Security lockout - Seska initiates a security lockout so that the computer will disregard all voice commands from Starfleet personnel. (Basics, Part 2)

Self-destruct - Janeway tries to initiate a self-destruct sequence, but the computer is unable to unable to comply due to damage to the secondary command processors. (Basics, Part 1)

Seska - Seska sends a message to Voyager telling Chakotay that Cullah found out the baby wasn't his and that she and the baby are in danger; Teirna says that Cullah slit Seska's throat and took the baby; Seska is actually alive and used that deception to lure Voyager to the Gema Four colony where Cullah and the Nistrim were able to capture the ship; Cullah says that Seska contradicts him in front of the first askara. (Basics, Part 1) Seska learns from the Doctor that her baby is not Chakotay's but Cullah's instead; she is killed in the attack by Paris and the Talaxian ships. (Basics, Part 2)

Seska's baby - Seska says that the baby has Chakotay's eyes; Cullah intends to take the baby as his son; he will be trained as a Nistrim askara; Cullah says that the baby has already helped win the greatest battle in history. (Basics, Part 1) Seska learns from the Doctor that the baby is not Chakotay's but Cullah's instead; Cullah takes the baby with him when they abandon Voyager during the attack by Paris and the Talaxian ships. (Basics, Part 2)

Shuttle bay - The Kazon board Voyager through the shuttle bays. (Basics, Part 1)

Shuttlecraft - Paris takes one of the shuttles through the crossfire to go back and bring the Talaxians to help; Voyager loses contact with the shuttle and assumes it has been destroyed. (Basics, Part 1) Paris hides the shuttle in the Nebula and waits for the Talaxian ships to lead Cullah there so that he can take out the primary power couplings. (Basics, Part 2)

Solar stills - Chakotay creates solar stills with the material from Hogan's uniform. (Basics, Part 2)

Stabilizer diagnostic - Paris completes several of these diagnostics in order to repair the damaged shuttle; one of the diagnostics detects damage in the stabilizer acceleration sensors. (Basics, Part 2)

Starboard ventral - The Kazon ships are concentrating their attacks on Voyager's starboard ventral which complicates repairs to the ship's seconary command processors. (Basics, Part 1)

Stasis - The Doctor puts the body of the Kazon that Suder killed in a stasis drawer in sick bay so that the body will not be discovered. (Basics, Part 2)

Suder - Suder develops a new species of orchids which he names the Tuvok Orchid; he thinks that he can adapt the genetic engineering techniques that he's developed for the orchids to help the vegetable garden in the airponics bay become more productive; he tells Tuvok and Janeway that he wants to do something for the ship; Suder is presumed dead after the explosion on Deck 8. (Basics, Part 1) Suder manages to hide from the Kazon by using a portable thoron generator to trick the sensors; he is upset because in order to retake Voyager, he knows he must kill some of the Kazon; he manages to disable the backup power couplings before he is killed by a Kazon. (Basics, Part 2)

Targetting scanners - Voyager's starboard targeting scanners are damaged after the explosion on Deck 8. (Basics, Part 1)

Teirna (John Gegen) - Voyager beams Teirna aboard from the damaged shuttle; he is Seska's aid; Teirna worked Chakotay over when Chakotay was on their ship; Teirna says that Cullah killed Seska and took the baby to the Gema Four colony to be raised as a servant; the Doctor says that Teirna has a concussion, spinal cord trauma and polycythemia; Chakotay convinces Teirna to give them the command codes for the Nistim defense net so that they can avoid Nistrim patrols; his parents were killed in a Trabe attack shortly after he was born; Teirna is restricted to quarters on Deck 8; he causes a massive discharge on that deck when he injects himself with something and explodes. (Basics, Part 1)

Tenarus cluster - Teirna suggests that Voyager go around the Tenarus Cluster rather than through it or they will encounter the Nistrim fleet within a day. (Basics, Part 1)

Thoron generator - The Doctor uses a portable thoron generator to treat radiation burns; Suder uses this to neutralize the tricorders sensors so the Kazon will be unable to detect his presence on board; the Doctor tells Seska that his thoron generator was damaged on a recent away mission and left behind. (Basics, Part 2)

Thoron particle - A thoron particle leak is blocking the Kazon from using the tricorders to detect intruders on Voyager; Seska says that this is an old Maquis trick. (Basics, Part 2)

Trabe - Teirna's parents were killed in a Trabe attack shortly after he was born. (Basics, Part 1)

Tuvok Orchid - Suder develops a new species of orchid which he names the Tuvok Orchid. (Basics, Part 1)

USS Voyager - Janeway surrenders Voyager to Cullah after Voyager is boarded and she is unable to intiate the self-destruct sequence. (Basics, Part 1) Paris comes up with a plan to retake Voyager with the help of the Doctor, Suder and the Talaxians. (Basics, Part 2)

Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts - Tuvok taught archery science for several years at the Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts. (Basics, Part 2)

Water - The crew's top priority is to find water on the planet to drink. (Basics, Part 1) Chakotay says he can use Hogan's uniform to make solar stills to collect water. (Basics, Part 2)