Strange Paradise:  Episode 90
Episode 90:  Slideshow
Ada: "Desmond Hall ancestral home of the ill fated Desmond Family awaits the coming of night. For it is only in darkness and sleep that the inhabitants find rest from the demons that plague them. A spectral serpent now moves through the mansion striking fear into the hearts of those that visit. And Emily Blair choked in the shadowy coils of the snake seem to have surrendered her life."
"Is there a pulse?" Cort asks.  "No, she's cold as ice." Laslo tells him.  In her mind Emily speaks. 'I must, I must return to life. I must fight.' She sees the serpent and hears his hissing. 'No I want to return.' "Jean Paul, Jean Paul." she calls out.  "Emily?" Cort says.  "Oh yes, yes I hear you." Emily opens her eyes.
"There is a pulse beat." Laslo tells Cort.  "Emily wake up. She's breathing. Emily its Cort." He is kneeling next to the couch in front of Emily. Laslo squats behind the couch holding her wrist.  "Cort, Cort where is Jean Paul?" Emily asks.
"He's gone to get a doctor. He wouldn't believe the fact that you were dead." Cort tells her.  "Dead?"  "You weren't breathing. There was no heartbeat." Laslo tells her.  "Where am I?" Emily asks.  "In the Drawing Room, we brought you down from Philip's secret room. Something had attacked you." Laslo says as he stands and releases her wrist.  "No I don't want to think about it." Emily says getting upset and trying to sit up.  "Lie down, rest." Cort says holding her shoulders. Rest. You see we thought , we were sure you were dead."  Emily looks up at Cort. "But I was, I was dead. I was in some dark hell with some horrible things around me and I fought to get back. I had to!"  "My dear girl don't speak. Don't waste your energy trying to talk. I'm sure there is some simple explanation." Laslo tells her as he bends over the couch to talk to her.  "But I know I was dead. I know it."  "You’re overwrought from all the researching into the past. The books you've been reading." Laslo says to her.  "No!" Emily cries out.  "You're upsetting her." Cort says.  "I'm trying to be reasonable.." Laslo says to Cort as he stands straight.  Cort stands and faces Laslo across the couch. "You said yourself. You said there wasn't any life within her. When you and Jean Paul asked me down here you said yourself that she was gone." Cort says walking to the end of the couch and turns towards Laslo.  "A mistake probably a faint pulse we couldn't find." Laslo tells Cort.  "Laslo." Ada calls from the doorway. She sees that Emily is awake. "Emily! Oh?"  "She's alive Mother." Cort tells her.  "Emily we thought well..." Ada looks at Cort.  "No. No Laslo says we're all mistaken."  "Laslo you said yourself." Ada looks at Laslo.  "This incident is over and is best forgotten." Laslo says.  "Why? What are you afraid of?" Cort asks.  "Oh I want to forget it. I don't want to remember any of it. It was so awful." Emily tells them.  Cort kneels next to her. Laslo is standing next to Cort. "It's alright. It's all over now." Cort says holding her hand.  "Jean Paul called and said he couldn't find a doctor in town so he drove on to the next village. But I told him it would be too late." Ada says to them.  "And as I see it we were all very excited. None of us was in any condition to judge." Laslo says.  Cort stands. "Stepfather do me a favor. When I am to be buried make sure you’re not the one who has the judgment on it." Cort says then he walks out of the room.  Ada walks over to Emily. "You mustn't let all of this upset you. Why don't you close your eyes now and get some sleep."  "Yes I'll help you take her to her room." Laslo says reaching down for Emily's arm.  "No. I want her down here where we can all watch over her." Ada tells Laslo.  "Well I can tell you this incident is best forgotten as soon as possible." Laslo says as he walks out of the Drawing Room and closes the doors behind him.  Ada sits on the edge of the couch. "Emily is there anything you want?"  Emily shakes her head no. "No, I'm just very cold that's all." She hugs the sheet that is covering her.
"I'll get you a blanket."  Emily looks at the sheet. "What's this?"  "A sheet. It was to be your winding-sheet."  Emily looks at the sheet in her hand.
Laslo picks up the phone in the foyer. "Hello may I have the doctor in Arberville." There is a knock at the front door. "Come in." Laslo calls out.  Irene enters and rushes over to Laslo.  "Irene what do you want?" Laslo asks.  "I heard about it in town, Emily's death. I wanted to see if there was anything I could do?"  "Nothing to it. A rumor a false alarm." he says as he holds the phone to his ear.  "A false alarm! I hardly think that death."  "Quiet." He tells Irene as he answers the phone. "Hello doctor? Oh when he returns if a Mr. Desmond arrives please say that everything is fine. Miss Blair is well. Yes quite well. Good by." He hangs up the telephone.  "There's something wrong. I can tell by your expression Laslo."  "I don't know. Some force interfering. I suspect the girl Agatha. Jean Paul believed Emily Blair was dead. Crushed by a serpent."  "And she was dead." Irene says to Laslo.  "I said Jean Paul believed. It's some trick to frighten us. Some hypnotic state which gives the appearance of death." Laslo says walking a few steps away from Irene.  "Or venom." Irene says following him. "The paralyzing venom of the Serpent God. It's chosen a victim in this house."  Laslo glances at her. "That girl Agatha, she must leave tonight."
In Philip's secret room Agatha's pet snake is coiled around the skull as a loud hissing starts from across the room. The door opens and Cort enters carrying a flashlight. He shines the light around the room. Cort walks towards the table and shines it on the skull. "Where are you? I'm not afraid of ghosts or serpents.  Where are you?" Cort shines the light on the bookcase. "I read about you, you know. Among my luminous ancestors there were deities of Serpent God." He clicks off the flashlight. "You are here. If you exist you have an admirer in me. The strength and the power to fulfill my mission. I must never give in to sentimentality. I must never give in to sympathy! I must have the power and be cold as a serpent. I am to be the last of the Desmonds. I am not afraid of you. I welcome you. Tell me how you came? And what it is that you want?"  "Cort. Cort you mustn't." Philip's voice tells him.  "Philip?"  Philip's body takes form through the skeleton from the waist up. "Don't desert me."  "Why not? You never befriended me." Cort says.  "I did. I tried to help you. I tried, I begged you not to be bitter towards the Desmonds. Not to blame us for your fathers fate. This is evil. God of evil sent to persecute me. Reject it, leave."  "No I can't believe you! I can't believe anybody here."  "Then you will be alone as I am alone. You will be surrounded by serpents of hell as I am. Leave Cort."  Cort shakes his head no.
"Trust me, leave." Philip says as his form fades away and the skeleton remains.
"No you don't do anything for me except increase my fear." Cort says to Philip. " I won't be afraid of anything, snake, ghost or devil!"  The shadow of the serpent raises itself in front of Cort.
Emily sits on the couch wrapped in a blanket as Ada starts a larger fire burning in the fireplace. "It's getting dark. I'll draw the drapes." Ada says as she walks across to the windows.  Emily stares at the flames.  "Do you feel better now Emily?" Ada asks.  "Oh yes, yes I do. Has Jean Paul returned yet?"  "Not yet but you mustn't worry. Laslo left a message for him with the doctor in Arberville. He'll be back soon." Ada says as she walks over to Emily and sits next to her. "Perhaps now Jean Paul will know better,"  "Know better?"  "To let a stranger look into the secrets of the Desmond family." Ada says to her.  "But why, I haven't done any harm."  "I know but harm has been done to you."  "Oh no. I don't remember anything of what happened. I'm fine now. It's all over." Emily says.  "It will never be over as long as you're in the house."  "But Mrs. Thaxton you always said how much you loved it here. Well you spoke of the happy times you had in this house with the family."  "I'm a romantic woman or I was until I made myself face reality. I don't want to frighten you Emily but the reality is this. There is no longer any happiness or peace here for anybody. Everybody who comes to Desmond Hall becomes part of the fabric. And the design of the fabric is hatred and evil."  "Oh I can't believe that. Jean Paul's not a hateful man. He's one of the kindest men I've ever met."  "And so are they all." Ada stands and walks over to the fireplace. "His father and his brothers they were kindness in itself to me in the distant past. But the present is different. I don't know, perhaps we were too happy then. I only know that a judgment has fallen on Desmond Hall. And I get afraid now that no one will escape from it. Oh Emily what ever has to come now for me well I can bear it but I beg you." She touches Emily's shoulder after walking back to the couch. She kneels next to Emily. "Take Jean Paul and leave, leave here. And get far away and forget this. All of it if you can."
"Ada." Laslo calls her name . Emily and Ada glance up at Laslo.  "Yes Laslo?" Ada says.  "I must go out."  Ada stands and walks over to Laslo. "Where?"
"There's been trouble at the mill. The rumor is around that this young lady is dead. They are saying the Desmonds are bringing death to the town."  "Well tell them, tell them I'm well. I'll go with you and tell them myself." Emily starts to stand.  "No no. I'll handle this myself." Laslo tells her.  "Well then do. Go!" Ada tells Laslo.  "Ada why are you so upset my dear?"  "Because I don't believe you. I didn't hear the phone ring. I don't think anyone from the mill has been in contact with you at all."  "Such suspicions are not worthy of you my dear. Especially in front of our guest." Laslo says as he bends to kiss Ada.  She pulls away.  "I shall probably not be back in time for dinner. That leaves Holly, Miss Pruett and you two. I think it would be wise if they knew as little as possible about this incident. Good by." He looks at Emily. "Get well my dear." He turns and walks out of the room.  Ada glances at Emily. "He didn't mention Cort. He didn't mention Cort at all." Ada says worriedly.
Cort call to the Serpent God in Philips secret room. "Come, come to me little brother. Little serpent I don't fear your venom or the strength of your coils. You only strike at those you fear. You only crush your enemies. I am not an enemy, I am a friend. I've been afraid of too many things in my life to fear a spirit." The hissing of the snake is around Cort. "So come wrap your slimy length about me, embrace me. Don't leave." The hissing grows fainter. "Don't go away. I am to serve you dear serpent, good serpent come back!" Cort glances down and sees Agatha's pet snake. "Is that all you are? A tiny snake. You’re no serpent at all. Then where's your power? Where's your power now! Banished. You’re like some little garden snake I played with when I was a boy. I could destroy you as I destroyed them. I could crush you under my foot." The hissing starts again. "No I didn't mean that. I didn't mean to threaten you." Cort says in terror when the shadow of the snake grows in front of him. He rushes to the door trying to get it open. He turns and looks at the serpent. "It's locked. The door is locked."
Irene lights black candles and sets them on her alter in her cottage. "I'm so glad you came Laslo. I've been so busy with preparations. I've called all members of the circle."  Laslo walks up to Irene. "Did you tell the Pruetts their daughter will be joining us?"  "No I wanted it to be a surprise."  "Very thoughtful Irene. You are always so thoughtful." "And the girl Agatha when will we expect her?"  "That will be a little difficult to plan. She is very attached to Jean Paul. And I doubt she will leave Desmond Hall without him." Laslo says.  "So then?" Irene asks as she carries more candles to the table. "Laslo you do have a plan?"  "Jean Paul's return will be delayed. Never fear he will be delayed. I shall tell her he wishes to meet her here." He looks at Irene. "The young lady does not like me, she doesn't trust me. I can't think why?"  Irene looks away staring towards the window.
"Irene what is it?" Laslo asks as he walks over to her.  "Did you hear that sound? The hounds barking as if they are in pursuit of someone. Just now I thought I saw a face at that window. A sad and bloody face. It looked like it was asking for help and then." There is a knocking at the cottage door. Then someone starts pounding on it. "Laslo?"  The door opens and Quito walks in. He walks towards them with his hands out. Putting his fingers to his mouth he collapses to the floor.
"Oh Quito." Irene says.  Laslo walks over to him then kneels next to him. "His cloths are torn. He's covered in blood. The hounds must have been chasing him."
"And he came to us for refuge. How fortunate." Irene says.  Laslo glances up at her and stands. "I'd say just the opposite. Throw him to the wolves."  "And lose all that strength. Why the man is as strong as a minotaur. Such strength we can use." Irene says walking to the table.  "You're a fool Irene. He's absolutely devoted to Jean Paul." Laslo says walking up to her.  "Devotion can be changed. If I were to help him, nurse him. Try to get him to the sofa. I'll get some warm water and some towels." Irene tells Laslo. She leaves the room as Laslo walks over to Quito. "Quito?"  Quito opens his eyes.  "Good Quito. Help me get you to the couch." He grips Quito under the arms from behind as he helps Quito to the couch and helps him sit down. Quito looks around in fear.  Irene walks in carrying a bowl of water and some towels. "There, there. Oh poor Quito."  Quito pulls away from her.  "But Irene will help you." She sets the bowl down, "I'll bathe your wounds and keep you safe, you'll stay here and be warm." She touches his face with a wet towel. He pulls away. "Yes, yes Quito. Quito to be warm and safe and if anyone comes looking for you, I'll tell them I haven't seen you. The dogs must have lost the scent." Quito tries pulling away from Irene as she cleans his face. "Am I hurting you? I'm being as gentle as I can."   "Irene." Laslo signals her to go with him across the room. Irene follows him.  "Irene you're a fool. If he's found here we will be in great danger."  "He will not be found. I promise you." Irene tells him.  "You are placing the coven in jeopardy Irene."  "It is the coven I am hiding him for. He will serve us out of gratitude." Irene says as she walks back to Quito. "Won't you Quito?" Irene asks touching his shoulder. "You will like it here Quito. You will be glad you came to my house. And you will be grateful, very grateful." Quito looks up at Irene.
Ada is tending the fireplace when she hears the dogs barking. "Did you hear them? The hounds."  "Yes in the far distance." Emily says. She's sitting on the couch eating her dinner from a tray.  "Sometimes I confuse them with the wild dogs that live in the woods beyond the meadow." Ada says as she looks out the window.  "It's a very chilling sound." Emily says.  "When ever I hear them I feel that something terrible is going to happen. Wild dogs always seem to be excited when something strange is happening. They howl because some poor creature is being pursued." Ada turns away from the window and looks at Emily. "Can I get you some coffee?"  "No. I feel much better now thank you."  "I've given Holly and Miss Pruett trays in their rooms. You're too tired for a dinner gathering." Ada says sitting next to Emily. "Holly will be down to see you later. Miss Pruett will to."
"Oh I don't think I want to see her."  "Well I admit she's a strange little person but she's concerned about you. She told me so."  "No I'd rather not see her. I really, I really should be going to bed. Oh if I could only be sure Jean Paul would get home safely."  "Yes and I'm concerned about Cort too. He didn't tell me where he was going and he's missed his dinner."  The dogs are still barking. Ada stands. "I wish they would stop. I have a feeling that someone is about to suffer terribly. I have such a strong feeling."
Cort is talking to the Serpent. "I'm not afraid of you. I told you. Hiss all you want to, I'm not afraid." Cort starts to panic. "Philip! Philip help me! I'm sorry Philip, trust me! Let me out Philip! Philip!" Cort sees his flashlight and grabs it. "Die, die! He smashes at the table with the flashlight.
Emily drops her tray and stands up clutching her head.  "Ada rushes over to her. "Emily! Emily what is it?"  "No, no! Stop, stop! Emily cries out clutching her head.
"Die serpent die!" Cort says. "Die, you will not help me." He hits at the snake over and over.
Emily screams holding her head. "Stop him! Stop him!"
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 91