"Is it 'wrong' because it bothers me, or does it bother me because it's wrong?"
Name: Tlin, Sadhric Daarato
Alias: The Mechanic, Jace Loro Jacet, ARTIFEX
Species: Human
Age: (Believed to be about 30 standard years)
Height: 6'1"
Build: Lean
Hair: Black; straight
Eyes: Brown
Place of Birth: (Lok?)
Family: Ibedu, Noranao (mother); Tlin, Bikks (father)
Identifying Marks: Black tattoos at left chest/shoulder and left thigh/hip    (see picture below)
Education: None
Current Residence: Unknown
Assets: Unknown
Status: Free Citizen of Corellia
Known History: There are no known birth records for anyone named Sadhric Daarato Tlin. The earliest dataset traceable to that human are conscription records in the Ondovar Militia out of Binoss, listed under the alias Jace Loro Jacet. His given age in those files is fifteen.

Through the Militia it is believed that Tlin's rare creativity caught the attention of two powerful Hutts--Jaquau and Iusego--and that through them the network of galactic crimelords became aware of him. After that, details about what exactly happened to him become sketchy.

is known that he appeared on Corellia, purchasing properties in Coronet, and that he came to be famous (or infamous) as a 'solver of unusual problems,' a weaponsmith, a drug-designer, and an innovator in a wide variety of fields including mathematics and cryptology, biology and genetics, physics, microphysics, quantum engineering, and biotechnology. Over time, he was known simply as The Mechanic, and was understood to be the property of the Hutt overlord Batuus Kilinko Se'ieru.
He is believed to have played some part in Batuus' betrayal and murder, aiding in the ascension of the warlord Jida Nuyyun Agrupas, but a bounty placed on his head by that same Hutt suggests a falling out.

Rumors circulated to the effect that he attempted to double-cross Jida just as he had Batuus, but other rumors hold that he was captured and taken into custody by the Merchant Defense Fleet. No accounts substantiate either rumor, and no records of any such arrest exist.
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