Strange Paradise:  Episode 42
Episode 42:  Slideshow
Thunder and lightening crash outside the mansion as Jean Paul sits in a chair in the Great Hall. He stands and walks over to Jacques portrait, staring at it.  Jacques laughs. "Come now Jean Paul Desmond. Three o'clock in the morning and you still wonder the house. Why?"  "Because your evil wonders here Jacques Eloi Des Mondes. I..."  "Jean Paul! No oaths on your honor that you would be compelled to uphold. It might be the end of us both. And Erica might never rise to a new beginning." says Jacques.  "You will not interfere with the cryonics process that will return my darling to me. You will keep clear of the séance through which I will hear her sweet voice again." Jean Paul tells Jacques.  "You giving orders. Well I elect to ignore them. You will end this resistance to me Jean Paul and that's an order you will obey." says Jacques. Jean Paul turns away and grips the table with his hands.. "Now no more searching. Everyone in this house is always searching for something. Effigies to return me to purgatory. Poison to kill who knows who. Now go to bed, I'm tired." Jacques tells Jean Paul.  Jean Paul lowers his head wearily. He stumbles tiredly out of the room. 
Raxl is in the crypt , she glances around then checks the gauges. She hears Quito's pet bird in the other part of the crypt.   Quito walks up to the bird cage with a smile, running his hands over the bars. 
In the lab Alison has fallen asleep with her head down on the lab table. Jean Paul enters and seeing her, he walks over and awakens her. "Alison, Alison."  She sits up. "Oh Jean Paul what time is it?"  "It's after three. What justifies your working almost all through the night?" asks Jean Paul.  "Call it intrigue, I'm not sure if Doctor Menkin was a genius or a blunderer. I have to assimilate these notes so I can find out." Alison says as she stands.   Jean Paul picks up the notes and glances at them. "But why do you have to keep at it all through the night?"  Alison takes off her lab smock. "Well I can't sleep very well anyway. And what else is there to do, since you keep us here as prisoners on this Island? Good night and please don't disturb anything." Alison says as she leaves the lab.  Jean Paul stands looking through Doctor Menkin’s notes. 
Quito approaches the entrance to the mansion. He carries a black rabbit in his arms. When he enters Holly is walking down the staircase.  She walks over to Quito. "Oh isn't he cute . It's a he isn't it." Quito shrugs. "Where did you ever get him from on this weird Island? I didn't know anything wholesome and innocent like that existed on Maljardin." Holly says smiling as she pets the rabbit. "Oh he's so sweet. I haven't seen anything like him for it seems like a whole life time. But Quito, Raxl said that nothing like this could exist on this Island for three hundred years. I guess this little fellow disapproves that doesn't he." She lowers her hands after petting the rabbit. "What are you going to do with it? I mean are you going to keep it?" Quito shakes his head. "You should, . you should keep it as a pet, it would make a lovely pet. Something nice in this house of accidents and death." Holly says petting the rabbit again. "I know you can't answer me but I really think you should keep him. If you didn't I would like to. I wonder how he managed out there, with just that poisonous ground around here?"  Quito pushes the rabbit towards Holly.   "What? You want me to have him. Oh he's so sweet but my mother would have a fit. Unless maybe you could fix up a nice cage to keep him in my room. Then she couldn't object that much could she? Will you do it?" Quito nods his head. "Quito, you did want to help me didn't you down in the crypt when Mr. Desmond was so angry at me." Quito nods. Holly smiles at him, as Quito starts leaving the room with the rabbit. "Build him a nice cage, not to small so he has room to move around in. Nobody could object to having a pet like that even in a house like this." Quito takes the rabbit down to the crypt.  Holly walks into the Dining Room, she sits at the table and rings the bell. Raxl answers.  "Hi Raxl."  "Good Morning Miss Holly."  "You know everything I've heard about this Island isn't the truth." says Holly.  "Truth is a matter of seeing." Raxl replies.  "Well I've seen. You told me because of the curse nothing could exist outside in that poisonous jungle."  "The devil's evil is everywhere on Maljardin." Raxl tells Holly.  "Well just this once Raxl you may be wrong."  "It may be that demon wants you to think I am!" 
In the crypt Quito carries the rabbit over to Erica's capsule so he can check the gauges. He then carries the rabbit to his room and sets it on his dresser. Looking under his bed he finds a large basket. His bird is chirping as he looks around. 
Alison enters the lab. She sees Jean Paul sitting on a stool. "Jean Paul! Have you been here all night?"  Jean Paul lays down Doctor Menkin's notes. "When sorrow and purpose combine time is irrelevant." he says as he stands and stretches.  "Jean Paul, you must stop driving yourself like this! You are reading notes you couldn't possibly understand."  "I want to understand!" Jean Paul tells Alison.
"Cellular reconstruction is beyond most scientific minds. The recreation of a human body from a living cell is years and years away. Now if only Doctor Menkin had only lived perhaps he would have been able to tell us the direction he has taken in these notes is the right one. If I can only find his missing notes I may be able to determine. But without them there is no way for me to evaluate." says Alison.  "You must try to make do with what we have on hand now, you must try that." Jean Paul says to her.  "I am trying."  Jean Paul sits down as Alison collects the notes. "Did Doctor Menkin indicate the need for  experimentation on animals?" Jean Paul asks.  "Well it's a very common and invaluable part of research." Alison tells him. 
In the crypt Quito adds a couple of towels to the bottom of the basket, He puts the rabbit in the basket and after he closes the lid he glances around. 
Holly is sitting at the table when Jean Paul and Alison join her.  "Good Morning." Holly says.  "Holly." Alison greets her as Jean Paul hold out her chair for her.  "It seems that your good morning has eliminated all your fear of the devil." Jean Paul says to Holly.  "Up until this moment, what's happened now?"  "Haven't you forgotten that we are about to have another séance." says Jean Paul.  "Not with me."  "The spirits will decide that." Raxl says as she pours coffee. "And the Conjure Woman."  Jean Paul picks up his glass of juice, then puts it down. "Vangie said that the tarot cards spoke to one person. They well may speak to another for or against."  "Jean Paul do you think your fit for another emotional upset? Raxl, he's been up all night. Please warn him that it could be dangerous." Alison tells Raxl.  "What the Master has decided Raxl’s words do not count." says Raxl.  "If he believes that he could speak with his wife." Holly says.  "If he doesn't he will blame us for his disappointment." Alison says to Holly.  "Alison!" Jean Paul says angrily "May I be excused." he stands and leaves the room.  "He will not admit it, he will blame anybody. There are many dangers." Raxl tells Alison.   Alison stands to hand her empty coffee cup to Raxl. "That's because he's a changed man. Not the Jean Paul Desmond I knew." Alison says as she takes a full cup from Raxl.  "What are you two really talking about?" Holly asks them.  "You said earlier what is the truth." Raxl says to Holly as she leaves the room.  "What is the matter? You are scared about something." Holly says to Alison.  "The resiliency of youth. To feel good in the morning and forget all that's happened before.'  "I have a good reason for my optimism. I have a new friend." Holly tells Alison.  "Quito?" asks Alison.  "He brought me a present, a rabbit. Isn't that something."  "A live one?"  "Oh course a live one. Holly says.  "Where did he get it?"  "From outside somewhere."   "Holly, that's impossible." Alison tells her sitting down next to her. "Nothing alive exists out there."  "It's not out there now. It's here in the house." Holly says to Alison.  "Where?"  "Quito’s going to build it a cage or something. I'm going to keep it in my room."  "Does Raxl know about this?" Alison asks.  "Well do I need her permission?" asks Holly.  "No but you can be sure she will have an opinion about the omen it bears." Alison says as Raxl walks into the room.  "An omen about what Doctor Carr?" Raxl asks. 
Jean Paul walks down the staircase to the Great Hall. When he reaches the bottom he glances around.  "Jean Paul. Jean Paul turn, face me." Jacques calls to him. Jean Paul tries to fight Jacques influence but he finally turns towards Jacques portrait. "Are you ready?  "For what?" Jean Paul asks him.  "To cooperate as we agreed in the very beginning."  Angrily Jean Paul walks towards Jacques portrait. "You agreed to aid in the restoration of my Erica. Where is your cooperation Jacques Eloi Des Mondes?"  "I'm lending it. Oh I admit in dribs and drabs but doesn't every bit help."  "I'll answer that after the séance." says Jean Paul.  "I'm annoyed with you Jean Paul. Push my patience and there may be no séance." Jacques says as Alison walks into the Great Hall. "And Erica's lovely voice may be still forever."  About to shout back Jean Paul sees Alison. Alison stares at him. 
In his room in the crypt Quito takes the black rabbit from the basket and carries it over to his bird who is squawking. He then puts the rabbit back in the basket, then carries it from his room.  
Jean Paul stares angrily at Alison. She walks towards him. "I'm going to advise you once again against dabbling in the occult. You're not in the proper emotional condition, and neither is your medium Vangie."  "Vangie has no fear for herself, nor I for mine. I will hear from my Erica, I will reach her." Jean Paul tells Alison. "By the way if you want any of those animals for experimentation in the laboratory. I will have Quito get them from the Main Island when he goes over with the supply boat tomorrow." Jean Paul says as he start walking away. He then leaves the room.  Holly walks up to Alison. "You're going to experiment with animals? Not with my rabbit your not. Why would anyone want to do anything to harm a little harmless animal?"  "Why does anyone do the frightening things that happen around here?"  Quito carries in the basket with the rabbit. He carries it over to Holly.  "You'll see a rabbit." Holly tells her.  Quito puts the basket down. Jean Paul and Raxl walk over to the basket. They watch as Quito hands the rabbit to Holly.  "Thank you Quito. Look." she says with a smile.  "Holly where on earth did you get that?" Jean Paul asks.  "Right on this earth, on this Island from Quito."  "Jean Paul, where do you think Quito found him?" Alison asks.  "Well Raxl." Jean Paul asks. "Raxl?"  Raxl lifts her arms. "Oh Great Spirit, Great Serpent all powerful and wise." She looks upward. "Oh wise one let us know how the devils evil enters this house by what ever means." Raxl says then makes the sign to the Serpent God. She crosses her arms with her hands touching below her shoulders. "Is the devil among us in the shape of innocence."  "Raxl he's just a little animal." Alison tells her.  "Found where no animal can live. We may fear the worst. There's evil in that animal!"  "Not so fast Raxl." says Alison petting the rabbit.  "Quito, come here. Did you find the rabbit here on Maljardin?" Jean Paul asks. Quito nods, then signs.  Raxl watches then interprets for Jean Paul. "He said he found it on the path to the boat house."  "Maybe it came on the boat like I did. I hid and Quito didn't know." Holly tells them.  "Well that makes sense Jean Paul, perhaps it's been on the boat since Quito’s last trip." Alison tells him.  "It's a creature of the devil and the devil works through it." Raxl says.  "Please Raxl be quiet." Alison tells her. She walks over to Jean Paul. "Jean Paul perhaps it lived because it was on the boat and ate none of the poisonous vegetation on Maljardin."  "Well I don't care what any of you say. It's my rabbit and it's going to stay my rabbit." Holly says walking away from the group caring the rabbit.  "Msieu, can't you see the strange workings. It was placed there so Quito would easily find it." Raxl tells Jean Paul.  Holly walks back towards Raxl. "By whom for heavens sake?"  "The devil's hands! The devil who seeks to destroy us!"  "Mr. Desmond really, this is to much. I'm sorry." Holly cries out hugging the rabbit.  Jean Paul takes a few steps. "I must admit Raxl this is very unlikely."  "Master an animal here is an impossibility. Is that not true?"  "Until now, yes."  "Then what force altered the impossibility? From the forces that work on Maljardin, the hour draws near. The Master will attend a séance and seek through purified minds and cleansed spirits to reach his Erica beyond the veiled curtain."  Jean Paul glances down. "What does the Master say?" Raxl asks. Jean Paul doesn't answer. "Quito you will remove the rabbit. It is evil." Raxl says. Quito starts walking towards Holly.  "Mr. Desmond, no please!" Holly calls out to Jean Paul.   "It brings danger and evil and more wickedness than we would ever know. It must be destroyed. Buried in the sea!" Raxl says walking over to Holly.  "No! Quito don't! Don't please! Please you'll hurt it!" Holly cries out as Quito takes it from her. "Mr. Desmond, how could you let them do this!"  "Jean Paul stop them!" Alison says to him.  "Wait!" shouts Jean Paul.  "If the master wishes to contact his Erica and hear her voice he will be advised. That animal is evil." Raxl tells Jean Paul.  Holly turns to him. "Mr. Desmond please, no!" Holly cries out.  Jean Paul takes a few steps away, they all watch him to see what he decides. He stops near Jacques portrait.  "You see how I can make you suffer Jean Paul. Fight me no more or you will really feel my bite!" Jacques says to him. Jean Paul turns and looks at everyone across the room.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 43