Strange Paradise:  Episode 93
Episode 93:  Slideshow
Laslo: "Ominous clouds of night hovers over Desmond Hall as Jean Pail struggles in a web of evil. Spun by his enemies both inside and outside the mansion. The Master of Desmond Hall looks on in horror as Emily the gentle Emily falls beneath the spell of the Serpent god."
"Emily stop this. You don't know what..." Jean Paul grabs her and turns her to face him.  "Don't touch me!" Emily says to him.  "Emily listen to me." he says letting her go.  "No. You interfere between me and my God."  "Emily you don't know what you're doing."  "You don't understand!" Emily turns away from Jean Paul. "This is me as I should be. As I want to be."  "No." Jean Paul shakes his head. "No I remember the shy and quiet girl who used to read my books and sit by me in the evening."  "That Emily is no more."  Emily wakes up on the couch with Jean Paul sitting next to her. "Emily, Emily are you all right now?"  "I've been all right all the time." she says as she smiles at him.  "Emily do you remember anything that you did before I made you rest here?"  "Well yes, no. I'm tired, I want to sleep."  "Emily listen, listen to me carefully. I've got to tell you something. You can't remember anything of what you had done?"  Laslo walks in. "What a cozy scene."  Jean Paul glances at him.  "There always seems to be a tête-à-tête of some sort at Desmond hall lately. Nothing secret I presume?" Laslo says.
"Miss Blair wasn't feeling well, she's been very tired." Jean Paul says holding Emily's hands.  "I feel much better now. I really do. Quite myself again." Emily says smiling at Jean Paul.  "Do you?"  "Of course I do Jean Paul. You worry too much."  "As do we all when a pretty young lady seems to be in trouble." Laslo says walking through the Drawing Room.  "I said Miss Blair had been feeling unwell because she was overtired from her research project. That is all."  "Quite, quite." Laslo says as he fixes himself a drink. "Oh I've been out to much to long. A little wine for the weary wayfarer."  "I'm glad you're here." Jean Paul tells him.
"Thank you cousin."  Jean Paul stands and walks across in front of the couch. "Because Miss Pruett is missing. Her luggage is gone."  "Miss Pruett? Our little Agatha. How unfortunate. She seemed so happy here."  "You didn't see her in town?"  "No. I thought she was safe at Desmond Hall with you."  "Laslo she disappeared suddenly. Now when I told you last evening that she was to leave this house I did not intend that she should leave at night."  "Drive a poor maiden out into the darkness and fog; I should hope not, I do hope Miss Blair you will not leave that suddenly. Some wine?" Laslo asks.  Emily sits up. "Oh no thank you. I’m very weary. I really should be going to bed." Emily stands.  "Emily let me escort you to your room." Jean Paul says then walks with her to the doorway.
"You're very kind but there's no need to. I can find my way."  Stepping into the foyer Jean Paul looks at her. "All right. We'll talk in the morning."  "Yes it's been a pleasant evening." Emily tells him.  "Go straight to sleep."  "I shall. Goodnight."
"Goodnight Miss Blair." Laslo calls out as Emily walks away and Jean Paul closes the doors of the Drawing Room.  "A very pleasant evening? When the lady was so exhausted she all but collapsed. It's very strange." Laslo tells Jean Paul.  "And no concern of yours. I want to talk to you Laslo." Jean Paul says as he walks across the Drawing Room.  "Do you?"  "About Agatha Pruett."  Emily starts walking up the staircase when she stops. She hears the front door close and turns and walks back down the stairs. Raxl walks into the foyer and Emily stares at her. Raxl glances at her then walks to the Drawing Room doors. Emily walks towards her.   "Miss Blair is there something you want?"   "No. I..."  "I've been out searching for Quito, it was rumored he was seen in town again pursued by townspeople. Quito despite his physical power needs protection."  "Yes." Emily says staring at Raxl.  "Miss Blair is something wrong? The household did not run smoothly while I was away. I hope you will understand."  "I understand. It's just that when you came in I... There's something you and I share Raxl. Something I don't understand. It's as if tonight I visited a new world I never new existed. Though I've forgotten where or what it is. I only know that you have shared it."
Raxl stands and stares at Emily. "You talk in mysteries Miss Blair."  "I know. I'm sorry. Goodnight." Emily says then walks up the staircase.  "Goodnight." Raxl tells her watching Emily as she leaves. Then turning she knocks on the Drawing Room door.  Laslo tells Jean Paul. "I assure you I know nothing of the sudden disappearance of Miss Pruett."  "I find that I'm unable to believe you." Jean Paul tells him. Raxl knocks again. "Come in." Jean Paul calls out.  "You have so little faith in me Jean Paul."  "Perhaps that lack of faith is justified."  Raxl enters the room. "Master?"  "Raxl." Jean Paul says as he turns to her.  "I did not mean to interrupt."   "You didn't Raxl. Just a quiet little chat. Of the sort I'm becoming accustomed to." Laslo tells her as he walks over to the table and sets his glass down. "But I must get about my business. I have thousands of foul and evil things I must do before the evening is out." Laslo bows. "Jean Paul." Laslo leaves closing the door behind him.  "Master I have searched in vain for Quito. I heard in town that he was being hunted again."  "Well if he was roaming about surely he would return to Desmond Hall."  "No he's afraid, Master. Someone has made him afraid of people who want to protect him."  "Nothing but tragedy for everyone I promised to care for." Jean Paul says turning away from Raxl. "Nothing else since we came to Desmond Hall."  "This is not our home Master. We do not belong here you and I."  "And yet we survive here you and I. But what about the others? Poor Quito. Innocent running about like a criminal. And Agatha gone and now Emily."  "I saw her as I came in. She spoke in strange words."
"Raxl tonight, I don't know is she was aware of it or not. I'm sure she was unaware of it but she swore eternal devotion to the God of the Serpent."
"Oh Master."  "And she doesn't know what she has done."  Raxl walks up to Jean Paul. "Yes she senses it. I can tell." Raxl walks behind Jean Paul. "She's been drawn into the worship of the dark spirit of the Serpent God. Without the power to distinguish between good and evil of the service."  Jean Paul glances at her. "Raxl you have the powers."  "No, long ago Master."  "But you will help Emily. Tell me that you will."  "I do not know where she has traveled Master. Nobody can trace the labyrinth in progress of an individual soul." Raxl says turning away from Jean Paul.  "Raxl if you won't help then who can I ask to help? In a book, a book that I found in Philip's secret selection in his hidden room. It states very clearly that once the spirit is possessed by the Serpent there is no hope for that spirit's release."  "There are ways Master. Perilous and devious ways."  "Then help Emily while we can." Jean Paul says to her.  Raxl shakes her head. "You may wish before I'm through that I had never tried it."  "I want her saved Raxl and you're the only one who can save her."  Raxl nods. "It will be done. But I warn you. The Serpent God releases his victims only at a price no human wants to pay."
Holly stands in her room. "Philip, Philip Desmond I want to speak to you now." Holly says with her eyes closed. She opens them. "Oh Philip. I can't see you or hear you anywhere. I want to believe you're with me now." She sits at her dressing table. "I know I told you to go away, to leave me alone but even then I knew that I was beginning to love you. I want to tell you that now, so why do you stay away? Holly stands. "Are you teasing me? Or are you suddenly timid and afraid." Holly smiles as she walks across the room. "It doesn't matter you know. I want you. I know what I want and I want you. Spirit, ghost or apparition from the grave. It doesn't matter I want you."  There is a knock at her door. "Later Philip, later." she whispers. Holly turns towards the door. "Come in."  Cort enters. "Am I invited? Certainly Cort, you're invited because if you wait for an invitation nobody will invite you anywhere." Cort says as he carries a tray into the room. "Mama's made us some hot chocolate."  Holly takes a cup.  "Mama likes to encourage young people to have jolly innocent evenings together. Just like the good old days." "How very kind of your Mama." Holly says as she raises her cup to Cort.
"But drink it carefully my stepfather provided the arsenic." Cort says taking his cup from the tray.  Holly laughs.  "You're smiling. I didn't realize you considered my darker moments amusing,"  "Are they so dark or are you just pretending?" Holly asks as she sits on her bed.  "I wouldn't bet on it." Cort says as he sits on the edge of Holly's bed. "Are you pretending?"  Holly looks at him. "Pretending what?"  "To be so happy." Cort tells her.  "Why shouldn't I be happy?"  "In this house with all its deception and hatred."  "Perhaps you're just imagining them." Holly says.  "That's unlikely." Cort tells her.  "Perhaps I imagined them at first after the horrors of Maljardin. But I'm not afraid anymore. I'm not even afraid of you." Holly says smiling.  "You sound happily irrational. Or perhaps in love."
"Yes I am in love."  "Are you?"  "I think I am."  Cort looks at her. "With who?"
Holly turns away with a smile as she raises her cup. "Do I have to tell?"  "No."
Holly looks at him. "But you want to know."  Cort smiles at her. "Yes."  "You're going to think I'm mad." Holly says with a laugh.  "We're all mad."  "Okay then, it's Philip, Philip Desmond."  "You're mad." Cort says setting his cup down.  "See I told you, you would say that."  "But my cousin isn't even real. You can't love an apparition."  "Oh yes I can."  "Well I'll make sure he doesn't become real again." Cort walks angrily away.  Holly looks away worriedly.
Laslo is in Philip's secret room standing at the table. Hearing someone at the door he blows out the candle and hides. Jean Paul and Raxl enter. Jean Paul carries a candelabra. "Are you prepared Raxl?"  "I am prepared Master."
"Remember no matter what happens. It's for Emily."  "No matter what happens." Raxl says.  There is a noise across the room. "Whose there?" Jean Paul asks as he set the candelabra down. "Laslo. What are you doing here? What are you up to?" Jean Paul asks as Laslo walks out from the back of the room.  "Trickery of course cousin."  "This is my brother's secret room. I will ask you not to enter it again."  "As you wish." Laslo says as he walks to the door. He turns and looks back at Jean Paul. "It's not a very inviting room Believe me I shan't miss it. Goodnight Jean Paul, Raxl."  "Goodnight." Jean Paul says.  "Happy hunting." Laslo says as he walks out of the room.  Raxl glances at Jean Paul then away. She clasps her hands in front of her. "To reach the Serpent God we must dare to bring him out to the open. To call upon his name. Lift the candle high." She tells Jean Paul. He does as he is told. "Now repeat after me."  Jean Paul glances down. "Raxl! Raxl!"  "There must be silence." she tells him.  Jean Paul picks up a box that is sitting on the table. "The snake. It's dead. Crushed to death."  Raxl lifts it out of the box. "It's been beaten. Its head crushed. When one of his servants has been killed the Serpent God will take vengeance."  "Are you certain it was one of his servants?" Jean Paul asks.  "The markings. Yes it wears the brand of the Great Serpent."  "Laslo!" Jean Paul says.  "You can not be sure of that Master. To understand the mysteries well you must trust only what your eye can see. This must be my offering. This victim."  "It wasn't always here. Why was it brought to Desmond Hall?"  "The young girl brought it. Agatha Pruett."  "Yes I know that but why? To bring us good or evil?" Jean Paul asks.  "Depending on her designs. But then the Serpent God must have followed to search for an altar here. Oh if I only had my altar. The one I had in all my years on Maljardin. I could offer sacrifices in order to appease the Serpent God. And plead for the release of Miss Blair. Such an altar can not be built by human hands. It must exist in the Serpent world. If I can find such an altar."  "No! No! I've had enough! Of Gods and snakes and dark powers! I've had enough of all that! Raxl I want the light again. I want a world that I can see, that I can believe in. Now what ever vile powers that does exist here or in spite of it I will find a cure. I will find a cure for Emily. With wisdom and with love. I am so weary of begging and so weary of protesting in the dark!"  Raxl shakes her head. "Then you will not heed me Master. You shout, you object and you mock the very powers that can help you! And who will suffer, you. You Jean Paul! As your ancestors did before you!"
Holly sits on her bed deep in thought when there is a knock at her door. She jumps as the door opens.  Cort walks in. "Holly?"  "Yes."  "I've come to take the tray."  "Take it then." she says angrily with her back to him.  "If I hurt you about Philip I'm sorry. It's just I've never met a live lady that's in love with a ghost."
Holly looks at him. "And I've never met a young man as cruel as you are."  "Well then I guess we're even."  Holly stands. "Not quite. See if you knew Philip at all you wouldn't joke about him like you do. Or hate him." Holly says walking away from Cort.  They both have their backs towards each other. "I knew Philip when he was alive. You didn't."  Holly turns. "But still I know him better than anyone. Because he visits me here and we talk."  Cort turns and looks at her. "What do you talk about? Dust and bones?"  "Cort your jealous I think."  "Jealous?"  "Of anyone capable of loving someone. Who do you love Cort? Anyone?"  "No one. No one but myself and the memories of my father."  Holly steps towards him. "If you can love a memory then surely I can love a spirit."  "Holly I have loved once. I was rejected because she didn't love me." He glances at her. "It's not an unusual experience of a young man."  "Oh Cort." Holly says sadly. "Oh I'm sorry." She puts her hands on his shoulders. "I didn't know that." Holly kisses him.  Cort pulls her hands away. "You weren't meant to. Goodnight Holly." Cort walks out of her room.
Emily walks down the staircase dressed in her housecoat. She enters the Drawing Room. "Jean Paul?"  Laslo looks up at her. "Miss Blair." He stands.
"Oh I was looking for Jean Paul. I couldn't sleep and..."  "Come and sit down dear Miss Blair. I'm sure he'll be back in a little while. He's off on some mysterious errand with Raxl. I believe they are going to perform an exorcism on your soul."
"My soul?"  "Your name was mentioned before the rites. Well you have had an adventure with a certain Serpent haven't you?"  "I don't know what you are talking about." Emily says to him.  "Oh come now. I found you all but dead in Philip Desmond’s secret room. You should be grateful to me. I was the one who cheered Jean Paul when he felt desperate. I was the one that told him there was nothing to worry about. That you would be alright tomorrow. Although I knew you wouldn't."  "Well I can't listen to anymore of this!" Emily turns to walk away.
Laslo grabs her arm. "I have a great many friends in this town Miss Blair, friends I think you would be interested in meeting. I'm going to see them later again tonight. I've been away from my own party too long. On an errand of my own. I think you would be very interested in meeting them."  "No! I don't want to listen to you any more. I want Jean Paul!" Emily cries out and pulls away from Laslo.
Jean Paul and Raxl are walking down the staircase. "It could be attended to Master if you allow it." Raxl says to him, she is carrying the box with the dead snake.  Emily steps into the foyer and walks up to Raxl. She reaches for the box and takes it from Raxl. "You murdered him both of you. You killed him!"   "Emily you don't know what you're saying." Jean Paul says.  "You will be cursed for this!"  Raxl walks up to Emily. "Serpent servant save his soul. Serpent servant keep him whole."  Emily finishes the words on Raxl. "Serpent servant damn his soul." "You will never save his soul Priestess Raxl. Not while I live."
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 94