Strange Paradise:  Episode 63
Episode 63:  Slideshow
Elizabeth: "Nightfall comes to the Island of Maljardin. And the tide rises to its fullest so that soon the boat may leave for the Mainland to bring Holly and Elizabeth to freedom. But inside the evil mansion the hostess proposes a farewell toast."
"Alison!" Erica shouts rushing to Alison's side. Alison collapses in Erica's arms.  "You see, you see how much I love..." Alison says then closes her eyes.   Erica lowers Alison's head to the table.  "Alison!" Jean Paul shouts.  "She is dead." says Raxl.  Jean Paul looks at Erica. "Holly, Elizabeth get down to the boat! Now! Quito take them away from this Island!" Jean Paul shouts. Jacques laughter echoes through the room.  Quito opens the outside door. It is thundering and lightning outside. Quito steps back and closes the door.  Elizabeth watches him then rushes to Jean Paul. "Jean Paul the storm. How can we leave? The boat will capsize."  Jean Paul is standing next to the staircase. They have put Alison on the couch. He watches Erica. Erica is kneeling next to the couch. Holly stands behind the couch. Raxl is across the room.  "Jean Paul!" Elizabeth says trying to get his attention.  "Erica, poor Erica." Holly says.  "She's dead." Erica says looking up. "My sister is dead."  "I'll stay here and take care of you. I'll be with you Erica. They can't make me leave now."  Erica glances at Holly.  Jean Paul rushes to Holly's side. "Holly go upstairs to your room!" he orders her.  "I want to stay with Erica."  "Holly, dear Holly." Erica says.  Raxl walks over to Jean Paul. "The storm will die. I promise you. The storm will die."  "Holly you are to remain in your room until we call you." Jean Paul says to her.  Holly looks at Erica. "Erica must I?"   "She must." says Jean Paul.  "For a while darling. Leave me for a time alone to mourn for my sister."  "You killed her!" Elizabeth says to Erica.  "Mother!"  "You poisoned her. Don't you see what she did?" Elizabeth looks at Jean Paul. "She killed Alison before our eyes."  "How could you say that. My own sister."  Holly bends down towards Erica. "Don't listen to her. You couldn't hurt anybody, we know that."  Elizabeth pulls Holly up to her feet. "Holly are you in some sort of trance! Don't you see what she did? The poison was meant for you."  "I hate you. I despise you!" Holly shouts at her mother.  "Holly I'm telling you the truth. Alison took the poison that was meant for you."  "I don't believe you."  "You stay away from her. You stay away from that woman!" Elizabeth tells Holly. "Jean Paul." she says turning towards him.  "Holly I have asked you to go to your room. Now please have some respect for my wishes." Jean Paul tells her.  "Yes Jean Paul." Holly says quietly then walks away.  "Quito." Raxl signals him to stay with Holly.  "I won't have her interfering." Erica says to Jean Paul.  "Quito will go with you. Go Holly." Jean Paul tells her.  Quito starts towards Erica. "Quito, no!" Erica shouts at Quito.   "Raxl, stop him!" Jean Paul shouts.  "Quito!" shouts Raxl. Quito stops as his hands are reaching for Erica's throat. "This time Master." Raxl says looking at Jean Paul. "Quito go with the girl. Keep her safe."  Quito walks up to Holly. "Quito you must never do that again. Erica I'll be in my room if you want me." Holly says then walks up the staircase.  "I must leave now Master. To see if the storm has stopped. It will be stopped." Raxl says glancing back.   "Jean Paul why didn't you warn Holly . Erica is a danger to her life!" Elizabeth says to him. They both look at Erica.  "Make that woman leave. You are a heartless woman. My sister is dead!"  "You are the heartless woman." Elizabeth says to Erica then rushes over to the staircase. "Jean Paul tell me, will Holly and I ever live to leave this Island?" she says rushing up the staircase.  "They will all leave Erica. I swear it! If I have to give my life for it. "I'll fight you Erica and all your dark powers. But Holly will not die!" Jean Paul shouts at her.  Erica sits on the floor looking at him.
Raxl is outside in the storm. She holds her arms outward. "Oh my ancestors who have powers over the wind and the storm. I command you drive back the storm and the lightning! Bring peace to Maljardin! Spirit of hell I fear you not. Depart! Gods of my ancestors have you departed? Hear me!"
Jean Paul is in the crypt where he has taken Alison's body. "Alison I tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen. You trusted too much in the ways of the living and forgot the powers of the dead. Do you know now? Erica your sister is evil! Her dark powers have destroyed you. And now she plans to destroy us all. You are free now Alison and may you pray to God for us if there is a God. And may you pray for us all."
Holly stands at her window watching the storm. She turns. "Quito don't be afraid. I'll be alright. She'll take care of me. Do you hear how pretty?" Chimes are sounding in Holly's room. Quito looks upward and steps back in fear. "How comforting the sound." Holly looks at Quito. "Don't be frightened The voice promises me no harm could come to me."  There is a knock at the door. "Come in." Holly calls out.  The door opens and Jean Paul enters . "Quito you may leave us. You may stand outside the door."  Quito glances at Holly then walks out. of the room.  Jean Paul walks over to Holly. "Holly."  "Yes Jean Paul."  "You said that you feel that I am like a father to you."  "You are and Erica." Holly says to him.  "Leave Erica out of this for the moment please. Now do you really feel like I am a father to you?"  "I do."  "And you will do what I wish knowing that I love you as much as I would my own child."  "Yes." Holly answers him.  "All right, now you must promise me to stay away from Erica as long as you remain her. Promise me!" 
In the Great hall Erica stands in front of Jacques portrait. "Jacques! Help me, Jean Paul has threatened to fight us. To spoil our plans, everything." Erica looks back at the staircase. "Deny me life!"  Jacques laughs. "Jean Paul is helpless now. He bears the Mark of Death."
Jean Paul stands looking at Holly, he glances upward.  "Jean Paul I can't. I can't obey. I love Erica!"  Jean Paul hears the heartbeat.  "Jean Paul what's the matter?" Holly asks.  Jean Paul clenches his hands into fists.  "What's the matter!"  Jean Paul reaches out for Holly's throat.  "Jean Paul!" Holly screams. He has his hands around Holly's throat.  "Jean Paul please!" Holly begs trying to pull his hands away. "Please let me go!"  Quito opens the door and rushes into the room. He grabs Jean Paul around the neck.   Jean Paul snaps out of the spell.  "Quito let him go." Holly says holding her neck with both hands. Quito releases Jean Paul.  "Holly?" says Jean Paul.  "Erica, I want Erica." Holly cries out.
Raxl calls upon the Serpent God. "I command you God of the Serpent , if you are far away return! Return to Maljardin! I command the seas and make them still! Silence the thunder demons. Extinguish the fire of the lightning. God of the Holy Serpent we shall conquer." The storm stops.
Jean Paul stumbles down the staircase. Elizabeth is in the Great Hall. She walks over to him. "The storm is over." says Elizabeth.  "Yes." Jean Paul answers.  "Jean Paul?"  "I hear you."  "What happened?" she asks as she looks at him. "When can we leave?"  Jean Paul turns towards her. "Leave! Now!"  "Where's Quito?" Elizabeth asks.  "No, no you can't leave, the tide. Wait until the next tide." Jean Paul says stumbling across the room and sinks into a chair.  "When will that be?" Elizabeth asks as she walks after him.  "In the morning." says Jean Paul.  "I don't think we can wait till morning. What happened? What's the matter?"  "Elizabeth you know I love Holly as if she was my own daughter."  "Yes I know."  "Guard her from me and all the evil of Maljardin."  "From you?" Elizabeth asks.  "Convince her that I too am her enemy."  "But you just said you love her." says Elizabeth.  "No matter." Jean Paul says shaking his head.  Elizabeth drops to he knees next to Jean Paul. She grips his arm. "And she loves you as she would her own dead father."  "Then convince her not to love me, or to trust me. Convince her that you are the only one she must love."  "That's impossible." Elizabeth tells him.  "You're her mother!"  "She doesn't love me!" Elizabeth says to him.  "Speak to her. Talk to her as a mother should from your heart. If you have a heart!"  "Oh I do Jean Paul if you knew how much I love her." Elizabeth stands and turns away from Jean Paul. "Especially now that she's inn danger."  Jean Paul comes to his feet. "Talk to her then. Honestly if you can. Tell her if she can not trust you believe me I'm telling you now there is no one on Maljardin that she can trust."
Holly lays across her bed crying. Quito hands her a tissue. Raxl walks into the room and touches Quito. She signs for him to move back. "Miss Holly, don't be alarmed. I have no wish to harm you, you know that." She sits next to Holly as Holly sits up. "I want to help you. You are in danger here. Don't listen to them. Jean Paul who is in the grip of demons."  "No!" Holly cries out.  "And Madam Desmond who is a servant of the devil."  "I don't believe that." Holly says to Raxl.  "It's true. She has plotted against your soul and wants to possess your spirit."  "Erica’s beauty, she's everything."  "Listen to me Miss Holly and trust me. Quito and I are the only ones to protect you now."  "How can I trust you?"  "Has Quito ever harmed you?"  Holly shakes her head no.  "And I have never wished you anything but well. I know I do not possess the beauty of Madam. But beauty can not always be trusted. When you were in the trance and Erica spoke through you, I protected you. I held you back from the arms of evil. Quito and I care for your safety. Do you believe that?"  Holly nods. "Yes."  "Then listen to me now and trust me. Do not let anyone enter this room except Quito. Do not say any goodbye or reach out your hand or accept a kiss from poisoned lips, until Quito and I have placed you safely aboard the boat." Raxl stands and walks over to Quito. She turns and looks back at Holly. "Trust me, trust me Miss Holly or your soul shall burn crying out aloud and alone in eternal fire." Raxl turns and leaves the room.  Holly is laying in bed when there is a knock on her door.  "Quito, Quito?" Holly calls out sitting up. Quito walks to the door. "Who is it?" Holly asks.  "Holly it's mother."  Holly nods her head to Quito to let Elizabeth in.  Quito opens the door as Elizabeth enters and walks over to Holly’s bed. "Holly."  "What do you want?" Holly asks.  "To talk to you."  "I don't want to talk to anybody." Holly says turning her head away from Elizabeth.  Elizabeth sits on the bed. "Holly, I want you to trust me. If you can't be my daughter then at least be my friend."  Holly looks at her mother. "I've never needed friends. Maybe I needed a mother, I never had one."  "I want to be your mother now. I always did. Only I didn't know how."  Holly again turns away. "Quito take her away."  "No." Elizabeth says looking at Quito. Quito shakes his head no.  "We are going away. We are leaving together. Can't we do it in agreement, like mother and daughter?" Elizabeth asks. "I want to stay close to you. I want to start a new life together."  Holly turns her head towards her mother. "Why? Because I'll soon come into my father's inheritance. A very large one.'  Elizabeth looks away from Holly. "There isn't any inheritance."  Holly raises up to sitting position. "What do you mean?"  "I had the legal power to spend it. And I did foolishly. All of it." she says looking at Holly.  "Mother."  "There isn't any money. The money was my hold over you. Because I wanted you with me." Elizabeth cries.  "Mother I don't care about the money. Just to know you really wanted me, that's all that matters." Holly says throwing herself into her mother's arms crying.
Erica and Jean Paul stand in the Great Hall. "But the tides. You said the boat can not leave until morning." Erica says to Jean Paul.  "Quito can handle the boat. They are leaving now." Jean Paul says walking away.  Erica steps in front of him putting her hands on his jacket. "What about me?"  "What about you Erica? I would ask Jacques Eloi Des Mondes if I were you." He says then walks around her and heads to the staircase.  "Jean Paul." Erica walks after him.  Jean Paul stops and turns towards her. "Rest assured my dear Erica. I will stay with you forever. For as long as we live. Together we will live out our curse on Maljardin. Together we will wither and rot under the powers of the servant of Satan. But we shall be together." Jean Paul turns away from Erica.  "Jean Paul." Erica rushes after him. Stopping in front of him she puts her hands on his shoulders. "Believe me that's all I wanted, being with you no matter what must happen. To be with you because I love you."  Jean Paul turns away from her.  "Oh Jean Paul please." She says laying her head on his shoulder.  Elizabeth and Holly are walking down the staircase followed by Quito carrying their luggage.  "We're ready Jean Paul." Elizabeth says.  Jean Paul walks across the bottom of the staircase across from Erica. "Are you not afraid?"  "No." Elizabeth tells him.  "Hello dear, so quiet. Come bid me goodbye." Erica holds her hand out to Holly.  "No." Elizabeth puts her arm out blocking Holly from going to Erica.  "Really Holly, haven't we been friends. Can't I wish you good luck?"  Holly starts forward. "We're ready." Raxl says walking up behind Erica. "The storm is over, the boat is prepared."  "Holly." Erica takes a step forward.  "Erica stay where you are!" Jean Paul commands. "Ladies I will escort you to the path and Quito and Raxl will lead you to the boathouse. Say your goodbye to Erica."  Holly looks away. "Goodbye Erica."  Elizabeth puts her hands on Holly's shoulders guiding her down the staircase. "Goodbye." she says as she passes Erica.  Holly pulls away. "No I can't leave her alone."  Raxl walks up to Holly. "You must Miss Holly. You must."  Holly turns and walks out the door with her mother. Quito and Raxl are behind them. At the door Jean Paul turns and looks at Erica. "Aren't you going to say goodbye to your guests Erica?"  Erica shakes her head no. Jean Paul closes the doors and follows the others.  Erica leaves the post of the staircase and slowly walks to Jacques portrait. "Jacques Eloi Des Mondes, it's over. I'm lost."  "You are a foolish woman. You must have the spirit of the girl if you want to live." Jacques says to her.  "How? How!" Erica shouts.  "You cannot possess her with deadly poisons or a bullet in the heart or a knife in your hands. But with the silver nail of the voodoo doll. It is in Jean Paul's possession. You must first entrance her then plunge the silver nail into her heart."  "I can't."  "You prefer to return into darkness?"  "She's going. She's leaving the island."  "Then she must be stopped mustn't she." Jacques says then laughs.  "How? How!" Erica shouts.  "Erica." Jean Paul says to her walking up to her. Erica turns and looks at her. "We are now alone, you and I. There are very few demands I will make of you. But you must never speak to the portrait again. Do you understand?"  "I understand."  "What ever happens you and I should be together."  "Yes." Erica says walking up to him.  "Together in hatred! In a few minutes they will be gone. Shall we retire?" Jean Paul says to her holding out his hand.  Erica takes his hand. "Yes Jean Paul."  Jean Paul leads her up the staircase. Halfway up the stairs the outside door opens.   "Jean Paul, Erica!" Holly shouts.   "The boat is gone. There is no way to the Mainland." Elizabeth says.  Jean Paul looks at them as Erica smiles.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 64