Strange Paradise:  Episode 67
Episode 67:  Slideshow
Raxl: "Desmond Hall, the great mysterious house of the Desmond family broods high on a cliff overlooking the swirling currants of two rivers. The Great House sleeps now after the long night of Jean Paul Desmonds arrival. For in the dark beckoning of his destiny the Master of Maljardin has found another paradise. Here the peace he seeks alludes him and the restless sleep that should reword his days are but a continued invitation to continued torment."
Jean Paul is asleep but very restless.  "Jean Paul. Jean Paul." a ghostly presence is calling to him. "I am trying to reach you to warn you my brother." The ghostly presence holds his hands out. They are covered in blood. He fades away."  "Philip, Philip." Jean Paul calls out then sits up. "Philip!"  Raxl walks into the room. "What is it Master?" She rushes over to his bed.  "I don't know. Yes, it was a dream." Jean Paul says to her.  "I heard you call your brother’s name."  "I saw him. I thought I saw him. He spoke to me. He called my name."  "Master you must calm yourself. You are not yet well." Raxl tells him.  "I called him. I tried to go to him."  "Master don't. It's over, the nightmare has passed."  "But I saw him. I saw him standing right there." Jean Paul says pointing. "I tried to reach out to him but I couldn't. He just stood there." Jean Paul climbs out of bed and walks across the room. "He stood right here." Looking at the floor Jean Paul bends down and touches it.  "What is it?" Raxl asks.  "Blood, blood!" Jean Paul says looking up at Raxl.
Downstairs Ada talks to Jean Paul. "Blood? Drops of blood?" Ada asks.  Jean Paul nods his head. "On the floor of my room. In the corner near the chair." Jean Paul says walking across to Ada.   "But that's not possible."  "Why do you say that Ada? Yesterday I know I was delirious but today I know what I'm saying."  "Well then if there was blood then Raxl must have cleaned it up." Ada tells Jean Paul.  "No I'm quite sure she didn't." Jean Paul says walking over to the couch and sits down.  "Well I just don't know what to say." Ada says walking closer to Jean Paul.  "I find that hard to believe." Laslo says walking into the room. "Good morning Jean Paul. Did you sleep well?"  "Not particularly." Jean Paul says turning away from him.  "Sorry. Ah I see it's coffee in the drawing room now that one of the Desmonds have come home to dwell in Desmond Hall. May I have some please." He asks Ada.  "Jean Paul says that he found blood on the floor of his room when he woke up this morning." Ada tells Laslo as she pours him a cup of coffee.  "Blood?" Laslo asks looking down at Jean Paul from behind the couch.  Jean Paul stands. "Yes. How did it get there?" He asks walking a few steps and turning towards Laslo and Ada.  "I can only assume that someone cut them self."  "Yes but who?" asks Jean Paul.  "Since it is your room I can only guess that you cut yourself somehow or other." Laslo says.  "But it wasn't Jean Paul." Ada says.  "What are you talking about?" Laslo asks.  "I mean it wasn't anybody." Ada says flustered.  "You're not making any sense."  "I cleaned up there just a few minutes ago near the chair and I didn't see any blood or any traces of blood." she tells Jean Paul.  "It was there. I saw it." Jean Paul says as he walks over to Ada.  "Jean Paul you've been through a very difficult time. You've been ill, don't you suppose you might have imagined it?" Ada asks touching Jean Paul's hand.  "Ada I did not imagine it. Raxl also saw it. There's no point in arguing about it any further!" Jean Paul says getting upset. He turns away from her. "I only mentioned it because I was curious. It's not important one way or another." Jean Paul says leaning his hands on the mantel of the fireplace.  "No I don't suppose so." Laslo says as he drinks his coffee.  Jean Paul turns towards them. "The thing that made it troubling was..."  "What?" Ada asks.  "Nothing, there was no connection between the two. Perhaps I wasn't fully awake from my dream about Philip when I saw or thought I saw the blood."  "You dreamed about Philip?" Ada asks as she walks towards Jean Paul.  "It's only natural isn't it, the house has probably been filled with memories of him." Laslo says then walks over to Ada. "And now my dear I must speak to Jean Paul alone on business." he says leading Ada to the doorway of the room.  "Ada may stay." says Jean Paul.  "Oh no, she doesn't understand these matters. Do you my dear?" Laslo says kissing Ada on the cheek, "Later my love." He sends her out and closes the double doors. "And now Mr. Desmond." He says walking towards Jean Paul.  "Please Jean Paul." Jean Paul says to Laslo.  "Of course I was only thinking of the business at hand." Laslo says then turns to the desk. "But there is no need for formalities. We are friends. I want to assure you I have been attending to all the business affairs during your brothers absence and keeping meticulous accounts." Laslo says picking up a folder and opening it.  Jean Paul walks over to him. "I know I've asked you before but are you sure you don't know where my brother is?"  "All Desmond family transactions, the lumber mills along with many family interests in the town of Desmondton. You'll find these records complete including the household expenses." Laslo says handing a ledger to Jean Paul.  "I asked you a question."  "I meant there is no need for you to concern yourself with the business matters. There's no need to worry. Now forget about this. There is no reason at all."  "Where is my brother?" Jean Paul asks.  "I have no idea, no idea at all."  Jean Paul stands and stares at Laslo.
Holly is in her room looking at herself in the mirror sitting at her dressing table. She stands up and looks around the bedroom. "I won't think about it. I won't think about it." she says to herself. "I don't know what's happening to me. I'll just go away alone. I'll leave this place whatever it is. Oh mother. I want my mother." Holly cries quietly . She walks to her dressing table and sees a black pendant. She picks it up and swings it in front of her face.  Raxl walks in and rushes over to Holly. "Stop. Give that to me." she says taking the pendant from Holly. "You must never touch this again or look at it. Where did it come from?"  "I found it there." Holly says pointing at the dressing table.  "Who placed it there?" Raxl asks.  "I don't know."  "Why were you looking at it as you were?"  "Because it's so beautiful. The way the light shines through it."  "It's evil."  "How could it be?" Holly asks.  "Oh Miss Holly please believe me. It's a sorceress stone. It has the power to enslave and enchant the beholder."  "I want it." Holly says.  Raxl pulls back with the pendant.  "Raxl it's not yours."  "You do not know what you are requesting. Oh heed me Miss Holly you have just been released from the powers of Erica Desmond. Beware, you have a delicate and sensitive nature, that is attracted to the forces of wickedness."  "No!" Holly says getting upset.  "Miss Holly trust me." Raxl says putting her arm around Holly's shoulders. "I am the only one who can protect you."  "No!" Holly shouts and grabs the pendant. "You're a witch." Holly says walking across her bedroom.  "Give it to me." Raxl says holding out her hand.  "You hated Erica! You forced Jean Paul to destroy her!" Holly shouts.  "Erica Desmond killed your mother." Raxl says walking towards Holly.  "You're lying, you're lying to me!" Holly says sitting on her bed.  Raxl tries grabbing the pendant from Holly.  Holly jumps up. "No, Jean Paul!" Holly shouts rushing from the room. "Jean Paul!"  Raxl turns away from the door, she clasps her hands together in prayer. "God of my father, divine forces of my ancestor. My powers were left on Maljardin. I stand in supplication." Raxl holds her arms outward. "Assist me in this hour of darkness. Come to my aid." Again Raxl clasps her hands. "Because the evil has been done."
In the drawing room Jean Paul walks to the desk and picks up the ledger. He glances at it when he hears someone calling him.  "Jean Paul! Jean Paul!"  He rushes from the room to the staircase. “Holly?"  "You're here, you're here!" Holly says rushing into his arms.  "Holly, Holly what is it?"  "I don't know." Holly cries. "I don't know."  Jean Paul cups her face with his hands. "Holly, come in. Come in." He leads her into the next room. "Sit down. Now tell me. Tell me what it is?" He asks as they sit on the couch.  "It's Raxl. She frightened me. She wanted to take this away from me." Holly opens her hand and shows it to Jean Paul. "It's gone." She says looking at her hand.  "What's gone?" Jean Paul asks.  "A jewel. I was carrying it to you in my hand and now it's gone."  "Holly. Holly listen. We've been through terrible things together you and I, both of us. You're upset and confused. Now look darling you're safe now. It's all right you're with me. It's all over, you're here at Desmond Hall." Jean Paul says holding her by the shoulders.  "No I don't know where I am or what's happened to me. I don't know where I'm supposed to go." She looks at Jean Paul. "My mother’s gone now isn't she?"  "Yes." Jean Paul says quietly.  "I don't know what I'm going to do." Holly says looking away.  "Holly, wherever I am you're welcome to be. You know that."  "I don't know."  "Holly." Jean Paul says holding Holly's hand. "I've told you if I had a daughter of my own I'd want her to be just like you. Now I have a daughter, and I'll provide for her always if you'll let me."  "I just don't know. I'm so mixed up. I keep thinking about my mother, Tim and Erica."  "Erica is gone Holly. It's all over. All those awful things are in the past. They must be forgotten. They must be, you've got to be free now. Free to live again."  "Yes but I feel so strange since I came here. I didn't know if you were alive. Oh Jean Paul!" Holly says throwing herself into his arms. "Jean Paul I'm so glad you're here. You will keep your promise won't you? You will help me."  "Yes, yes I will." He pulls Holly away. "Look nothings going to harm you anymore. You're safe now away from all the dangers and the darkness that's behind us on Maljardin. Do you trust me?" He asks touching her chin so she looks up at him.  Holly nods. "I trust you."
The door to the Drawing Room opens. "Jean Paul here I am." A woman enters the room. The same woman from Holly's bedroom the night before.  Jean Paul stands in surprise. "Irene!" He walks and hugs her giving her a kiss on the cheek.  "Yes darling man. I heard you were here and I couldn't resist bursting in." She says with a smile.  Jean Paul laughs with happiness. "I'm glad you did." He turns towards Holly with his arm around Irene's shoulder. "Holly I'd like you to meet an old friend of mine, Irene Hatter."  "Well not that old." she says with a laugh. "What a dreadful way to greet me. You're wicked."  "Oh I'm wicked." he says with a laugh. Jean Paul walks over to Holly and sits down. "Holly I would like you to meet the most wicked lady I know."  "Holly. what a lovely name and what a lovely girl. What is it my dear?"  Holly sits and stares at Irene.  Irene looks at Jean Paul. "Did I disturb you two?"  Holly shakes her head. "I was frightened."  "Of me? I've never frightened a soul in my life." Irene says as she walks across the room and sits next to Holly. "Though I wish I could. My major flaw as Jean Paul will tell you is that I'm too kind . I like people my dear. It's a dreadful curse."  Holly still stares at Irene. "I'm sure that I've seen you somewhere before."  "Fortunately no. I'd remember a girl as pretty as you are. We have few enough attractive people in town don't we Jean Paul."  "Mrs. Hatter is one of the leading lights of Desmondton. Without her the town would simply shrivel up and die." Jean Paul says as he stands and walks to the back of the couch.  "Well we try Holly. And at any rate we try, and you must try with me. You must come and visit me soon for tea."  "Holly would you like that?" Jean Paul asks bending down over the couch.  "Yes I'd like that Mrs. Hatter." Holly says to Irene.  "You mustn't call me Mrs. Hatter. I'm Irene." she says to Holly.  "Irene." Holly says smiling at her.  "Then we're friends." Irene says taking Holly's hand, "And we'll have good times together. Desmondton is hardly a metropolis." she says releasing Holly's hand. "But we do manage to have some very gay times." Irene stands and walks to the fireplace. She turns towards Holly. "I know, we'll give a ball a gala event and light up Desmond Hall again as it used to be. Jean Paul?"  Jean Paul laughs. "Holly?"   "I'd love that." says Holly.  "Done." Jean Paul says.  "Then we'll have some wonderful times together." Irene says to them.  "Miss Holly?" Laslo walks into the room. "I believe you dropped this." Laslo says holding the black pendant by the chain in front of Holly's face. Holly stares at it.  Irene walks over to Holly. "How lovely." She takes it from Laslo. "Holly is this yours? You must never part with it."  "I don't want it now." Holly says looking at it.  "But my dear if it is yours."  "It's not mine!" Holly turns away from it.  "Young people." Irene says smiling at Laslo and Jean Paul.  "Why do you think it is hers?" Jean Paul asks.  "It was in her room." Laslo replies.  "If you'll excuse us Holly has been through some trying times. I really think she should rest." Jean Paul says pulling Holly up from the couch and starts leading her out.  Irene hands the pendant to Laslo. "You too from what I heard, you've been through such frightening experiences." Irene says walking up to Jean Paul as he stops and looks at her. "You look a trifle shock worn." Irene says putting her hand on Jean Paul's shoulder. She gives him a kiss. "Never mind, Desmondton air will soon restore you to your own irresistible self."  "Goodbye Irene." Jean Paul says to her with a smile. "Thank you for coming."  "A pleasure with such engaging people."  Jean Paul glances at Holly. "Holly?"  "Goodbye Mrs. Hatter, Irene."  "Goodbye my dear."  "For you my dear." Laslo says trying to hand Holly the pendant.  "I'll take it." Jean Paul says taking the pendant from Laslo. He leads Holly out of the room.  "Shut the door." Irene tells Laslo. He closes the door. "I felt it immediately when I saw her last night. We have nothing to fear Laslo from Jean Paul or Philip. The girl will serve us well."
Jean Paul stands in a bedroom looking at a child’s carousel. He thinks to himself silently. 'This is my brother's room exactly as I remember it. A toy carousel he received when he was so ill exactly as he left it.' Jean Paul walks around the room. Stopping at the window he looks out, turning he walks by Philip's bed stopping at a glass door cabinet. After opening it he looks at the shelves. He finds a baseball and glove. 'Philip you preserved the remembrances of your childhood. I've forgotten all mine.' he thinks sadly. Behind him the door opens.  "Those are not yours." Laslo says.  "I know."  "This is Philip's room. He left strict instructions that no one should disturb it." Laslo tells him.  Jean Paul stands and turns towards Laslo. "I'm his brother." He closes the glass doors.  "You should leave immediately.'  "I have a reason to be here. I thought I might find some indication some clue as to where he's gone." Jean Paul says walking over to Philip's bed.  "He took some traveling cloths and one suitcase, that's all." Laslo says opening up a drawer and looking inside.  "Without leaving an address?"  "These absences are not unusual for Philip. He could be anywhere. His house in Paris."  "His house in Paris has a telephone." Jean Paul says to Laslo.  "Or a hunting safari in Africa. There are very few telephones in the jungle."  "He can be reached by radio." says Jean Paul.  "Philip is a young man without obligations. He's here today gone tomorrow. Rome one night, Mexico the next morning."  Jean Paul walks a few steps away from Laslo. "Strange." He stops in front of the carousel. "I remember when he received this toy. He was very ill with scarlet fever. He was interested in everything. My parents felt that this toy carousel and the song that it gave brought him back to life." Jean Paul touches the top. "That's odd it's broken.'   "It's been broken for a long time. Come now, I really have my responsibilities. Philip wouldn't want you here."  "Philip and I were very close."  "Yes I know. That is why he said he was going to Maljardin. He heard strange rumors of certain experiments in death."  Angrily Jean Paul turns around to face Laslo. "There were no experiments in death."  "And yet many died."  "I assure you Philip never came to Maljardin."  "I accept your assurances. Please accept mine. I do not know where your brother is." Laslo says then walks out of Philip's room.  Standing still Jean Paul calls out to Philip. "Philip, Philip? I feel your presence here. I feel as if your trying to reach me. Are you here?" Sighing Jean Paul turns away and walks out of the room closing the door behind him. The carousel starts turning and playing music.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 68