Currently looking for Aussie / Kiwi XBOX360 players that really stand out. Current game we are playing is/was Shadowrun, and will be looking at halo3 squad very soon.

If you think you would like to join please send "LoGiKbOmB s7s" a message. We don't play dirty, and always look out for one another.

Our Achievements already would be the number 1 shadow run 4v4 and 6v6 clan. Some local players have even classed S7S as "modders and or hackers". Some believe that this website is where we "connect" our Xbox's up to, to mod!!!

This would be only due to the fact they find it impossible to get a kill on any of the S7S clan. For that, we say. "Thank You" for thinking were modders, its pure skill and no mod chip or software makes us this good. Just dedication, skill and knowledgeable gaming with one another in games created us.