Strange Paradise:  Episode 34
Episode 34:  Slideshow
Raxl and Vangie are in the Temple. "Guide us High Priestess of the Serpent. In the Conjure Woman’s strength beyond life." says Raxl.  "Jean Paul Desmond’s will can not be denied. He wants contact with his beloved wife from beyond the dark curtain." Vangie call out to the Serpent God.  "He has commanded, he will not be denied. The Conjure Woman will penetrate beyond the veil of death to bring to him the voice of the spirit of the loved one who is dead, Erica Desmond my little Mistress." Raxl says.  "I the Conjure Woman knows of the danger, and I am powerless to refuse his will. Guide me. Guide us." Vangie says as they both raise their arms and make the sign to their Serpent God. The staff sits in front of them.  "Salt of the sea, phosphorescence of fish. A knife! A knife, a knife! Vangie cries out cutting across her face with her hands.  "No Great Serpent, no!" Raxl cries out.
In the Great Hall Holly looks at Erica’s slashed portrait. "Look at that. The picture of Erica Desmond slashed with a knife. Only it isn't Erica Desmond, it's me Holy Marshal. I posed for that picture and I get the message."  Reverend Dawson and Elizabeth Marshal stand near the portrait. "It's incredible! Why would anyone do a thing like that?" Matt asks.  "Because someone wants me dead." says Holly.  "Now you're falling under the spell of witchcraft. It was the painting that was slashed, not you." Elizabeth tells Holly.  "Look, first someone pushed me down the stairs. Well I got that message, but I'm still alive. So now he or she goes after the picture of Erica Desmond. Well I don't know, maybe it looks like Erica Desmond I've never seen her. All I know is that I posed for that picture!" Holly says then walks away.  "I can understand her feelings." Matt says.  "I'm more concerned about Jean Paul Desmond’s anger when he sees what happened." Elizabeth says.  "More concerned! Holly is your daughter!" Matt says angrily turning towards her.  "And Jean Paul holds all our destinies in the palm of his hand!" Elizabeth tells him.  "And you're frightened, is that it?"  "At times." says Elizabeth.  "Then think how much more justified Holly is to be frightened." Matt tells her.  Elizabeth steps away then quickly runs up the staircase.   The Reverend walks over to Holly. "Holly if you have any idea."  Holly turns towards the Reverend. "Sure I've got ideas. Maybe it was you, maybe it was my mother and maybe it was the devil that Raxl keeps talking about. But somebody wants to tell me something, and I'm scared. And I hope whoever it was is very happy." Holly says then rushes up the staircase.   Matt walks to the staircase watching her go up the stairs then turns away.
"The psychometric transference." Vangie whispers running her hands over her cheeks. "I felt that knife as if it were my own face."  "I don't understand, and the Great Serpent does not tell you." Raxl asks.  "Just about the knife." Vangie says lowering her hands and walks closer to Raxl. "Not about who carries it."  "There are many things on Maljardin that defies understanding." says Raxl. She looks back at Quito. "Some may think it was Quito with the knife."  "Who, the young girl Holly?" asks Vangie.  "Perhaps the woman Elizabeth Marshal another who is a danger to the Master."  "She has her designs, I warned her! I tried to warn him." Vangie says.  "Oh neither will listen."  "Many will be blamed and if Mr. Desmond has his way all will be guilty! And some will die!" Vangie says.  Quito covers his face with his hand.
Jean Paul walks into the Great Hall. "Jean Paul, there's a smell of death around this place." Jacques says.  Jean Paul freezes and looks at Jacques portrait.  "Remember when you threatened to slash me to bits?"  "I still may." Jean Paul says angrily.  "You may be the one to bleed, so may I suggest extreme caution   or is precaution the word?" Jacques says to him.  "The only word for you is evil!"  "From the amorphous to the real. It touches us all only in some it lingers and in others it's caressed. What category best fits you? I'll let you know after I’ve decided." say Jacques.  Jean Paul turns away and leaves the room.  Holly is standing looking out an open window. The Reverend sees her and walks over to her. "Everyone can't be guilty Holly." Matt tells her.  Looking across the land Holly tells Matt. "Someone is, I'm afraid to stay alone in my room and afraid to be down here. I'm afraid someone will leap out of the fireplace at me. Looking back at the Reverend. "How about that eh, and I'm suppose to be so tough." Holly walks away from the window.  Matt follows her. "You're suspicious of everyone."  "Everyone but Jean Paul Desmond." Holly says.  "The very one who keeps you here a prisoner. And vulnerable to things that could lead to..."  "My death, Oh no Reverend. Jean Paul Desmond is like a father to me, not the lover you want to be." Holly says turning away from him.  "I said I love you. I didn't ask for anything more."  "And don't expect it." Holly says heading for the staircase.  The Reverend follows her. "Can't you see what the Garden of Evil is doing to us. To all of us. You think I tried to kill you because I love you. Isn't that strange thinking? And you think even your mother is the guilty one."  "Strange Reverend? Should I tell you my very first memory." It was a sunny day, a sandy beach. My father was helping me to build sand castles, then he went to get me some ice cream. I fell into the water when he was gone right beside my mother. and she didn't lift a finger to help me up. It was shallow water but I was very small. She didn't try to help me at all until finally she did and I could see why. It was because my father was coming back."  Elizabeth walks out to the landing on the staircase. Matt sees her.  "Oh no, she wouldn't try to kill me. But unless she does, unless I die in the next few months she looses all my money." Holly says then walks away.  Elizabeth walks down the stairs to the Reverend, they watch Holly walk off. "No progress Reverend?" she asks walking a few steps foreword.  "The obvious is not always the truth is it Mrs. Marshal?" Matt asks walking up to her.  "Few things are true on Maljardin.' says Elizabeth.  "Did you know someone has stolen poison from the lab? Enough to kill us all."  "Yes cyanide I believe."  "A woman’s weapon isn't it?"  "In fiction and motion pictures it's arsenic."  "But this is real life." the Reverend says.  "Proving that life is as strange as fiction. Well if you want to know what I believe, I think Holly did it." Elizabeth says walking around the room.  "She is the one who found the picture.  Elizabeth sits down and says to Matt. "And who wants to draw Jean Paul's attention to herself."  "But she looks upon him as a father." Matt says bending down to talk to Elizabeth.  "She also accused you remember . What does she look upon you as Reverend?"   Matt stands and looks away.
Quito walks into the mansion carrying a bundle he has collected. Vangie meets him as he heads to the crypt. "Salt and phosphorescence?" she asks. Quito nods. "Very good Quito, the Conjure Woman approves. Now Raxl will show you what to do. Be sure you do so very carefully."
Elizabeth had been watching Vangie and Quito from the top of the staircase. she walks down as Vangie walks away from Quito. "Oh Miss Abbott." I don't like to intrude on séance preparations but there is something I must ask you."  Vangie leads them to chairs in the Great Hall.  "A very delicate matter in which I don't trust my own judgment. Let me put it this way, Jean Paul Desmond and my daughter both seem convinced it was Reverend Dawson who pushed Holly down the stairs."  "They have their beliefs, I have mine." Vangie says.  "Then you don't concur?" Elizabeth asks.  "I didn't say that. Do you?"  "Holly did reject the Reverend, very wisely I must add. Perhaps he was moved by jealous frustration. He did give up his church to follow her down here."  "Which could define a true not a frustrated love." Vangie says.  "Perhaps you could judge it for me."  "Another reading of your palm for which you will pay.'  "I'm sorry if I offended you. I have a great admiration for your powers of telemetry. You sensed there was danger in that cryonics machine encasing Erica Desmond’s body. Did you also sense something of the destruction of her painting?"  "No I didn't at the time but it is a possibility beyond the original act." Vangie says rubbing her cheek.  "When Holly discovered the slashed painting and called out I distinctly felt when I looked down from the balcony that Reverend Dawson was lurking in the dining room. That he had gone there from the Great hall and I didn't see this of course but I had a distinct sensation that he was putting back a knife which he had held in his hand. Now what do you make of that?"  "This. You sensed Reverend Dawson cut the portrait only because that is what you want to believe. Or that is what you want me to believe." Vangie tells Elizabeth.  Elizabeth stands with her back towards Vangie. "I'm not in a position to make accusations. But some strange and terrible things have us all very frightened. And if we could discover the cause or the person..."   Vangie stands and walks up to Elizabeth. "We shall find out the truth soon. Very soon."  "When?"  "At the séance when Jean Paul Desmond talks to the dead." Vangie tells her then walks away.
The Reverend walks down the stairs that lead to the crypt. Quito puts his arm out, blocking him.  Matt jumps startled. "Quito, I'm looking for Raxl. Is she down here?" Quito doesn't answer. The Reverend tries going around Quito. Quito stops him. "Quito you don't understand I must talk to her. It's very important." Matt tries again to get past Quito. He is pushed back. "Quito! I'm a minister of my faith. Remember I was shown the secret of the Temple by Raxl herself. I promise I will not touch the cryonics capsule or do anything to Erica Desmond." Matt says then walks by Quito. Quito grabs him, dragging him towards the stairs. "Quito, what's the matter with you! Quito." Matt cries out struggling to free himself.  "Quito! Raxl yells at him. Quito releases Matt. "Quito is only carrying out Jean Paul Desmond’s orders." Raxl says. "No one is to be down here." Raxl tells Matt.  "I had to see. I have a suspicion who is behind the fear mongering and sinister acts here on Maljardin." Matt says moving towards Raxl. Again Quito blocks him.  "But you have already trusted me with the secret of your Temple." Matt says.  "There is no more trust. Jean Paul Desmond has spoken the word." Raxl says turning away from the Reverend.  "Word. What word?" Matt asks. Quito still keeps him blocked in from walking towards Raxl.  "Death." says Raxl.
Quito is in the Great Hall pushing and checking panels in the wall. Raxl is and searching the room. "Oh Quito, there is no secret hiding place here. We must find the conjure doll and silver pin in order to trap that devil and return him to his eternal flame. They are the only thing that will save our Master, Quito from Jacques Eloi Des Mondes who would seek to destroy him, and all else here. I said search everywhere Quito. But you have failed. Does the devil work through you now?" she asks.   Quito shakes his head no.   Leaning against a table Raxl notices that the top is loose. She removes the statues carefully. Quito removes the lid. There is a wooden box hidden inside. Raxl lifts it up and opens it. It's empty. After she puts it back, Quito puts the lid back on the table. Raxl shakes her head then turns and walks up the staircase, Quito follows.  The Reverend walks into the Great Hall, Holly is coming in from the other direction. "Holly." Matt calls her name.  "Get lost." She turns away she reaches out and puts her hands on the back of a chair.  "We will all be lost unless you listen."  Holly turns around. "What's happened now?"  "It's what I fear will happen next. Raxl has changed almost as Jean Paul has changed. Both are talking of death!"  "And I'll be the first one to go." Holly says turning away.  "Not if I can prevent it."  "I don't believe you." Holly says.  "It doesn't matter. You will come to believe me in time. What does matter is what Dan Forrest and Alison Carr have begun to suspect."  "Suspect?" Holly asks.  "They believe that Jean Paul Desmond himself is doing all these things!" Matt tells her.  "That's not what I heard."  "Why do you suppose he invited Vangie Abbott here?" Matt asks.  "For a séance." says Holly.  "So he can contact his dead wife."  "Sure what's wrong with that? He loves her, he wants to hear her voice if he can." Holly tells him.  "And if he can't who can predict what he might do? We must all get away from this Island. Dan Forrest and I are convinced that we must all do it together."  "Well I'm not. And I told you to leave me alone. How many times do I have to tell you." Holly says rushing away from the Reverend.  "Can't you see how this house is changing everyone who sets foot in it!" Matt yells.  "Even you and the way you're acting now."  "Holly!" Matt grabs her. "Holly I feel terrible things I've never felt before. I'm ashamed of the surprising fears and pressures I can not cope with!"  Holly sees Quito on the staircase. Matt turns and looks at Quito, he releases Holly, then heads up the staircase. He stops at the top and looks at Raxl, she is standing at the top of the stairs. He then continues to his room.  Raxl walks down the steps and stops next to Quito. "We must caution everyone. Death is in the air. But who will be the first to die?" Raxl and Quito look at Jacques portrait. "You demon!" They leave the room and head to the crypt.  Holly is sitting watching them, peeking around the side of the chair. 
Quito stands at Erica's capsule silently crying. Tears are running down his face. Raxl and Vangie walk up to him. "I'm going to ask you some questions Quito, and you will answer" Raxl says to him. Quito nods.  "I will ask about earlier in the day when you fainted. The painting of the Mistress that was later destroyed. Did you uncover the painting?"  Quito nods his head then shakes it no.  "I mean the time you fainted."   Quito nods yes as he cries.  "You were not the one that uncovered it? When you saw the painting you thought it was the Mistress alive again?"  Quito has audible sobs coming from him.   "There is your answer, I told you Raxl." Vangie says.  "Open the door to the Temple Quito," says Raxl.  Still sobbing Quito does as he is told, first grabbing the torches.  "I don't understand it." Raxl says to Vangie. Vangie slowly shakes her head no.  "Is the devil now working through Quito to strengthen his hold on the Master? Oh we have many questions Conjure Woman."   "We will seek the answers." says Vangie.  Quito pushes the door open using his back. Vangie and Raxl collect a torch from Quito, then follows him into the passageway. Raxl turns to Quito. "You will remain here to make sure the Masters will is not violated." Quito steps outside the Temple. Raxl and Vangie walk to the altar.  "Above all, reveal." Raxl says as Vangie raises her hands, puts them to her head.  "When we gather with the Master to make contact with his wife from beyond." says Raxl.  Vangie lowers her hands and clasps them in front of her. "Continue Raxl."  "No, when the Master talked of the blood basin, an ancient custom of human sacrifice was it the Master who spoke or another voice?" Raxl asks walking closer to the sacrificial table.  Vangie raises her hands again. "I'm told there will be no séance."  "But there will be!" Raxl says.  "But there will be... there will be sorrow." Vangie says. She lowers her arms as Raxl lowers the torch.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 35