Strange Paradise:  Episode 98
Episode 98:  Slideshow
Emily: "A growing darkness surrounds Desmond Hall. Its massive walls chilled by the cold shadows of night. While alone in his room Jean Paul Desmond ponders of the evil he brings to the people that surround him. He feels he must reject all the beautiful women who have come to him for security and protection knowing there is no protection from the curses of Desmond Hall. Yet the ladies gathered in Desmond Hall have plans and hopes of their own."
Helena sets out cups for coffee. She glances at Holly. "Coffee?" she asks.  "No thank you." Holly says as she sadly sits on the couch.  "Don't be so glum Holly. I promised you I'd help you."  "I don't think anyone can help me."  "Such a negative position for such a young girl." Helena says too her.  "I'm sorry but that's the way I feel. Philip will never come back. Philip told me so."  "Well if I were in love with a ghost I'd be concerned too. But not fatalistic." Helena says as she carries her coffee cup to the couch. "And I certainly wouldn't let people see how I feel. You must be an actress Holly like me and never let Mr. Desmond know how helpless you feel."  Holly looks at Helena. "But he always helps me. He wants to know when I have troubles."  "But he has so many troubles of his own." Helena sits next to Holly. "Oh Holly I want you to trust me now, will you? You must confide in me and not bother Mr. Desmond. I promised you I'd help you with Philip and as long as you love him whether he's a spirit or not I'll help you. But we must keep our secrets you and I."  "I'm sorry; I don't know what you mean."  "Trust me Holly." She sets her coffee cup down. "Didn't you trust Erica?"  "Yes I did but..." Holly turns away.  "What did she do?"  Holly jumps up. "I don't want to talk about Erica!"  Helens stands and comes up behind Holly. "I didn't mean to disturb you Holly. Just because I look like her that's no reason not to trust me. And I promise I'll take care of everything. I'll take care of Jean Paul Desmond too." Helens says then finishes her coffee and walks back to the coffee tray. "You must have a cup of coffee or some wine. A glass of wine will make you sleep. I remember when I was in a play where I was continuously opening a secret ring on my finger and poisoning the wine. In fact I kept one. Well one never know, someday the occasion just might rise." Helena says as she pours a glass of wine. She glances at Holly. "Oh Holly smile. I'm trying desperately to cheer you up." She passes the glass to Holly.  "Thank you." Holly says as she holds the glass.  "Well drink it. This isn't the ring." Helena says showing Holly her hand.  Holly shakes her head looking at Helena. "You remind me of Erica you really do. When she was being kind she was so warm and amusing but."  "But what?" Helena asks.  Holly sits down and looks away.  "Tell me about Erica Holly. I want to know all about her." Helena says as she sits on the arm of the couch.  Holly looks at Helena. "Why?"
"Well if you looked like someone wouldn't you be interested? And if we are so similar I should know how the lady lived her life. Because then I'll know what mistakes not to make in mine."  "Erica was...Jean Paul loved her very, very much but she...disappointed him, she killed."  "Erica killed? She was a murderess?"
"She was a devil sent from hell to destroy Jean Paul."  "Oh." Helena whispers.
"And I think she did."  "Nonsense. Now I believe Jean Paul is a kind and winning man. I can believe in spirits like your Philip but I cannot believe in devils." Helena says standing and walks over to the fireplace.  Holly looks at Helena. "You didn't know her."  "No. But as I get to know her I like her very much. Well obviously she had charm. Perhaps you're wrong; perhaps she didn't kill anyone at all."  "Miss Raleigh Erica killed my mother."  "I'm so sorry Holly." Helena says then slowly walks back and sits next to Holly. "No wonder you're wary of me."  "Oh but I'm not. I know you're not Erica. As a matter of fact you are exactly as I would have wanted Erica to have been."  "That makes me very happy Holly. You must believe that. No matter what happens you must believe that." 
Emily is wearing her robe as she rushes down the staircase. At the bottom she stops and stares straight ahead. "I dreamed, I dreamed Jean Paul went away. And all the things I planned with him were blown away like leaves in the wind. And when he left me he cursed me. And then the Serpent God appeared and said that I was his and he began to coil himself about me." Emily says fearfully then she screams.  Helena rushes out of the Drawing room. "What is it? What's the matter?" she asks touching Emily's shoulder. "Tell me, what is it?"  Emily glances up. "Who are you?"  "A guest."  "So am I." Emily says trying to catch her breath. "Well we should be friends shouldn't we?" Helena says.  "I want to see Jean Paul."  "Come, come into the Drawing Room." Helena says leading Emily into the Drawing Room.  Emily glances around. "He's not here."  "Well he went upstairs after dinner. He was very tired."  "But I must see him." Emily says.
"Come and sit down and talk to us." Helena says guiding her to the couch. "You know Holly don't you?"  "Yes of course."  "Hello Emily." Holly says quietly.
"Emily! Isn't that a lovely name?" Helena says as Emily sits down. "Emily you just screamed now. Why did you scream?" Helena asks as she sits next to Emily.
"I don't know. I thought Jean Paul had gone. I've been in my room all day. I didn't want to go out and see anybody. I had to rest." Emily looks at Helena. "I've seen you somewhere before. I'm sure I have. What's your name?"  "Erica." Holly says.
"Helena, Helena Raleigh." Helena tells her.  "Erica of course. I've seen your photograph. You were Jean Paul's wife." Emily stares at her.  "I'm not Erica Desmond. I'm Helena."  "He loved you." Emily says  "I am not Erica. Oh Holly tell her." Helena looks back at Holly.  "Really. Miss Raleigh is an actress passing through town that's all."  "I don't believe her. I feel things, intuitive things lately." Emily stands and looks at Helena. "They know who you are and you must leave. You have no right to him. You have no claim on him!"  Helena stands and faces Emily. "I'm not making a claim.  "You have tortured him enough." Emily tells her.
"Tortured him? Is that what Erica Desmond did? Tortured the man who loved her?"  "Yes, but I don't think she meant to." Holly says as she steps around the couch. "But Jean Paul loved her so much that after she died he would have sold his soul to the devil to bring her back again."  Helena looks away from Holly. "And I'm to be blamed. Not trusted because I’m not somebody you think I am."
"It doesn't matter who you are don't you understand that. All that matters is how you look in Jean Paul's eyes." Emily says and turns away.  Helena walks over to her. "You love him don't you?" she asks quietly. "You're in love with Jean Paul Desmond."  "Yes."  "And does he love you?"  "I think so at least until..." Emily turns and looks at Helena.  "Until what?" Helena asks.  "I'm not going to tell you anything. Please leave me alone. I want to see Jean Paul." Emily says as she walks across the room.  "Holly, what is she talking about?" Helena asks as she walks after Emily.  Emily stops and Helena puts her hand on Emily's shoulder.
"I'm not sure. We women at Desmond Hall learn to keep our secrets." Holly says.
"Emily you're disturbed and ill. Now let me take you to your room and get you a glass of wine." Helena says to Emily.  "I want to see Jean Paul."  "Later after you've rested."  Emily shakes her head.  "She's right." Holly says.  Helena looks at Holly. "What did you say?"  "I was just commenting on how pretty your ring looked."  Helena looks at Emily. "Come with me Emily."  "No, don't touch me." She pulls away from Helena. "I don't want to be touched by you."  "Well, well, well, how fortunate for me. All the lovely ladies of Desmond Hall.  And a new arrival... Welcome my dear, welcome to the ladies who wait for death." Laslo says from the doorway of the Drawing Room.  Helena looks at him. "I don't consider myself a lady in waiting for anything sir. Especially in death."  "My little joke. Excuse me I haven't introduced myself. I'm Laslo Thaxton. A Desmond cousin by marriage." Laslo tells Helena as he walks into the room and stands next to her.
"No one makes a little joke about death Mr. Thaxton. I would like to know what you meant?"  "I want to leave. I don't want to stay in the same room as him." Emily says.  "Well I don't want to break up a congregation of ladies." Laslo says.
"I think you frightened everyone. I think you better leave." Holly says to Laslo.
"Now Miss Holly is giving orders. Well I'm nothing if I'm not compliant." He turns to Helena. "A pleasure to meet you." Laslo leaves the room.  Helena looks at Holly. "Take care of Emily. I think she should lie down."  Holly takes Emily's arm as Helena walks after Laslo closing the doors behind her. "Mr. Thaxton?" She follows him to the staircase. "I see no reason why our first meeting should be spoiled by mystery." She climbs the stairs and stops next to him at the top if the landing.  "Neither do I."  "I'm Helena Raleigh. I was scheduled to perform at your local theater when Mr. Desmond was kind enough to invite me to Desmond Hall."
"Oh I was fortunate. You see I went to the theater myself tonight but was told the leading lady Miss Raleigh had become ill. I'm glad to see you recovered."
"Completely."  "It's an honor to meet an artist of the theater."  "But what did you mean by death Mr. Thaxton?"  "I meant it as a ..."  "Not as a joke." says Helena.
"No I'm afraid not. Since your host Jean Paul Desmond came to Desmond Hall we've had very little else but death. Particularly the death of lovely young ladies."
"Is that to be a warning to me Mr. Thaxton?"  "It is a statement of fact, not a warning." Laslo says as he walks down the staircase. "I do not threaten Miss Raleigh. I merely see things as they are and report them as such."  Helena follows him. "You are a very interesting man Mr. Thaxton."  "And you are a very beautiful lady Miss Raleigh."  "Laslo." Ada calls to him.  "Good evening my dear." Laslo says as he walks over to Ada.  "I see you've met our new guest."  "Indeed. I'm sorry to have missed my dinner and what appears to have been a very decorative evening." he says glancing back at Helena. "But I stopped by the theater."  "Alone?"  "Originally and then I ran into Mrs. Hatter quite by accident."
"I see." Ada says looking away.  "I'm afraid you don't see my dear. Miss Raleigh would you assure my wife that the theater is not a pit of sin where gentlemen call on ladies with evil intent."  "Well I think that depends on the gentleman." Helena says.  Laslo laughs. "Exactly, exactly."  "Miss Raleigh!" Agatha calls out excitedly from the top of the stairs. They all turn and look at the top of the staircase as Agatha walks down the steps. "You are Miss Raleigh aren't you? I saw you ages ago when I was much smaller on the stage in Central City."  "It couldn't have been that long ago." Laslo says. Helen glances back at him.  "Oh I remember it very well. You were so beautiful and you were playing the part of a girl who loved somebody so much she went crazy. And finally she sang funny songs and then drowned herself in a brook." Agatha says looking away. "Floating down a stream."  "I think her name was Ophelia." Helena says.  "Yes and what was her boyfriend’s name?"  "Could it have been Hamlet?" Laslo answers.  "Oh yes of course." Agatha says smiling. She turns and looks at Laslo then Helena.  "Miss Raleigh this is Agatha Pruett." Laslo says.  Helena holds her hand out. "Hello Agatha."  "It's very sweet of you to call me by my first name but I don't think I should dare to call you Helena." She says as Helena takes a hold of Agatha's hand.  "Oh please do." says Helena.  "But I couldn't. But I think we are going to have a wonderful time here, all of us. Because nothing can harm us can it Mr. Thaxton?" Agatha says looking at Laslo. "Because I have so much to tell about Desmond Hall and plots and wickedness that no one would dare harm me. It's so much more interesting than any play."  Laslo stares at Agatha.  "No one would dare harm me or any friend of mine. Shall we be friends Miss Raleigh?" Agatha smiles as she touches Helena's arm.  "Yes." Helena says.  "Agatha?"  "Yes Mr. Thaxton?"  "I would like to speak with you for a little while."  "Only in the company of others." Agatha says as she walks with Helena to the Drawing Room.  Laslo looks at Ada. "Since she came back have you talked with Agatha?"  "Oh no I don't think anyone has."  "Jean Paul?" Laslo asks worriedly.  "I don't know. I don't think so." Ada answers. As she looks at Laslo. "What is it?"  "Ada if you love me and you do. If you care anything for your future and the future of your son, anything at all you must help me. Miss Agatha Pruett and I hate to say this, Miss Agatha Pruett must be gotten rid of."  "You mean you want her to leave?"  "I want her to leave this earth."
Emily is lying on the couch with her eyes closed. Holly is sitting next to her. "She is asleep." Holly whispers.  Agatha and Helena stand in front of Holly. "That's too bad." Agatha says sadly as she looks at Emily.  "Oh no, no Agatha. Emily needed her rest." Helena says.  "But I thought we could have such a nice time. A party, just for the girls." Agatha says looking at Helena.  "And we shall Agatha." Helena says.  "Well I'm glad of that because I went and got dressed up in this gown."  "OH what an enchanting dress it is too." Helena tells Agatha.  "Oh do you think so. I made it myself."  "Well I would have never known. Would you Holly? Such talent."  "I really think I should go now. Up to my room." Holly says as she stands.  "Oh you mustn't. We must sit here together in front of the fireplace like ladies in a play. And tell our secrets. Oh I have such secrets to tell." Agatha says.  "Have you Agatha?" Helena asks.  "Yes, I think I know more about Desmond Hall and the people here than anyone I know."  Helena looks at Holly. "We'll stay. Well there is nothing like sharing secrets is there Holly?"  Holly glances at Helena. "Well Helena I really think I should go now."  "I said we'll stay." Helena says as she stares at Holly. "Didn't I tell you to trust me Holly? Aren't there some secrets you would like to know?"  "Of course there is." Agatha says smiling as she walks across the room. "You see I read in books how girls like us sit all pretty and dress up." Agatha says running her hand across the bookshelf. "And talk and laugh in polite tones." Agatha says and walks around the room back to Helena and Holly. "But I've been alone and I've never done that."  "Then we shall do it now." Helena tells her. "Sit down Holly, sit down."
Holly sits on the couch. "Yes Erica."  "Her name is Helena. Not Erica. Who's Erica?" Agatha says.  "Erica is dead isn't she Holly?"  Holly stares straight ahead. "Yes."  "Well then I think I should start telling my secrets first." Agatha says.
"Please do." Helena says to her.  "Oh Agatha?" Laslo says standing in the doorway.  "Yes Mr. Thaxton." Agatha looks at him.  "I should like to speak to you for a moment."  "About what?"  "Oh just an unimportant matter between you and me and Mrs. Thaxton."  "Well I'm afraid I have nothing to discuss with you Mr. Thaxton. But if Ada would like to join the ladies tell her she's welcome." Agatha says to Laslo.  "Agatha!"  "There is no need to yell Mr. Thaxton, we hear you." Helena says walking up to him. "I believe you and I are well matched."  "Yes I think so too."  "And I can assure you this little ladies gathering can be useful to you Mr. Thaxton as well as me."  "I'm afraid I do not know that dear lady."  "I can also assure you though I've just met Miss Pruett, I am aware of her distinctive ways." Helena says.  Agatha smiles. "Thank you Miss Raleigh."  "That is to say anything she says will be taken with a grain of salt until it is checked with you."
"I'm afraid things aren't as simple as that Miss Raleigh." Laslo says to her.  "Well if they are as simple as that or not that is the way it is." Helena says as she holds his arm and turns him towards the door and sends him from the room. Helena closes the door behind him and turns towards Agatha. "Now about your secrets Agatha."  Laslo stands outside the door. "It will take more than a grain of salt to cure this. If she speaks of Irene and the coven of witches."  "Did you speak of Mrs. Hatter?" Ada asks. She is standing behind him.  "Oh it's nothing my dear. And I want you to know Ada no matter what you have heard Mrs. Hatter means nothing to me and never has. I disavow myself from her from this day forth entirely my dear." Laslo says as he kisses Ada on the forehead and holds her in his arms.
Helena hands Agatha a glass of wine.  "Thank you Miss Raleigh. I never dreamed that is how could I have ever thought I could be dressed like this and have a famous actress serve me wine. Thank you." Agatha says.  "You're a very sensitive girl Agatha and you mustn't be. I'm a normal a lady as you are or as Holly."  "I really think I have to go this time for sure." Holly says as she stands.
Helena touches Holly's shoulder and Holly sits back down. "There's no need."
"Now I think it's time for your secrets isn't it Agatha?" Helena says as she turns around Agatha so she is facing her. "But before we start I want to know about our sleeping guest Miss Emily."  "Well what would you like to know? She studies here. She reads the books. She's very bright I suppose." Agatha says to Helena.
"And she's in love with Jean Paul Desmond."  "Yes as I am." Agatha says glancing away.  "Oh my. Secrets are coming out aren't they Holly?"  "Philip has called for Emily Blair." Holly says.  "Philip did?"  "She says so." Holly says then stands.  Emily starts to stir.  "Emily? Emily do you have something to say?" Helena asks.  Emily stands, her eyes are still closed.  "Emily?" Holly calls as she reaches out to her.  "Don't touch her Holly." Helena says.  Emily walks to the bookcase. Helena walks behind her stopping near Agatha. Agatha steps closer to Holly as Emily pulls a book from the shelf. Emily carries to the table and sets it down.  Helena walks over to Emily's side. Emily opens the book and stops at a picture. "How delightful, an old book and an old picture." Helena says as she takes the book from Emily. She walks over to Agatha and Holly. "My what a resemblance. Four ladies on the gallows." She turns the picture towards Agatha and Holly. "Who do they resemble Agatha?"  Agatha looks at the picture then looks up at Helena. "Us. The four of us." Emily stands next to the table, her eyes are still closed.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 99