Strange Paradise:  Episode 48
Episode 48:  Slideshow
Rev. Matt Dawson:  “On the isolated island of Maljardin, mysterious and supernatural events tear Jean Paul Desmond’s conscience and threaten his sanity.  Why is his wife’s blood on a locket, which he laid to rest with her in the cyro capsule?  How did the locket get around the neck of this black rabbit, that survived the poisonest vegetation of the island?  Whose skull is this?  And will Raxl find the answers in the witchcraft of the secret Temple of the Serpents?
In the Temple of the Serpent Raxl and Quito are standing near the altar. Raxl lays the skull upon it. "This is the sign you have sent us Oh Great Serpent. One in whom the devil's evil lives and die? Which one?"
Jean Paul is in the Great Hall pacing, he is holding the locket. Matt walks in. He walks up to Jean Paul.  "Are you all right Jean Paul?"  "Yes, why? Do I need to explain everything to you?"  "No, nothing is explained here. If we know the causes for some of the things that happen here we might be less afraid. Your prisoners might be more willing guests."  "Or go mad." Raxl tells them as she walk towards them from the crypt. "It's better that some things not be known." She stops at the staircase.  "A short while ago I found you almost in a state of collapse. And now you seem to pretend that nothing has happened here. Something did attack you." says Matt.  "A theologian seeking complexities for a simple answer." Jean Paul replies.  Matt shakes his head and walks away.  Jean Paul watches Matt then he glances at the necklace. Walking to the secret compartment in the wall he runs his hands around it then walks over to Raxl. "Raxl, where is the skull that was hanging in there?"  "You do not remember Master, you left it below with Quito."  Jean Paul turns away from Raxl. "Oh yes, of course, I mean what did you do with it?"  Raxl walks up to Jean Paul. "It remains below. It is a warning, a sign. What you have in your mind again Master means death."  "Raxl death is not the most thing to be feared around here. I have two courses and both may lead me to damnation. So how am I to choose!" Jean Paul says after he turns towards Raxl.  Matt questions Holly in her room. "Just before you drank the wine do you remember anything you might have seen?" Matt asks as he walks over to Holly. "Just out of the corner of your eye perhaps."  "No, you were there. Dan was in the room, Vangie was contacting the spirits. And they say my mother brought the wine."  "You saw no one else?"  "No. Did you?" asks Holly.  "No." Matt says then sits down next to Holly's bed. "You didn't see Jean Paul Desmond?"  "No, why?"  "What can we do but ask questions." He smiles at Holly. "You look better Holly."  "I'm scared stiff of getting better. Vangie says Mr. Desmond is going to hold the séance anyway. As soon as I'm strong enough."  "You won't go through with it! You won't risk yourself again for his obsession to contact Erica." Matt says to her standing up as he gets upset.  "You can bet your life I won't." says Holly.  "You hold to that Holly. Without you the medium will refuse to proceed.'  "Don't you worry, I'll hold to it alright."
Jean Paul walks around the Great Hall in frustration. "At each and every effort to contact Erica some disaster has prevented it. Why? What brought down the chandelier? What fiend possessed Erica?" Jean Paul asks aloud as he paces around the room. "What fiend possessed Holly, and then poisoned her at a single blow? Was it you Jacques Eloi Des Mondes?" He asks looking at Jacques portrait. "What can you be afraid of? What possibly could Erica tell me that you dare not have me hear. Well I will hear it. Or learn it one way or another." Jean Paul says then walks towards the crypt.
Rushing down the crypts stairs he walks over to Raxl who is standing next to Erica’s capsule. Quito follows him. "This is a locket, Erica's locket. Or is it the locket, or is it in there?" Jean Paul asks pointing to the capsule. "Upon her throat or is it here? What can I do when my mind cannot believe what my eyes see."  "The locket is in your hand, Master."  "Then you see it? You really see it."  "I see it Master."  "Then what is in there?" Jean Paul asks pointing again at the capsule.  "The sleeping Mistress Master."  "But if the locket’s not in there, that I placed with my own hands. Look at it. It was transferred from in there to you."  "By an evil spirit." says Raxl.  "Do you see the blood on this locket?"  "I see the blood Master."  "This is Erica's blood. If that capsule was opened what would we find?"  "Who can say, other than you who would end forever her hope for life again." says Raxl.  "Is she as I thought I left her or is she murdered? The only way to learn is to open the cryo capsule and see and destroy my Erica forever. Or contact her spirit from the other side in order to fight off any thing that prevents it."  "We have received the signs, Master."  "There will be a séance!" says Jean Paul.  "Then that means death!"
Tim quietly walks into the Great Hall from the side door. He starts up the staircase when Matt calls to him. "Tim, have you seen Dan Forrest?" Matt asks walking over to the staircase.  "I'll talk to you later okay." Tim says then turns and rushes up the staircase.  Matt walks over to the secret compartment where the skull was found. He glances over his shoulder then runs his hand over the bottom of the compartment. Turning away he leans on the railing of the stairway deep in thought.
Holly is asleep when Tim enters her room and walks over to her. "Psst Holly. Oh great you look fine, that's a relief."  "Tim, I'm in bed."  "Yea but sick in bed, that's different."  "What's the matter with you?" Holly asks.  "Not a thing Holly. I just wanted to cheer you up that's all. I wanted to tell you to keep up the old courage and just hang on and we'll get out of here."  "Why, what's going on?"  "Just something to think about Holly, that's all."  "Tim?" Holly sits up. "Will you tell me what you are talking about."  "Look Holly just no more séances." Tim says to her as he leans over the bed. "Right?" he stands and leaves the room.  Holly lays back wondering about Tim.
"There torments exceed even the fears of death. What's death, I will prepare the séance." Jean Paul tells Raxl.  "If death cannot prevent it Master then the living will do so. The medium will not undertake this without others. Reverend Dawson, the girl Holly Marshal, they will not risk it."  "I will persuade them." Jean Paul says.  "Still others will prevent that which the spirits have already declared must not take place."  Jean Paul looks at Raxl angrily. "What others, you Raxl?"  "I did not say so, Master."  "Raxl even if you did try to prevent it as you believed you could. You would never do it, even if it were to save my life.' Jean Paul says then he leaves the crypt.  Quito walks over to Raxl. He signs to her, Raxl lays her hand on his arm in sadness.
Jean Paul walks up from the crypt and sees Reverend Dawson. "Reverend Dawson, I've been thinking of what you said."  "You said that before Jean Paul and it means nothing."  "I said that? Of course I was referring to your concern over not receiving answers. Perhaps I could give you some answers if you would help me." Jean Paul says walking over to the liquor table. He picks up a decanter and a glass.  "You said that before too Jean Paul that you wanted help. Then you rejected it." Matt says walking over to Jean Paul.  "Oh because the only way one could achieve peace for all of us is that we continue to maintain the contact we had in the séance with Erica."  Matt watches as Jean Paul pours a drink then offers it to him.  "What's the matter?"  "Are you deliberately trying to create a nightmare here!"  "I don't understand you." says Jean Paul.  "Not one hour ago you offered me a drink poured from the same bottle, the same drink. Now you vary it by suggesting a séance! When you really wish my help I'll be there!" Matt says angrily then walks away.  Jean Paul looks into the glass, then smells the brandy. "The hand that passed the drink, moved by whom?" He looks at his hand. "Me? And whose hand poisoned Holly Marshal?"  Jean Paul picks up the decanter of brandy and carries it to the lab.
Alison is running tests when Jean Paul walks in. He shows her the decanter.  "I don't need that here thank you." Alison tells him.  "I had a notion of asking your opinion of it."  "I don't drink when I'm working."  "That's not what I mean Alison."  "Well what do you mean? What sort of opinion? I'm no expert on brandy."  "I suppose I can rely on you to complete the circle to contact Erica."  "So you go on and on no matter what happens or who suffers."  "My alternative is to open the cryo capsule and that is beyond my endurance."  "All right, I'll be there. If you can persuade Matt Dawson and the girl who nearly lost her life in the last attempt."  Jean Paul nods. "I'll persuade her."  Alison looks at Jean Paul. "What did you want to know about the brandy?"  "Doesn't matter." Jean Paul says as he leaves the room. Alison stares straight ahead.
Tim is standing in the Great Hall pacing nervously. Matt walks down the staircase. "Tim?"  Tim jumps.  "What's wrong with you?" Matt asks as he walks down the steps to stand next to Tm.  "Matt, I've go to tell you. Dan’s now at the boat house figuring out a way to escape. I'm going to go too but somehow we've got to sidestep Jean Paul."  Jean Paul walks out of the lab and enters the Great Hall. Seeing him, Matt and Tim turn and watch as he walks towards them.  "Jean Paul." Matt calls out to him as he walks over to him. "I will help you with the séance if you will listen to my terms."  "Terms? Bargains Reverend. When a soul is at stake I don't bargain."  "Good then we agree because those are my terms to." says Matt.  "Good now that only leaves Holly Marshal." Jean Paul nods. "I will persuade her." He starts walking up the staircase, in his hand is the decanter of brandy. His right hand starts shaking he clutch the decanter from his left hand, he throws it at Matt and Tim. They duck down as it sails over their heads and smashes on the floor. Jean Paul stands and stares at his hand.
In the Sacred Temple Raxl talks to her Serpent God. "Is no one meant to heed your message as none heed Raxl’s. Is the sign that death attends the séance a word that may ever be unwritten. Then indeed none may alter fate." Raxl crosses her arms and bows.
Holly is sitting at a table in her room pushing her food around on her plate. There is a knock on her door.  "Yes."  Jean Paul enters. "Excuse me Holly. I've been concerned about you." Jean Paul closes the door and walks towards Holly.  Holly pulls back in fear.  "What is it? You look at me as if I've recently left this room having said or done something to frighten you."  "I'm sorry Mr. Desmond. I've never meant that.  "But I hadn't done such a thing had I?" Jean Paul asks.  "No of course not."  "Do you mind if I sit down?"  "Of course not."  "Thank you." Jean Paul says grabbing a chair. "Holly I must offer you my grave apologies for what has happened to you in my house. And I assure you it will never happen again as long as I have the power to prevent it."  "Mr. Desmond, do you know who poisoned me? Or that terrible spirit that entered Vangie, came from her into me? Or why did it do it? Who pushed me down the stairs? Who slashed the picture I sat for, the picture of your wife ? Or why all these things seem to involve me?" Holly says turning to Jean Paul. "Mr. Desmond can you tell me that."  "Yes Holly I can. When we contact Erica."  "No Mr. Desmond, please I can't go through that again! Truly I can't!" Holly says getting upset.  "Holly you must. Or there will never be peace for any of us in this house. You must. Do you understand?"  Holly shakes her head no.
Alison is talking to Matt in the lab. I've agreed to the séance. If Holly will agree."  "And I have agreed, for the most futile of reasons. To give Dan Forrest time to get off this Island. I might be a better friend if I tried to prevent it. Perhaps by informing on him." Matt tells Alison.  "Then who would trust you? Not even Jean Paul himself." Alison says as she takes a few steps away from Matt. "I can't imagine that Holly will agree. She won't want to be present. Something ominous always seem to happen to prevent the séance." says Alison.  "He will find a way to have another one. But what way, I pray for Holly now."
Jean Paul holds Erica's necklace in front of Holly. "What this is the opening of all the answers Holly. What is the meaning of this locket which was transferred from me to me from Erica covered with her blood. Holly if I cannot get the answers it means I have to go down to open the capsule and thereby destroying my love. Would you Holly Marshal drive me to this alternative?"  Holly shakes her head. "No."  Jean Paul lowers the locket. "I will protect you."  "Okay then I'll go to the séance." Holly tells him.  Jean Paul sighs. "Thank you." He looks at her tray. "Well you haven't eaten. The food is all right Holly believe me." Jean Paul stands and walks behind Holly's chair.  "You really mean that. You will protect me?"  "Of course Holly." Jean Paul puts his hands on Holly's shoulders. "As your own father would have done if he had lived." Jean Paul's hands start to shake, his face shows pain. Jean Paul fights Jacques possession off.  "Mr. Desmond what happened?"  "It's all right Holly."  "What's wrong?"  "Thank you, I'll call you when I need you." He quickly leaves the room.  Holly gets up from her chair and huddles on her bed in fear.
Jean Paul walks down the staircase carrying the necklace. He looks at his hand.  "Quite alone Jean Paul." Jacques says to him.  Jean Paul looks angrily at the portrait then rushes to the crypt.
"Master there is one way to avert the séance. Open the cryo capsule." says Raxl.  "No this locket may not be Erica’s."  "What should be in the locket?" asks Raxl.  "Yes that's it. The pearl, the pearl I gave to my loved one as a symbol of my endless tears until she is able to return to life."  "If it contains the pearl then indeed the locket is here and not in there." says Raxl as she walks to Erica's capsule. "Nothing, nothing will be answered."  "Raxl I have the answer." Jean Paul says following her over to the capsule. "This locket, you found it, you open it. The pearl may be inside."  "I have no fear in opening the locket. If there is a pearl, there will be a pearl." says Raxl.  Jean Paul hands her the locket, Raxl opens it. "Master there is the pearl."  Jean Paul lowers his head. "It's the pearl, the pearl I laid to rest with my Erica." Jean Paul raises his head. "There will be a séance, the alternative Raxl is too unspeakable."
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 49