Strange Paradise:  Episode 32
Episode 32:  Slideshow
"Jean Paul your inference that I would harm my daughter to take her fortune for my own is insulting and in bad taste. Something I never expected from you." Elizabeth says in anger.  "Your strong defense against a simple inquiry lends credence to a simple supposition." Jacques says with a smile.  Elizabeth stands. "I've taken all I intend to take." She angrily walks away. Vangie is in the doorway.  "Leaving?" Vangie asks.  "You do have extra sensory perception Miss Abbott." Elizabeth says as she stops and tells her angrily.  Jacques gets to his feet and follows Elizabeth. "And an excellent sense of timing. Vangie you've interrupted Mrs. Marshal's dramatic exit from which there might be no return. And we do have that séance to perform, don't we?"  "Unless you prefer not to reach your wife." Vangie says to him.  "I'm not such a coward to back down from Erica or the past, or the future Mrs. Marshal. Oh yes I control my own destiny." Jacques says   Vangie lets out a scream. "The cryonics capsule, something is wrong." Vangie says.
In the crypt on Maljardin, Raxl is checking over the gauges for Erica's capsule. She turns to the capsule. "Little Mistress, there are those who want to see you sealed in this capsule forever. And there are those who want Jean Paul Desmond to be forever possessed by the devil."
Jacques puts his hands to his temple in pain. He cries out.  "Jean Paul I thought you were..." Elizabeth says to him   "Vangie you said something about the capsule. What?" Jean Paul asks turning towards Vangie.  "I had a vibration and..."  "Everyone is staring at us!" Elizabeth whispers. "These violent spasms and strange moods that come over you Jean Paul. It makes you seem like two people! What happens to you?" she whispers very upset. Then turning to Vangie. "And you?"  Jean Paul walks a couple of steps foreword. "The question is, what happens to who ever tampers with Erica's resting place? And the answer is death." he says angrily.
Raxl checks the gauges again.
Jean Paul rushes into the mansion. Looking at Vangie after he lays her suitcase down. "Quito when he comes up from the deck will show you to your room Vangie. Excuse me." Jean Paul rushes to the crypt. Elizabeth and Vangie are left standing in the Great Hall.
"Oh Msieu you're back." Raxl says rushing up to Jean Paul.  "What went wrong Raxl?"  "No one knows. There were strange hissing sounds and puffs of smoke coming from the gauges, but they all seem to be in order now." Raxl says following him to the equipment.  Jean Paul starts checking over the gauges. "Who discovered the breakdown?"   "I hesitate to tell you."  "But you will." Jean Paul says turning towards Raxl.  "Mr. Forrest."  "Dan! Why was he down here?" Jean Paul asks.  "There is some cyanide missing from the laboratory, he was searching for it or so he said."  "He said. You doubt him?" asks Jean Paul.  "All I know is Mr. Forrest doubts me and Quito, and he is continuously disputing you and all this."  "All this!" Jean Paul says angrily swinging his arm around to include the whole crypt. "Is what is preserving Erica until she can be brought back to life! Everyone questions my changes of mood. Now I must question changes in others. Where is Mr. Forrest?"  "I observed he and Doctor Carr heading for the cove."  "There's danger there too." says Jean Paul.  "But they are searching for the poison they consider more dangerous. and it is Master." Raxl says.  "There is danger hiding everywhere on Maljardin. It has a history that has plagued the family, and who will plague all who pry into my affairs!" Jean Paul says angrily.
"You seem to devise much in life Miss Abbott, why don't you tell my fortune." Elizabeth says to Vangie. "Did you bring your tarot cards?"  Vangie stands looking at Elizabeth.  "I'll pay." says Elizabeth.  "I don't require the pack to read you Mrs. Marshal." Vangie says stepping away.  "Really how then, palmistry?" Elizabeth asks showing her palm to Vangie. "I have been told I have a very interesting palm."  "Interesting, but not surprising." Vangie stands with her arms crossed.  "What is it?"  "I don't believe you would want to know." Vangie says turning away. She looks back at Elizabeth. "Leave Jean Paul Desmond alone Mrs. Marshal. His troubles are great enough."  "I think I understand. I know the same kind of grief. His wife, my husband."  "You don't understand. There are varying degrees of love. Your kind at one end and Jean Paul’s at the other."  "Oh that's what you're getting at. I know Jean Paul has to live his own life." says Elizabeth.  "No ones life is safe because of Jacques Eloi Des Mondes. There is only one way to return him to his eternal doom and save us all from his curse." Raxl says looking at Erica's capsule, she turns to Jean Paul. "The conjure doll and silver pin. Where are they?"  "I don't have them Raxl!"  "His effigy must be pierced!" Raxl shouts to Jean Paul.  "Now even you begin to doubt me. What are we coming to!" Jean Paul asks.  "I fear it will not be good, as long as evil remains free to poison to poison the air." Raxl says stepping away.  "From this moment on Raxl, Erica's capsule and all those cryonic gauges must be checked even more frequently and carefully! Jean Paul says pointing at the gauges.  "It will be done." Raxl says stepping away from Jean Paul.  "Or my will , will be done." Jean Paul threatens coming up behind Raxl.
Elizabeth turns to Vangie. "Of course I do think I find Jean Paul a frightening man. He's extraordinary." Elizabeth says walking towards Vangie carrying a drink.  "He wouldn't be one of the most powerful men in the world if he wasn't both those things." says Vangie.  "That's why he's a creature of moods." asks Elizabeth.  "We all have them." says Vangie.  "Not like he does."  "You don't impress me as a woman who frightens easily." says Vangie.  "I'm not usually."  "Do you find it a frustration?" asks Vangie.  "What?"  "To be afraid of a man who is wealthy and widowed." Vangie tells her.  Elizabeth looks at Vangie, then away. "I understand his wife was a very beautiful woman."  "And completely devoted to him." Vangie tells Elizabeth.  "Which of course explains his devotion."   "To her, yes." says Vangie.
Jean Paul is standing next to Erica's capsule. "Erica my darling, there are some people here on our Island who would destroy the process by which you will be returned to me and fill my arms again. But I promise you no one, no one under any consequences will live if he or she causes you to remain forever dead!"
"So by means of a séance you're going to help Jean Paul reach his wife?" Elizabeth asks Vangie.  "It is possible you know."  "Provided you're qualified, with the power I mean."  Vangie looks angrily at Elizabeth. "My father man was the Conjure Man. He passed his strength on to me."   "Enabling you to reach the life from beyond." says Elizabeth.  "Jean Paul believes so."  "Do you?" Elizabeth asks.  "There's no guarantee in any life except this one below." Vangie says with a smile.  "And what guarantee does it hold?"  "That death is sure to follow." says Vangie.  Elizabeth walks away. "It's inconceivable to me how anyone can subscribe to mystic beliefs."  "Your religious beliefs are based on a heritage." says Vangie.  Reverend Matt Dawson is walking down the staircase carrying his bible. "A heritage Vangie which is duly recorded." says Matt.  "In the good book I know." Vangie says walking over to the Reverend. "No miracle Reverend?"  "Oh yes, but no magic." Matt tells her.  "If this is going to develop into a sermon than I think I'll freshen up." Elizabeth says putting her drink down and starts leaving the room. "Oh by the way Reverend, have you seen my daughter since her unfortunate accident?"  "Accident on purpose is how Holly termed it." Matt says walking up to her. "I believe she's in her room."  "Sulking more than suffering I'm sure." Elizabeth says walking away.  Matt turns to Vangie. "Waiting to hear I presume."  "And you don't want to tell." Vangie says walking up to him.  "Holly fell down the stairs, claims she was pushed. Jean Paul and she are convinced it was by me."  "Is that your convention?" Vangie asks.  Matt shakes his head. "Theirs and in no uncertain terms."  Vangie stares at the Reverend, walks around him then leaves.
Raxl talks to Jean Paul. "And for your own safety and those of your dear Erica. We must watch very closely all those on Maljardin, Reverend Dawson, Dan Forrest and Elizabeth Marshal. Only the priestess of the serpent knows what is really on their minds."  Jean Paul stares at Erica's capsule while Raxl is talking. He turns away from the capsule. "I'll find out. You have said many times the worshipers of the Great Serpent subscribe to human sacrifices."  Raxl walks away from Jean Paul. "The blood basin of the altar has been dried for centuries. Since the time of Jacques Eloi Des Mondes."  "But if his evil can rise again as you fear."  "No please, Msieu no." Raxl turns to Jean Paul.  "I will do what has to be done Raxl. Nothing more, nothing less!"  Raxl signs to her God. The Serpent Staff appears then disappears. Raxl walks away. Jean Paul walks up to Erica's capsule, he grips a flower in his hand then lays it back on the capsule. Raxl is behind him watching. She shakes her head then walks from the crypt.
The Reverend is in the Great Hall when he sees Raxl. She is heading up the staircase to the bedrooms. "Raxl."  "Yes Reverend."  "I have searched all over this place, it has many rooms hasn't it?"  Raxl walks down the steps, then walks over to the Reverend. "I have never counted them."  "Perhaps there are some rooms no one even knows about." says Matt.  "If there are such rooms they are a secret to Raxl." Raxl tells him.  "Things don't just disappear into thin air." says Matt.  "The poison. I have searched all the room I know of."  "It must be hidden somewhere."  "The mysterious ways of Maljardin have confused from generation to generation." Raxl says.  "How? From some trick of black magic?" Matt asks.  "I do not know." Raxl says turning away.  "But you do know the legend. Tell me." Matt says walking up to Raxl.  "Where there is evil, there is magic. Where there is magic strange things happen, but first there must be evil." They both look at Jacques portrait. "And there is." Raxl says.  "When did this legend of Maljardin first begin?" Matt asks turning back towards Raxl.  "Before the time of Jacques Eloi Des Mondes. When this house first stood it was a palace of kings and there were many people here until this Island became his." She looks at Jacques portrait.  "Then the natives all left?" Matt asks.  "Only the greedy and foolish remained. And none that left ever returned. There is a curse here Reverend, him the devil." Raxl and Matt turn towards the portrait.  "But three hundred years is a long time to fear a man long dead." says Matt.  Raxl looks away and tells Matt. "To some of us three hundred years is but a life time."  Matt looks at Raxl. "A single what?"  "It has happened, it is happening." Raxl says with a smile. Raxl starts walking away. "I can tell you no more."  "But what of the natives left behind?"  "They died very soon, it was the curse on Maljardin. Have you ever seen a man who has lost his soul Reverend? Their eyes down, the fishermen no longer fish, the children cease to play. They do no more than sit and wait."  "For what, death. Like an epidemic."  "Of evil yes. Think what you like Reverend but since that time no native has ever tried to settle on Maljardin."  "With Jean Paul Desmond playing God they couldn't even if they wanted to." Matt says.  "Unless one travels on the wings of the Great Serpent and there is one who has the magic to come and go. Powers that are not of this earth. The Conjure Woman."  "Vangie Abbott, she has come to Maljardin."  "Where she may will be the next to die, if the Great Serpent so desires. The tarot cards told us both death will come to her on Maljardin." Raxl says to Matt.  "But the tarot cards did not say when I'll die." Vangie says from the staircase.  "All our destinies are written in the book of life." Matt says.  "Even yours Reverend and let me warn you not only by your God." Raxl says.  Vangie walks down the staircase as Matt leaves the room.
"In the crypt Jean Paul walks up to Erica's capsule. "More and more Erica my darling it seems I must fight not only the devil but those he brought here to serve his will. My love for you are my only ally. Together you and I have more power than all of them put together. We will win and we will be back together again."  Jacques voice comes to Jean Paul. "Of course you will. A family that works together lives together."  "Get out of here!" Jean Paul yells.  "Suppose we just whisper so dear Erica may sleep."  "Can't you even respect the sanctity of her resting place?" Jean Paul says angrily.  "Temporary resting place, isn't that what we call it? Until we free our darling from the darkness that surrounds her." says Jacques.  "I will free her!"  "Of course you will. We will. That's the pact we made, the pact you are going to keep. For my life I give you back your woman, remember. Remember it well! And one parting word, séances come and séances go but death goes on forever. The choice is yours. Or should I say ours."  "Erica my darling don't let the evil of that devil cause you apprehension, we will conquer..." says Jean Paul.  "Or die trying." Jacques tells him.  Jean Paul backs away from Erica's capsule and rushes up the staircase.
Vangie is walking down the stairs. Raxl is in the Great Hall "Conjure Woman, what are we going to do?" Raxl asks.  "Talk to Erica Desmond." Vangie says walking up to Raxl. "To learn if it's her wish that Jean Paul mourn her frozen body for the rest of his life."  "He will not accept that. He will fight even you." Raxl tells her.  "The fight has already begun. There will be a séance."  "What ever words come across, the Master might find peace." says Raxl.  "We might not have any words at all." says Vangie.  "The Conjure Man's power is still within you. Your father will guide the joining of hands."  "I must touch the capsule before the first attempt Raxl."  "Come." Raxl leads Vangie to the crypt. Vangie and Raxl stand in back of the capsule. Jean Paul is watching them from the shadows Vangie holds her hands out then raises them palms outward over her forehead.  "What are you doing?" Jean Paul asks walking towards them.  "Please Msieu, the Conjure Woman is trying to help." Raxl walks over to him.  Jean Paul walks over to Vangie. "Only for a séance Vangie. Erica must remain undisturbed."  Vangie lowers her hands, then touches the capsule. "And if you don't like what you learn?"  Jean Paul nods his head. "I'll face that when the time comes, and you." he says angrily then leaves the crypt.  Raxl walks up to stand behind Vangie, she crosses her arms. Vangie again raises her arms, then places her finger against her forehead with her palms facing outward.
Jean Paul rushes into the Great Hall. He turns around looking around the room. "Question Jean Paul." Jacques asks him.  "I'm the one to ask the questions." Jean Paul tells him.  "Belligerent, aren't you."  "Why can't you stop turning people against me! You must stop it!"  "Blowing the whistle on me is that it? Think Erica will hear it? The whistle I mean."  "Leave her out of this!" Jean Paul tells Jacques.  "She's so much a part of us. Do you think it's chilly for her where she lies?"  "Stop it!" Jean Paul yells.  "As you wish, but there go the chances for dear sweet Erica to ever warm up again."  "If it's the last thing I do I'll free myself from the fight to possess me."  "We're merely sparring now, when we really get into the battle someone has to die."  "Perhaps it will be you." Jean Paul tells him.  "Or you Jean Paul Desmond. Or will you be preceded by one of our guests, now let me see a likely candidate could be..." Jacques laughs without finishing the sentence.  Jean Paul turns away angrily.
Summaries written by Debby Graham .  The slide presentation is the work of Ron Janick.
Episode 33