This is My QSL Card

Amateur Radio QSL card

    DX stands for "long distance" and those of us who participate in this aspect of the hobby, there is no greater thrill than making two way radio contacts with rare and exotic lands. Think of the letters DX as being the abbreviation for the word Distance. DXers (Ham radio operators) exchange QSL cards as proof of having made 2-way contacts with other radio amateurs. I've been collecting QSL cards for many years.

    QSL cards are used to confirm contacts for many reasons.  One of the main ones is to prove a two way transmission with one or more rare locations if you participate in awards programs.  There are a number of national radio clubs and organizations in various countries that provide certificates and plaques for achievements in this area.

    Many amateurs do not actively participate in these programs, but still like to send and receive QSL cards.  I have approximately 400 cards from other amateurs worldwide and while this may seem like a lot, there a quite a few of my fellow HAMs who have as much as ten times that many!  Some Amateur Radio Operators have a QSL Manager. A QSL Manager Sends and Receives QSL cards on behalf of someone else.  It all depends on what aspect of the hobby you enjoy and with amateur radio there is literally something for everyone.


King Hussein - JY1 Qsl Card

Rajiv Gandhi - VU2RG Qsl Card

King Juan Carlos - EA0JC Qsl Card

Carlos Saul Menum - LU1SM Qsl Card

Prince Talal Bin Abdul Aziz- HZ1TA Qsl Card

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